$$ Die Zweite Vinoble Inc. $$

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Zugriffe: 4.249 / Heute: 1
PANGEA PETRO. kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar

$$ Die Zweite Vinoble Inc. $$

10.07.06 07:12
Pangea Petroleum Corporation
WKN: 934507
US-Kürzel: PAPO
Firmen-HP:  www.pangeapetroleum.com

Totalverlust möglich. Dies stellt keine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung dar, sondern spiegelt nur meine Meinung wieder. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko.

Nachdem man mit meinem Vinoble Inc.-Hinweis
( http://www.ariva.de/board/261084?secu=297030  ) über 100 % innerhalb weniger Tage realisieren konnte, möchte ich euch einen weiteren Ölplay vorstellen. Es ist ein alter Bekannter.

Es handelt sich um Pangea Petroleum Corporation

Pangea Petroleum Corporation ist ein Öl- und Gasexplorer, welcher unmittelbar vor einer heftigen Detonation stehen dürfte.

Grund hierfür sind die vielen Parallelen von Pangea P. zu Vinoble.

Für alle, die bei Vinoble nicht dabei waren, ergibt sich hier die zweite Chance!

Wie war es bei Vinoble Inc?

- Vinoble verkündete ein Bohrvorhaben, welches auf große Ölvorkommen hoffen lies.
- Das Handelsaufkommen stieg daraufhin stetig.
- Alleine die theoretische Möglichkeit auf reiche Ölvorkommen erzeugte eine riesige Kursfantasie
- Obwohl noch keine Ergebnisse vorliegen sind schon heftige Kursaufschwünge zu verzeichnen! Seit Bekanntgabe schon ca. 200 %

Und genau dieses Szenario kann man fast komplett auf Pangea Petroleum übertragen. Fast! Pangea hat noch keine 200 % Kursaufschlag verzeichnet. Noch... :)

Hier die Parallelen:

- Wie auch Vinoble verkündete Pangea Petroleum mehrere Bohrvorhaben. Im Filling ist von mehreren Projekte zu lesen:


Ich habe mir mal die meiner Meinung nach interessantesten Projekte "herausgepickt":

HENDERSON COUNTY, TEXAS is an 11,500' test in the Rodessa and Pettit with a secondary objective in the Upper Travis Peak. The first well has the potential for an additional well in the fault trap and, if successful, will lead to drilling in four additional analogous fault blocks on the leased acreage. Pangea has a 2% working interest and 1.54% net interest in the first well. It is currently expected that the drilling will proceed in the third quarter of 2006.

WHARTON COUNTY, TEXAS is a 5300' test of Frio amplitude anomalies identified in 3D seismic survey data. The prospect is in an area with extensive Frio production and has the potential for Miocene and Yegua production as well. The primary objective covers an estimated 400 acres and, if successful, will lead to five to six additional drilling locations. Pangea has a 3% drilling interest and a 2.25% working interest in the prospect, which is expected to be drilled in the third quarter of 2006.

Man sieht dass Pangea P. im Falle einer erfolgreichen Bohrung zusätzliche Quellen errichten möchte!

Das Wichtigste jedoch ist der Schlussatz des jeweiligen Projekts. Beide Projekte beginnen im dritten Quartal! Und das dritte Quartal hat soeben begonnen!

Nachtigal , ich hör Dir trapsen !!!

Genau wie bei Vinoble steigt nun das Volumen sowie auch der Kurs!!  

07/07/2006 0.0285 10,878,010
07/06/2006 0.026 1,098,500
07/05/2006 0.021 397,500
07/03/2006 0.021 180,700

Die Bodenbildung ist ebenfalls abgeschlossen.

Wie bereits gesagt. Es passt wie die Faust auf´s Auge.

- Bohrvorhaben wird bekanntgegeben - wie bei Vinoble Inc.
- Handelsaufkommen steigt stetig - wie bei Vinoble Inc.
- Riesige Kursfantasie aufgrund möglicher Rohstoffvorkommen - wie bei Vinoble Inc.
- Obwohl noch keine Ergebnisse vorliegen beginnt der Kurs zu steigen!

Es gibt nur einen Unterschied zwischen Vinoble und Pangea Petroleum. Pangea Petroleum hat noch keine 200 % Kursgewinn verzeichnet...
$$ Die Zweite Vinoble Inc. $$ 46289
50 Beiträge ausgeblendet.
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01.08.06 19:49
da seh ich die billigsten stücke zu 0,05€ im orderbuch stehen....

greetz.. snowy
$$ Die Zweite Vinoble Inc. $$ 2706125home.arcor.de/acidchild/images/saint.gif" style="max-width:560px" >
Jan Langenba.:

Oh ja stimmt

01.08.06 19:52
ich habe auch nur gerade den aktuellen Kurs hier bei Ariva gesehen.
Jan Langenba.:

Jetzt 0,028 ;) o. T.

01.08.06 19:52
Jan Langenba.:

Man könnte aber versuchen zu 0,021€

01.08.06 19:54
ein paar Stücke zu bekommen
Jan Langenba.:

Was machen die Amis denn

01.08.06 20:27
Die gehen mir mal voll auf den Kecks!
Erst sind sie 46% im Plus und dann lassen sie die Aktie wie eine heiße Kartoffel fallen. Jetzt sind wir wieder beim Anfang.
Man das zerrt an den Nerven... hatte mich schon so gefreut..
Jan Langenba.:


01.08.06 20:28
damit es auch alle glauben, der Kurs:





Die Amis, die Schweine!!!
Jan Langenba.:

Nicht das die Amis mein Posting #55 gelesen haben ;) o. T.

01.08.06 20:32
#55 gelesen haben ;) o. T.">

Ja da schau her!

01.08.06 20:35
Jan Langenba.:

Ha die Amis haben meinen Zorn erhört

01.08.06 21:16
sie kommen wieder..




Der Ceo kaufte 989955 Aktien!!

02.08.06 08:32
Warum wohl?

Der weiß mehr ! Davon bin ich überzeugt.  
Jan Langenba.:


02.08.06 08:54
wer oder was ist der ceo


02.08.06 08:57
Der Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ist im englischsprachigen Raum die Bezeichnung für einen alleinigen Geschäftsführer, Vorstandsvorsitzenden oder Generaldirektor
Jan Langenba.:

aso alles klar.

02.08.06 08:59
mir war die Abkürzung noch nicht bekannt
Jan Langenba.:

Herlich 61,54% im Plus ;) o. T.

02.08.06 09:07

Auch der Präsident kaufte sich ein!

02.08.06 09:11
Ebenfalls letzte Woche!


Da muss was Grösseres kommen.

Frankfurter Spread ist ja absolut unrealistisch o. T.

02.08.06 09:19

Wer ist eigentlich alles an Bord? o. T.

02.08.06 09:20

da sind wa dabei...

02.08.06 10:52
dat is pri hi ma... ;-))
Jan Langenba.:

Scheint so als würde sichda wieder wa tun

09.08.06 17:04
Hoher Kurs bei geringem Volumen.
Mal schauen wie sich das heute entwickelt??
Jan Langenba.:

Neue News zu Pangea

15.08.06 16:02
Mal sehen was die Amis daraus heute machen...

vielleicht guíbt es ja wieder einen kleinen run

Pangea Petroleum Announces Production from Colorado County, Texas Well

2006-08-15 09:00 ET - News Release

HOUSTON -- (Business Wire) -- Aug. 15, 2006

    Pangea Petroleum Corporation (OTCBB:PAPO) announced
today results from its recent well in Colorado County, Texas. This
project is a 9800' Wilcox well. The well was completed in early August
and is producing at a rate of 220 MCFD and 10 BOPD from the current
interval. Pangea has a 1.5% working interest and a 1.125% net interest
in the prospect.
    "This well is the second well in the area and has two additional
Wilcox zones and two Yegua zones remaining to be to completed at a
later date," notes Charles Pollock, CEO of Pangea. "This is our second
successful completion interest in the last month. This will enhance
our revenue and we hope to follow this with additional successful new
completions from our drilling in the next quarter."
    Pangea Petroleum Corporation (www.pangeapetroleum.com) is a
Texas-based independent diversified crude oil and natural gas
exploration and production company. Pangea's primary focus is to
explore for, produce and sell oil and natural gas by establishing
production reserves through exploration and acquisitions. Pangea's
niche or specialty is the small or moderate operations that do not fit
the strategy of the larger oil and gas producers, but are
none-the-less contributors to the US energy supply.
    Special Note: Management believes certain statements in this press
release may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the
meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These
statements are made on the basis of management's views and assumptions
regarding future events and business performance as of the time the
statements are made. Actual results may differ materially from those
expressed or implied. Such differences may result from actions taken
by the company prior to its current fiscal year end, as well as from
developments beyond the company's control, including changes in global
economic conditions that may, among other things, affect the company's
performance anticipated acquisitions or future business. In addition,
changes in domestic competitive and economic conditions may also
affect performance of all significant company businesses.

Pangea Petroleum Corporation, Houston
Charles B. Pollock, 713-706-6350

Der Ceo hat wieder zugeschlagen

25.08.06 11:42
Insiderkauf am 16.August

Jan Langenba.:

Heute News zu Pangea

10.10.06 18:04

Pangea Petroleum Reduces Shares Outstanding

2006-10-10 09:00 ET - News Release

HOUSTON -- (Business Wire)

Pangea Petroleum Corporation (OTCBB:PAPO) announced that it has cancelled 11,653,998 common shares or approximately 4% of the shares outstanding. These shares were part of the shares included in the stock issuances for the year ended December 31, 2001 under a Securities Purchase Agreement whereby the Company issued 16,149,998 shares of restricted common stock to an escrow agent for the benefit of four investor groups in exchange for $1,300,000 in cash.

As mentioned in prior filings, including the 10-KSB for the periods ended December 31, 2004 and 2005, 14,049,998 warrants would expire in early 2006. The 11,653,998 shares of Pangea’s common stock were held by an escrow agent to be used if the warrants were exercised. The expiration date for the warrants expired, thus, the 11,653,998 shares were returned by the escrow agent on September 16, 2006. These shares were cancelled by the stock transfer agent soon thereafter. As of September 30, 2006, Pangea had 279,929,804 shares outstanding.

Pangea Petroleum Corporation (www.pangeapetroleum.com) is a Texas-based independent diversified crude oil and natural gas exploration and production company. Pangea’s primary focus is to explore for, produce and sell oil and natural gas by establishing production reserves through exploration and acquisitions. Pangea’s niche or specialty is the small or moderate operations that do not fit the strategy of the larger oil and gas producers, but are none-the-less contributors to the US energy supply.

Special Note: Management believes certain statements in this press release may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are made on the basis of management's views and assumptions regarding future events and business performance as of the time the statements are made. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied. Such differences may result from actions taken by the company prior to its current fiscal year end, as well as from developments beyond the company's control, including changes in global economic conditions that may, among other things, affect the company's performance anticipated acquisitions or future business. In addition, changes in domestic competitive and economic conditions may also affect performance of all significant company businesses.


Pangea Petroleum Corporation, Houston
Charles B. Pollock, 713-706-6350

Source: Pangea Petroleum Corporation


25.10.06 15:12
Jan Langenba.:

Hier die News zum lesen

25.10.06 15:51

Pangea Petroleum Announces Production from White County, Illinois Well

2006-10-25 09:00 ET - News Release

HOUSTON -- (Business Wire)

Pangea Petroleum Corporation (OTCBB:PAPO) announced today results from its drilling in White County, Illinois. The well was drilled and completed in August and produced at an initial pumping rate of 25 BOPD from the Warsaw zone. The average stabilized production rate, after the first month, has been 14 BOPD. Pangea has a 2.25% working interest, a 1.8% net interest in the prospect.

“At current oil prices, this well will contribute nicely to Pangea monthly revenue. Based on the Warsaw wells in the surrounding area, this well should produce between 40,000 and 50,000 barrels over the life of the well, which means we can expect it to produce on pump for the next 8 to 10 years,” notes Mark Weller, President of Pangea. “This lease also has at least two additional drilling locations that are being assessed for drilling in the next few months.”

Pangea Petroleum Corporation (www.pangeapetroleum.com) is a Texas-based independent diversified crude oil and natural gas exploration and production company. Pangea’s primary focus is to explore for, produce and sell oil and natural gas by establishing production reserves through exploration and acquisitions. Pangea’s niche or specialty is the small or moderate operations that do not fit the strategy of the larger oil and gas producers, but are none-the-less contributors to the US energy supply.

Special Note: Management believes certain statements in this press release may constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are made on the basis of management's views and assumptions regarding future events and business performance as of the time the statements are made. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied. Such differences may result from actions taken by the company prior to its current fiscal year end, as well as from developments beyond the company's control, including changes in global economic conditions that may, among other things, affect the company's performance anticipated acquisitions or future business. In addition, changes in domestic competitive and economic conditions may also affect performance of all significant company businesses.


Pangea Petroleum Corporation
Charles B. Pollock, 713-706-6350

Source: Pangea Petroleum Corporation

Jan Langenba.:

kann mir einer mal erklären

25.10.06 15:54
ob die 40.000 - 50.000 Barrel pro Monat, Jahr oder in den nächsten 8 - 10 Jahren produzieren?
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