Beiträge: 3
Zugriffe: 349 / Heute: 1


04.12.01 07:36
US-Regierung fürchtet neuen Anschlag - höchste Alarmbereitschaft
WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - Die US-Regierung hat zum dritten Mal seit den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September vor möglichen neuen Terroranschlägen gewarnt. Der Umfang und die Natur der Drohungen, die US-Behörden in aller Welt auffingen und analysierten, habe ein Niveau erreicht, das die neue Warnung nötig mache, sagte der Chef der Behörde für Heimatschutz, Tom Ridge, am Montag im Weißen Haus. Die Warnung basiere auf "glaubhaften" Drohungen. Nähere Angaben machte Ridge nicht.

Mit der Warnung werden 18.000 Polizisten im ganzen Land in höchste Alarmbereitschaft versetzt. Ridge forderte die Menschen in den USA auf, besonders wachsam zu sein und ungewöhnliche Vorkommnisse sofort zu melden. Je mehr Zeit seit den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September verstreiche, desto mehr ließe die Wachsamkeit nach, sagte Ridge. "Das können wir uns nicht leisten."

Ob mit den beiden vorangegangenen Terrorwarnungen geplante Attacken abgewendet wurden, ist nicht bekannt. Beobachter kritisierten die wenig spezifis chen Warnungen, weil sie lediglich Angst schürten./oe/DP/tw



04.12.01 07:48
Attacks make public data secret

WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 (UPI) -- In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the government has aggressively scrubbed Web sites and eliminated public reports in an effort to keep previously public data out of the hands of terrorists.

But the uncoordinated decisions to pull data are being made on an ad-hoc basis without much regard for the benefits of making some information public in the first place, government watchdogs said.

"It is a clumsy effort made on an ad-hoc basis," Reece Rushing, a policy analyst at the government watchdog OMB Watch said.

"There has not been any guidance on what goes up and what stays down ... and no public dialogue," Rushing said.

Since Sept. 11, the Environmental Protection Agency has removed "Risk Management Plan" data from its Web site. The data, collected under the Clean Air Act, are designed to let citizens know what chemicals are used in nearby plants and how to respond to an emergency because of a release.

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry eliminated a report from its Web site on the relative security of chemical facilities and the Federal Aviation Administration has stripped tools from its Web site that allow users to download databases on accidents and pilot training and maintenance schools.

States have followed suit. New Jersey stripped information from its Web site on chemicals stored at some 30,000 private sector facilities and Florida is withholding data on crop dusters.

OMB Watch compiles an ongoing list that reflects the trend.

The effort reflects continued actions by the government to prevent U.S. freedoms from being used as tools to attack the United States.

Attorney General John Ashcroft signaled a shift by clamping down on the release of information through the Freedom of Information Act -- a leading and powerful tool to request information from the government.

In an Oct. 12 memo from Ashcroft to the heads of all federal agencies, Ashcroft warned the agencies to be careful considering future FOIA requests and that Justice Department lawyers will defend decisions not to release information to the public.

"When you carefully consider FOIA requests and decide to withhold records, in whole or in part, you can be assured that the Department of Justice will defend your decisions unless they lack a sound legal basis or present an unwarranted risk of adverse impact on the ability of other agencies to protect other important records."

That order reverses a memo signed by former Attorney General Janet Reno in 1993, ordering federal agencies to release as much information under FOIA law as possible.


Copyright 2001 by United Press International.

All rights reserved.


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04.12.01 09:36
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