Verti ist mit einer Marktkapital. von 4,81 Mio.EUR und mit 8,7 Mio aktien am Markt wirklich lächerlich bewertet meiner meinung? ich habe viele unterschiedliche meinungen bezüglich verticalnet gelesen, aber wenn man die news alle mal durchstöbert, verstehe ich diesen aktienkurs nicht wirklich? habe ich etwas verpasst? ich werde mal die fakten hier step by step zusammenfassen...wer mehr weißt, immer her mit den infos! danke!
Verticalnet XE Customer Premier Inc. Wins Nation's Top Honor For Quality, Performance Excellence
Leading Healthcare Purchasing Organization Wins 2006 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
Malvern, PA, December 13, 2006 Verticalnet, Inc. (Nasdaq:VERT), President and CEO Nathanael V. Lentz today congratulated Verticalnet XE customer Premier Inc. on being selected as the 2006 recipient of the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the nation's highest honor for quality and organizational performance excellence. President George W. Bush and Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez announced the award November 21, 2006.
"We congratulate Premier for receiving the Baldrige Award and for the recognition of its sourcing-focused business process excellence by U.S. Department of Commerce," Lentz said. "We are extremely pleased that our solutions have been able to contribute to Premier's being recognized as one of the highest performing organizations in the United States. Verticalnet's mission is to help organizations such a Premier develop leading sourcing processes and achieve world class sourcing results."
John Biggers, Premier Group Vice President of Sourcing, said, "Winning the Baldrige award is truly a company-wide accomplishment and we are certainly proud that our employees' hard work has been recognized. Our ability to illustrate process control and visibility through the use of Verticalnet's XE solution was a contributor to the recognition. It provides Premier with a visible, auditable, and centralized system that helps drive process excellence."
The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is based on recommendations by the Department of Commerce which selects up to three organizations in the areas of healthcare, manufacturing, education, service and small business. The award is given by the President of the United States to business in those categories that apply and are judged to be outstanding in seven areas: leadership; strategic planning; customer and market focus; measurement, analysis, and knowledge management; human resource focus; process management; and results.
About Premier, 2006 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recipientServing 1,700 hospitals and more than 43,000 other healthcare sites, Premier Inc. is the largest healthcare alliance in the United States dedicated to improving patient outcomes while safely reducing the cost of care. Owned by not-for-profit hospitals, Premier operates the nation's largest healthcare purchasing network, the most comprehensive repository of hospital clinical and financial information and one of the largest policy-holder owned, hospital professional liability risk-retention groups in healthcare. Headquartered in San Diego, Premier has offices in Charlotte, N.C. and Washington. For more information, visit www.premierinc.com.
0,55 EUR
14.02.07 16:28
Diff. Vortag
-1,79 %
Gehandelte Stück
14.02.07 17:28
Geld Stk.
Brief Stk.
Verti ist mit einer Marktkapital. von 4,81 Mio.EUR und mit 8,7 Mio aktien am Markt wirklich lächerlich bewertet meiner meinung? ich habe viele unterschiedliche meinungen bezüglich verticalnet gelesen, aber wenn man die news alle mal durchstöbert, verstehe ich diesen aktienkurs nicht wirklich? habe ich etwas verpasst? ich werde mal die fakten hier step by step zusammenfassen...wer mehr weißt, immer her mit den infos! danke!
Verticalnet XE Customer Premier Inc. Wins Nation's Top Honor For Quality, Performance Excellence
Leading Healthcare Purchasing Organization Wins 2006 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
Malvern, PA, December 13, 2006 Verticalnet, Inc. (Nasdaq:VERT), President and CEO Nathanael V. Lentz today congratulated Verticalnet XE customer Premier Inc. on being selected as the 2006 recipient of the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the nation's highest honor for quality and organizational performance excellence. President George W. Bush and Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez announced the award November 21, 2006.
"We congratulate Premier for receiving the Baldrige Award and for the recognition of its sourcing-focused business process excellence by U.S. Department of Commerce," Lentz said. "We are extremely pleased that our solutions have been able to contribute to Premier's being recognized as one of the highest performing organizations in the United States. Verticalnet's mission is to help organizations such a Premier develop leading sourcing processes and achieve world class sourcing results."
John Biggers, Premier Group Vice President of Sourcing, said, "Winning the Baldrige award is truly a company-wide accomplishment and we are certainly proud that our employees' hard work has been recognized. Our ability to illustrate process control and visibility through the use of Verticalnet's XE solution was a contributor to the recognition. It provides Premier with a visible, auditable, and centralized system that helps drive process excellence."
The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is based on recommendations by the Department of Commerce which selects up to three organizations in the areas of healthcare, manufacturing, education, service and small business. The award is given by the President of the United States to business in those categories that apply and are judged to be outstanding in seven areas: leadership; strategic planning; customer and market focus; measurement, analysis, and knowledge management; human resource focus; process management; and results.
About Premier, 2006 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recipientServing 1,700 hospitals and more than 43,000 other healthcare sites, Premier Inc. is the largest healthcare alliance in the United States dedicated to improving patient outcomes while safely reducing the cost of care. Owned by not-for-profit hospitals, Premier operates the nation's largest healthcare purchasing network, the most comprehensive repository of hospital clinical and financial information and one of the largest policy-holder owned, hospital professional liability risk-retention groups in healthcare. Headquartered in San Diego, Premier has offices in Charlotte, N.C. and Washington. For more information, visit www.premierinc.com.
0,55 EUR
14.02.07 16:28
Diff. Vortag
-1,79 %
Gehandelte Stück
14.02.07 17:28
Geld Stk.
Brief Stk.