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Mittwoch, 08.06.2016 22:10 von GlobeNewswire | Aufrufe: 145

Minerals Technologies, Sun Paper and Tsinghua University Form One of Six New EcoPartnerships Announced in Beijing During Recent U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue

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EcoPartnership Aimed at Reducing Pollution Through Minerals Technologies' NewYield(TM) Integrated Process Technology

NEW YORK, June 8, 2016--Minerals Technologies Inc. (NYSE: MTX) announced today that it has formed a partnership with the Sun Paper Group and Tsinghua University's School of Environment to pilot innovation with its NewYield(TM) process technology aimed at reducing soil and ground water pollution by converting a waste stream from the papermaking process into a useable filler pigment for paper. The announcement was made on June 6 in Beijing during the China-U.S. Climate Leaders Summit held in conjunction with the eighth annual U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue. The partnership signing, sponsored by the U.S. State Department and China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), was witnessed by John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State, and Yang Jiechi, China State Councilor.

"We are very pleased to partner with two of China's leading institutions--Sun Paper and Tsinghua University--to help reduce the impact on the environment through our NewYield(TM) process technology that eliminates the cost of disposal and remediation of certain papermaking waste streams," said Joseph C. Muscari, chairman and chief executive officer. "With the leadership of Sun Paper, with which we have an operating NewYield(TM) facility, and Tsinghua University, as well as the support of China's NDRC, we expect increased interest in this technology in China."

The U.S.-China EcoPartnership program was established in 2008 to help address environmental challenges shared by both the U.S. and China. The program was created to highlight U.S.-China environmental cooperation pilot projects.

Through their new EcoPartnership, Minerals Technologies, Sun Paper and Tsinghua University will demonstrate the capability to repurpose essentially 100 percent of the lime mud waste stream generated in the papermaking process, providing a roadmap for the Chinese pulp and paper industry to reduce the adverse impact on soil and groundwater. The partnership will work to pilot the new technology, innovate ways to localize the technology to China, evaluate the results of the technology deployment, recommend policy and regulatory action, and assess the steps necessary to drive change throughout the Chinese pulp and paper industry.

In addition to NewYield(TM), Minerals Technologies also exhibited three additional families of technologies aimed at reducing environmental impact at the two-day Climate Leaders Summit. These included solutions for containment and remediation of pollutants, eco-friendly buildings, and enhancement of crop yields. The company provides a variety of technologies such as geosynthetic clay linings, groundwater treatment, solidification and stabilization, and sediment remediation for commercial, industrial and infrastructure construction. The company's technologies for eco-friendly buildings include green roof systems, geothermal drilling solutions and advanced waterproofing. Minerals Technologies also exhibited its Enersol(TM) crop enhancement product line, which improves plant health, soil bioavailability and crop yield.

New York-based Minerals Technologies Inc. is a resource and technology based growth company that develops, produces and markets worldwide a broad range of specialty mineral, mineral based and synthetic mineral products and related systems and services. MTI serves the paper, foundry, steel, construction, environmental, energy, polymer and consumer products industries. The company reported sales of $1.798 billion in 2015.

For further information about Minerals Technologies Inc. look on the internet at http://www.mineralstech.com/


Rick B. Honey
(212) 878-1831


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Paul J. Donnelly
(212) 878-1840

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Source: Minerals Technologies Inc via Globenewswire


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