Was ist mit CMRC los gab es News ???????????????? o.T.

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Was ist mit CMRC los gab es News ???????????????? o.T.

17.11.00 17:20


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18.11.00 13:50
Commerce One – Dementi

Commerce One [Nasdaq: CMRC Kurs/Chart ] hat am Freitag Marktgerüchte zurückgewiesen, nach denen die Umsätze des Unternehmen im laufenden vierten Quartal (bis 31.12.) rückläufig seien.

Die Spekulationen seien durch ein Rundschreiben an die Mitarbeiter des Vertriebs ausgelöst worden, erklärte John Biestman, Chef der Investor-Relations-Abteilung bei Commerce One. Das Material werde routinemäßig zur Motivierung der Angestellten verschickt. Offensichtlich habe jemand mit einigem Einfluss den Inhalt missverstanden, so Biestman weiter.

Zuvor waren bereits die Investmentbanken J.P. Morgan und First Union Securities für den Anbieter von B2B-eCommerce-Software in die Bresche gesprungen. Die Analysten von First Union sagten, Commerce One habe in diesem Quartal bereits sechs Verträge für elektronische Handelsplätze an Land gezogen – durchschnittlich gewinne das Unternehmen vier neue Kunden pro Quartal. Daher sei es gut möglich, dass die Umsatzerwartungen im laufenden Quartal nicht nur erfüllt, sondern sogar übertroffen werden. Sie würden auf dem derzeitigen Kursniveau aggressiv kaufen, so die Analysten.

Ebenfalls negativ auf den Kurs dürfte sich die Entscheidung der Internet-Finanz-Community Fool.com, Commerce One aus dem Musterdepot zu nehmen, ausgewirkt haben. Depotmanager Jeff Fischer sagte, Konkurrent Ariba [Nasdaq: ARBA Kurs/Chart ] sei das aussichtsreichere eCommerce-Unternehmen.

Die Aktien von Commerce One waren am Freitag im frühen Handel um mehr als 18 Prozent abgestürzt. Seit Bekanntwerden des Dementis geht es für den gebeutelten Kurs wieder bergauf. Gegen 13:15 Uhr New Yorker Zeit notieren die Titel mit einem Minus von 11,1 Prozent bei 47,38 Dollar.

© 17.11.2000 www.stock-world.de



18.11.00 16:20
UPDATE 2-Commerce One denies weak sales, pares some losses
(adds fiscal 2001 outlook, graf 10, closing stock prices) By Nicole Volpe

NEW YORK, Nov 17 (Reuters) - Shares of Commerce One Inc. pared some losses on Friday, but were still down over 13 percent after the business-to-business software provider denied rumors that a memo to its salesforce was an indication of weak sales.

Shares fell as much as 18 percent in heavy trade on Friday morning, making it one of the top percentage losers on Nasdaq.

The company's head of investor relations then categorically denied the rumors, saying the memo, sent to motivate salespeople, was routine.

"These were motivational materials routinely promulgated amongst the sales force," John Biestman said in a telephone interview. "Apparently someone with some measure of influence misconstrued the meaning of the memo. We categorically deny the rumors."

Shares began to recover after the statement, but were still closed down $5-11/16 at $47-5/6 on Nasdaq.

Commerce One rival Ariba Inc. also was pulled down, hitting a low of $72-7/8, but then reversing some of those losses. Ariba shares closed at $76-1/16, down $1-13/16, or about 2.3 percent, also on Nasdaq.

Biestman said Commerce One stood behind guidance given to investors last month.

"We reassert our guidance for the fourth quarter we gave during our third-quarter earnings release," he said. "That is for fourth-quarter 2000 revenue in a range of between $173 million and $177 million.

The company also reiterated the recent guidance for a fourth-quarter range of an operating loss of $13 million to $15 million, and a fourth-quarter loss of 7 cents per share.

It also said for the fiscal year 2001, it expects revenue to be in the range of $800 million to $825 million. Full year 2001 operating earnings per share are expected to break even.

J.P. Morgan analyst William Epifanio said the drop was an indication of investor skittishness rather than of trouble with the company itself.

"This (memo) is totally ordinary, this was completely overblown," he said. "They are halfway through the quarter, and the bottom line is they are doing just fine. We spoke with management today."

There was also concern among investors about the recent selling of Commerce One stock by company executives.

Chairman and Chief Executive Mark Hoffman, for example, sold 300,000 shares for about $62 on Nov. 15, according to EZ-Insider, the Washington-based service that monitors stock selling by company executives.

The service showed Hoffman selling increasingly larger blocks of shares at increasingly shorter intervals this year.

Executive Vice President Charles Donchess sold 140,000 shares at just under $72 on Oct. 24, and Vice Chairman and President Robert Kimmitt sold 66,666 shares at about $53 a share on Sept. 12, according to EZ-Insider.

"We generally look at broad-based management insider selling as a negative signal," said Dan Cook, a money manager with StoneRidge Investment Partners LLC, which oversees $1 billion in assets in Malvern, Penn. "We had been looking to buy, but are holding off now."

The company was not immediately available to comment on the stock sales.

J.P. Morgan's Epifanio pointed out that Commerce One stock is well off its year-high of $165-1/2 in March, and that he was not concerned that Hoffman and other executives might be selling more shares at their depressed levels.

((--New York Newsdesk (212) 859-1700))


Rtr 18:22 11-17-00

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