Vimpelcom - Russland

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Vimpelcom - Russland

22.08.01 15:58
Ergebnisse m.E. sehr gut, Kurs kommt ins laufen. :-)
Na endlich, wenigstens was nettes.

VimpelCom's net operating revenues (net of revenue-based taxes) for the second quarter ended June 30, 2001 were approximately $94.7 million, a 44.3% increase from the $65.6 million reported for the second quarter of 2000 and an 18.8% increase from the $79.7 million reported for the first quarter of 2001. Revenue growth was largely due to the increase in the number of subscribers in the network.

In the second quarter of 2001, the Company's net income was approximately $9.4 million, or net income of $0.29 per common share ($0.22 per ADS), compared with a net loss of $6.7 million, or $0.24 per common share ($0.18 per ADS) in the same period in 2000. Each ADS represents 0.75 of one share of common stock.

EBITDA for the second quarter of 2001 was approximately $35.9 million, a 178.2% increase from the $12.9 million reported in the same period in 2000. The Company's EBITDA margin for the second quarter of 2001 was approximately 37.9% compared to approximately 19.6% for the same period of 2000. Growth in EBITDA in the second quarter of 2001 compared with previous periods was due to an increase in our revenues with a lower increase in the corresponding costs.

Service costs in the second quarter of 2001 grew much slower than revenues, which led to an improvement of gross margin from 65.1% in the second quarter of 2000 to 72.9% in 2001. This improvement was largely due to the continued growth in usage of low-cost federal telephone numbers and improved interconnect agreements with telephone line providers.

Selling, general and administrative expenses totaled approximately $30.2 million in the second quarter of 2001, an increase of 18.0% compared to the $25.6 million reported in the same period of 2000. This increase driven by higher sales volumes was significantly lower than the corresponding increase in revenues, primarily due to the decrease in the acquisition cost per subscriber to $42.3 in the second quarter of 2001 from $91.5 in the second quarter of 2000. The reduction in acquisition cost per subscriber was due in part to the increased percentage of sales through the Company's own offices, including through Mobile Center, a dealer network acquired in January 2001.

Another factor which contributed to the improvements in EBITDA and operating margin was the decrease in provision for doubtful accounts by 28.6% from $4.2 million in the second quarter of 2000 to approximately $3.0 million in the second quarter of 2001. This reduction in provision for doubtful accounts was the result of improved quality of VimpelCom's subscriber base and improved risk management procedures.

Depreciation and amortization expense for the second quarter of 2001 was approximately $15.2 million, a 5.6% increase compared to the $14.4 million reported in the same period of 2000. The relatively small increase in depreciation expense despite significant capital investments during the last 12 months is due to the one-time write-down of AMPS/D-AMPS related assets in the fourth quarter of 2000.

"Auf Dauer hilft nur Russlandpower"


Goldman Sachs : Outperformer

24.08.01 11:01
Die Analysten von Goldman Sachs bewerten Vimpel Communications als Market Outperformer.

Vimpel habe im zweiten Quartal sein EBITDA um 28 Prozent, den Gewinn um 84 Prozent steigern können. Die EBITDA-Marge des russischen Telekomdienstleisters habe sich von 35 Prozent auf 38 Prozent verbessert. Die nächsten beiden Quartale würden aber an diese guten Zahlen nicht anknüpfen können, da der Eintritt des neuen Konkurrenten im Großraum Moskau bevorstünde. Demnach gehe man von einer EBITDA-Marge für das Gesamtjahr von 35 Prozent anstelle von 27 Prozent aus. Außerdem setzen die Analysten ihre Erwartungen für den Umsatz 2001 von 346 Mio. USD auf 365 Mio. USD und für 2002 von 411 Mio. USD auf 468 Mio. USD herauf. Beim EBITDA gehen sie für 2001 von 119 Mio. USD, für 2002 von 167 Mio. USD aus.

Insgesamt geben die Analysten Vimpel Communications ein Rating als Market Outperformer.


Interessant ist,

28.08.01 10:29
daß sich wohl überhaupt und auch wirklich garkeiner für
diese Aktie interessiert, obwohl sie seit meines ersten
Postings von knapp 16 Euro auf über 21 Euro gekrabbelt
ist, aber ich wollt's ja nur erwähnen.

Eigentlich ist sie eher ein long buy.


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