917594 Upgrade warum

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917594 Upgrade warum

14.02.00 10:49
Weiß jemand warum der Kurs so einbricht ?

Oh Scheisse, Preisfuchs Du bist doch Upgradler, hast Du Infos? o.T.

14.02.00 10:55

Re: 917594 Upgrade warum

14.02.00 11:16
Es gab einen ziemlich miesen Artikel in den USA im Barrons.

Re: 917594 Upgrade warum

14.02.00 11:22
Hi Brokerpete,

hast Du den Link ?

Ich kaufe jetzt nach !! o.T.

14.02.00 11:39

Würde jetzt auch nachkaufen wenn ich noch Geld dafür hätte. (oT)

14.02.00 11:53

Gegendarstellung von Upgrade

14.02.00 12:01
Hallo an alle,

hier der Kommentar der Firma, die UPGD an den OTCbb gebracht hat (aus RB-Board):

"By: leibniz
Reply To: None Monday, 14 Feb 2000 at 5:07 AM EST
Post # of 1943

statement of upgrade!!!!!
(to be exact, of the company brought them at the otcbb)

Dear Upgrade International Shareholders:

As many of you know, Barron’s magazine published, this past weekend, an article unfavorable to Upgrade. As soon as I read the article, I called Upgrade and spoke with Daniel Bland, the CEO, about the article and discussed how we best respond. The Company will soon have its own response and will work with its public relations agency in so doing. In the meanwhile, I wanted to get a quick letter out to all of the clients of IFC who have invested in Upgrade and provide you with my assessment of the situation.

First, the reporter who wrote the Barron’s article did no investigating of the underlying technology at UltraCard which provides the basis for the value in Upgrade. Moreover, the author of the article chose not to interview any other of the key individuals related to Upgrade and its subsidiaries, and specifically, Ron Erickson (Board Director of Upgrade), Dan Kehoe (President of UltraCard), Andy Seybold (Board Director at UltraCard), John French (President of Centurion Technologies), and David Zucker (President of Efornet Corporation). Instead, the article focuses on half-truths and innuendo and tries to raise doubt about the Company and its value through the use of these underhanded tactics. Historically, Barron’s has had a tendency to write negative articles that support those who benefit by seeing a stock drop in value. This article is no exception.

Regarding the main points of the article, our investigation has found the following:

The filings with the SEC are in draft form and are awaiting the finalization of the audits of the Company and its subsidiaries before they can be filed. In conversations with the Company and its lawyers, I have found them to be working as diligently as possible to make the required filings. Those filings will also provide the opportunity for the stock you purchased to be registered. The Company plans to have its stock trading on NASDAQ within the near future as well. The Barron’s reporter suggests that there must be something amiss because the Company has not filed with the SEC. That filing is not legally required until May of this year. The Company intends to file long before that date.

Daniel Bland’s work with the biotechnology company, Empyrean, was, in all respects, above reproach. He was contacted by the Barron’s reporter late Friday afternoon literally minutes prior to her go-to press deadline, by her own admission. Her information regarding Mr. Bland’s involvement in Empyrean was obtained from a newspaper article written by a Vancouver reporter five years ago with a known history of writing negatively biased stories about Vancouver Stock Exchange companies, intentionally. Mr. Bland provided her with the facts regarding the article and encouraged the reporter to investigate those facts herself. Notwithstanding Mr. Bland’s detailed clarifications and suggestion to discuss the UltraCard technology, the reporter from Barron’s took quotations out of context and did not investigate or cross-reference the facts. Had she done so, the premise of her story, that was largely already written for her five years ago, would be reduced to a hollow attack that is completely devoid of fact. Which of course it is.

Finally, the reporter insinuates that there was something amiss in the relationship between Infusion and Upgrade. Infusion did some investment banking work for Upgrade early in the Company’s history. At that stage of its development, the Company was short on cash and paid Infusion with stock. Infusion did not write a research report that caused the stock to climb. In fact, the stock of Upgrade remained essentially unchanged for a year after its work for Upgrade.

In every case, the Barron’s reporter takes a small piece of unsubstantiated, second-hand information and twists it for her purposes in order to write a tantalizing story which suggests that Upgrade is overvalued. Those of us who have spent considerable time with the Company and investigated the technology know how false and unfair the story is. As the guru of wireless communications, Andy Seybold, has stated categorically on many occasions, the UltraCard technology is indeed, “Revolutionary.” Finally, we hold the view that the pending strategic partnerships that the company is finalizing are going to prove the substantial value that the current management is creating for the company’s shareholders.

At IFC, we are thrilled to be Upgrade shareholders and thrilled that you, our clients have had the opportunity to invest in this existing Company. We expect great things from the Company and its technology in the future. If the Barron’s article causes some people to sell their Upgrade stock and the price drops, it will be a buying opportunity for those of us who believe in the Company. Remember if there are more buyers than sellers in the marketplace the stock price will stay the same or it will go up in value. There are no insignificant buy orders regardless of size that will be placed over the next few days.


Greg Taylor"


Leute verliert nicht die nerven !

14.02.00 14:53
mich hat die nachricht nach hause geordert, da bei mir sehr viel geld in upgrade und deren traum der ultracard steckt.
ich warte nun bis 4 p.m und entscheide wie ich meine strategie führe.
commerce one verkaufen, upgrade nachkaufen etc.
der bericht von barrons darf man nicht zu persönlich werten. siehe amazon.

Zu früh

14.02.00 15:03
Ich Depp!! Heute Mittag dachte ich, daß ich mir jetzt doch noch ein paar
Upgrade-Aktien zum Schnäppchenpreis von 47 Euro angeln kann und jetzt sinken
die Teile munter weiter bis auf 40 Euro.....
Preisfuchs, halte mich ab 4 p.m. bitte auf dem Laufenden....

Carola F.:

Re: Was...

14.02.00 15:11
machen die eigentlich genau?
Ich brauche mehr Infos

Re: 917594 Upgrade warum

14.02.00 15:27
such mal unter Upgrade dann weißt Du was die machen

bid 25 /ask 25 - das sieht nicht gut aus...... o.T.

14.02.00 15:41

Re: Upgrade warum ?

14.02.00 17:08
Hätte nie gedacht das eine Bewertung diese Folge hat.

Bin heute für 35,30 DM rein und glaube an Erholung.

- 50% sind schon hart.

Gruß HIP  
Carola F.:


14.02.00 17:34
Shares of Upgrade International Are
               Overvalued, Barron's Says
               By Josh Fineman

               Seattle, Feb. 13 (Bloomberg -- Shares of Upgrade
               International Corp., a developer of card-based data storage,
               are overvalued as the company won't have a product out until maybe
               the first quarter of next year, Barron's reported. Daniel Bland,
               president of Upgrade International, has also admitted that when he
               was president in the early to mid-1990s of Empyrean Diagnostics, a
               Vancouver-based company that was developing a test kit for AIDS,
               that claims the company made about receiving large orders for the
               kits were false. Bland said that the false claims at Empyrean were
               ``technical violations, if you will,'' Barron's said.

               In November, Upgrade said it signed an exclusive license to
               use Ampex Corp.'s technology on magnetic cards such as credit

               (Barron's 2/14 23)
               (For the Web site of Barron's, type BARR .)  

die lage ist nun brenzlich und das management von upgrade ist nu.

14.02.00 17:35
zum nachkaufen, bin ich derzeit nicht bereit. ich hoffe die seifenblase zerplatzt nicht und das unternehmen schlägt positiv zurück was eine schnelle erholung bedeuten sollte.
schon seit längeren beschäftige ich mich was wohl passiert, wenn kjd die upgrade aktien auf den markt schmeist. doch das ein barrons bericht den kurs derartig beutelt, hätte ich nicht für möglich gehalten. nun ich habe schon mehrere kursstürze erlebt und dieser wird mich auch nicht strecken.
wie gesagt, wenn es am dunkelsten wird erleuchten die sterne.


Upgrade kommt wieder fett!!!!

14.02.00 17:59
hi preisfuchs

der barrons artikel ist eine grosse schweinerei, die dummer, ungefickte schlampe namens rhonda sollte vom gesamten maennlichen ariva-board mal richtig von hinten...sie hat es nicht anders verdient!

es gehen geruechte um dass der artikel bewusst geschrieben wurde um die vielen short positionen zu füllen! das waere ein ding fuer die SEC und den staatsanwalt!

UPGD ist intern an einer erklaerung dran die noch heute oder sonst morgen vor market-eröffnung rauskommen soll und klar stellung nimmt zu dem bullshit von barrons. dazu kommt die news bzgl. fully reporting und nasdaq listing sehr bald und auch 1-2 grosse deals stehen bevor! ich habe keine sorge dass UPGD wieder auf die 70-100 zugehen, ob nun schon im märz oder erst im august..oder ende des jahres...who cares! die story stimmt, viele aktien sind in festen händen, die feiglinge und weak hands sind ab heute draussen!

also, abwarten ist angesagt!



14.02.00 18:07
solche worte aus deinem mund. nicht ärgen, positiv sehen auch wenn es eine menge geld ist. wie gesagt das wird schon wieder. der kurs fängt schon langsam an sich zu drehen.


Ich habe heute für 35 Euro gekauft! o.T.

14.02.00 18:37

In Ami Land geht es schon wieder leicht aufwärts, obwohl m.E. not Top N.

14.02.00 20:09
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