Tickers for every program type can now be brought to life with high quality 3-D graphics, video clips, animation and sound.
viz [ticker], is a groundbreaking new system for the creation and delivery of broadcast ticker graphics.
Gone are the days when a ticker was just a line of figures or text moving across the screen; now with viz [ticker], producers can build new ticker concepts containing full motion video, as well as animated elements and text. For example, you can now build in a clip of a McLaren F1 car, which uses a Mercedes engine, next to the DaimlerChrysler logo or stock price, or a short film clip could be run next to the Disney logo. As well as video, the ticker can include animation and sound. All information sources can be managed into the ticker automatically and scheduled to playback automatically.
Breaking news tickers where the editorial control becomes complete and distributed. Use the breaking news ticker as your secondary channel.
Multiple tickers are supported, so programme producers can schedule a financial ticker and then automatically drop in a news or sports ticker at regular intervals. The choices can be varied on the fly in real-time. Producers can even change data and instructions from their desktops.
Use the same data in full-screen, ticker or virtual set or place the ticker on the wall of your virtual set, it’s your choice.
Field tested by vizrt’s customer N24 in Germany and other 24-hour news stations, viz [ticker] has been used to generate the highest visual quality in the most demanding broadcast conditions in the world.