webzen (wzen) - online games

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webzen (wzen) - online games

22.01.04 20:51
vielleicht kein direkter kauf - könnte etwas konsolidieren aber mittelfristig interessantIn PlayNew High Profile -- Webzen (WZEN) 12.25 +0.13: Making a new high yesterday and flirting with one today is Webzen, a developer and distributor of online games in Korea. Its current game "MU" is a 3D multiplayer online role playing game that has grown since its introduction to become one of the most popular online games in Korea and China. The co plans to introduce MU and other online games for customers in Korea, China, and the US. For the six months ended June 30, the co posted revenue of US$22.3 mln and operating income of US$13.8 mln. The co recently announced that the number of peak concurrent users for MU in Korea reached over 80,000 in Dec, the highest record to date. Also generating interest in the stock is the co's plan for large-scale updates this year, as well as the fact that the co is close to the commercial launch of MU in Japan and Thailand. This is a recent IPO (Dec 16, led by JP Morgan), and has climbed from its $11.17 offering price. Also, with the quiet period nearing an end, we expect initiations of coverage next week... Mkt cap $525 mln, float 35 mln, avg volume 201K.
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