Doping für die Indizes: ISM SERVICES INDEX 58.7 o.T.

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Seth Gecko:

Doping für die Indizes: ISM SERVICES INDEX 58.7 o.T.

05.03.02 16:10
Seth Gecko:

Für meinen Geschmack fast ein bißchen "zu hoch",

05.03.02 16:26
die 58,7. Diesen steilen "Rebound" könnten einige schon wieder als Indiz für einen double-dip interpretieren. Das wäre aber die pessimistische Betrachtung. Obektiv ist es natürlich ein gutes Zeichen, gerade wenn der Indikator für die Dienstleistungen, welche ja einen maßgeblichen Anteil an der Konjunktur der USa haben, so stark ansteigt.
Hier noch der komplette Text:

Feb. ISM services index jumps to 58.7% By Rex Nutting
Business activity in the non-manufacturing sector quickened in February, according to the index released by the Institute for Supply Management on Tuesday. The February index rose to 58.7% from 49.6% in January. It's the highest level since November 2000. The ISM non-manufacturing index does not have the track record for predicting economic activity that the ISM manufacturing index does. Nevertheless, the stock market and bond markets turned around on the bullish news. New orders, exports and imports rose, while inventories increased for the first time in 16 months. "February's Index is a large increase over the November-January range and may represent a breakout of the non-manufacturing economy into continued growth in the coming months," said ISM's Ralph Kauffman.
Seth Gecko:

wer's genau wissen will:

05.03.02 16:31
TEMPE, Ariz. (CBS.MW) -- Business activity in the non-manufacturing sector quickened in February, according to the index released by the Institute for Supply Management on Tuesday.

The February index rose to 58.7 percent from 49.6 percent in January. It's the highest level since November 2000.

New orders rose to 57.3 percent from 49.4 percent, while inventories rose above 50 percent for the first time in 16 months, hitting 51.5 percent.

The employment index fell to 43.6 percent from 44.5 percent. None of the 17 sectors reported hiring in February.

As in the manufacturing survey, readings over 50 percent represent expansion of activity. The ISM non-manufacturing index had been below 50 for eight of the past 10 months.

The ISM non-manufacturing index does not have the track record for predicting economic activity that the ISM manufacturing index does. Nevertheless, the stock market and bond markets turned around on the bullish news.

"February's index is a large increase over the November-January range and may represent a breakout of the non-manufacturing economy into continued growth in the coming months," said Ralph Kauffman, who heads the ISM's survey committee.
Seth Gecko:

Eigentlich nur gute Nachrichten. Wenn's heute

05.03.02 16:40
nicht kräftig aufwärts gehen sollte, liegt das wohl nur daran, daß
a) die Börsianer gesättigt sind, was gute Konjunkturdaten angeht,
b) das beige-book abgewartet wird und vor allem
c) heute mal Gewinnmitnahmen gemacht werden müssen und eine technische Gegenreaktion auf die Anstiege der letzten Tage zu "verdauen".

Der einzige oben aufgeführte Indikator, der gefallen ist, ist der Arbeitsmarkt-Index. Aber auch das ist kein schlechtes Zeichen, schließlich hinken Arbeitsmarktdaten immer mehrere Monate hinterher.

cu, seth
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