Eine Investition in die Zukunft ist IMMER eine Investition in das Ungewisse. Je mehr man weiß, um so mehr öffnet sich das Ungewisse. Wissen gibt Einblick in die Zukunft und während wir uns Wissen aneignen, wird das Ungewisse zur Gegenwart und stellt uns vor die Frage, ob wir das so gewollt haben. Aber dann MÜSSEN wir damit leben!
Jeder- auch der Investor.
Mehr zu diesem Unternehmen:
An investment into future ALLWAYS means an investment into the unknown. The more you know, the more the unknown opens itself to you. Knowledge provides us an insight of future and while we are collecting knowledge, the unknown grows presence and it will ask ourselves if we´ve wanted this. But from this point of time on we HAVE to live with it!
Everyone- the investor included.
Some further informations about this company (unfortunately not in english but maybe in the future):
Jeder- auch der Investor.
Mehr zu diesem Unternehmen:
An investment into future ALLWAYS means an investment into the unknown. The more you know, the more the unknown opens itself to you. Knowledge provides us an insight of future and while we are collecting knowledge, the unknown grows presence and it will ask ourselves if we´ve wanted this. But from this point of time on we HAVE to live with it!
Everyone- the investor included.
Some further informations about this company (unfortunately not in english but maybe in the future):