Wieder der Hammer pur! Great West Gold

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Wieder der Hammer pur! Great West Gold

03.03.05 16:21
Great West Gold, Inc. Reports on Regulation SHO Threshold Security List
Thursday March 3, 8:00 am ET
Company Comments on Short Positions on Its Stock

NEW YORK, NY--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 3, 2005 -- Great West Gold, Inc. (OTC BB:GWGO.OB - News) announces that its shares of Common Stock are shown on the 'Regulation SHO Threshold Security List' clearly demonstrating the attention regulatory agencies are focusing on the 'Naked Trading' of securities. The 'threshold security list' is a list of any equity security of any issuer that is registered under Section 12 of the Exchange Act, or that is required to file reports under Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act (commonly referred to as reporting securities), where, for five consecutive settlement days (1) There are aggregate fails to deliver at a registered clearing agency of 10,000 shares or more per security; (2) The level of fails is equal to at least one-half of one percent of the issuer's total shares outstanding; and (3) The security is included on a list published by a self-regulatory organization (SRO). The list of all corporations on the watch list can be found at www.nasdaqtrader.com/aspx/regsho.aspx. Mr. Michael G. Saner, CEO of Great West Gold, Inc., stated the Company is pleased that Regulation SHO is now effective. The added emphasis and focus of regulatory agencies upon this questionable activity should help extinguish Naked Shorting and protect investor values and restore confidence in the value of the company's shares.
Wieder der Hammer pur! Great West Gold 5589

Realtime +40%

03.03.05 16:30

Dividenenzahlung an alle die

03.03.05 16:36
am 17.03.2005 Aktien von Great West Gold halten!!! 25% der gehaltenen Aktien!

Great West Gold, Inc. Declares a Stock Dividend
Wednesday March 2, 12:47 pm ET
Company Declares a 25% Stock Dividend to Reward Its Shareholders

NEW YORK, NY--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 2, 2005 -- Great West Gold, Inc. (OTC BB:GWGO.OB - News) announces that the Company has authorized a 25% (twenty five percent) dividend of the Company's common stock for its shareholders of record as of Thursday, March 17, 2005. The Stock Dividend Pay Date to shareholders will be shortly after that date.

With this, the Company wishes to thank all its shareholders for supporting the Company's efforts in the development of the Company's mining properties in North America.

Michael G Saner, the CEO of Great West Gold, Inc. said that was he delighted that shareholders were being rewarded in this manner and hoped that this would contribute to increased support for the Company and its Mining Exploration efforts and hoped that this would offset some of the losses suffered by the Company's shareholders caused by the very substantial fall in the Company's share price in recent months.

Naked Shorting findest du das positiv?

03.03.05 16:53
oder glaubste es gibt jetzt nen shortsqeeze?

Ich finde den Kurs positiv!!!

03.03.05 17:52
+60% jetzt!!!

jetzt +70%

03.03.05 17:55
willst du wieder den Zug verpaßen so wie bei nnnc oder tidc?


Handelbar nur in den USA! o. T.

03.03.05 17:56

80%! o. T.

03.03.05 17:57

90% o. T.

03.03.05 18:01


03.03.05 18:03
wie lange wollt ich noch warten?

110% o. T.

03.03.05 18:06

schon jemand mit drin? o. T.

03.03.05 18:41

nö o. T.

03.03.05 18:42

Tja, Pech. o. T.

03.03.05 18:45

Heute 0,003$ ? o. T.

04.03.05 08:54

0.002$ +17.65%

04.03.05 15:41
es geht weiter rauf...

Strike! o. T.

04.03.05 15:51


07.03.05 10:29
Gewinnmitnahmen beendet? Die Dividende würde mich schon reizen!
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