Deutsche Bank USA veranstaltete am 19. März eine "virtuelle" Investorenkonferenz.
U.a. gab BG Group IR-Chef Barry dieses zum Stand der Dinge in Australien preis:
"Australia, where from entering the country in 2006 -- 2008, sorry, we now expect to be exporting LNG in 2014, just 6 years later.
The Queensland Curtis LNG project actually represents the integration of 4 parallel projects. It starts with the off-stream development with initially 2,000 wells and gas and water treatment facilities in the Surat Basin.
To quantify our progress so far, we have drilled around 1,160 wells through the end of 2012 out of the 2,000 required. Secondly, we have 400 -- 540 kilometers of main pipelines connecting the gas fields to Curtis Island.
On the coast, a 2-train LNG plant is being built by Bechtel on Curtis Island with capacity of 8.5 million tonnes in the first phase. And finally, market development, which has so far secured 10 million tonnes per annum of LNG sales into high-value Asia Pacific markets: Japan, China and Singapore."