VerticalNet Inc.

Beiträge: 12
Zugriffe: 1.124 / Heute: 1
NASDAQ 100 21.626,16 -0,61% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +1091,54%

VerticalNet Inc.

14.02.07 18:00
Verti ist mit einer Marktkapital. von 4,81 Mio.EUR und mit 8,7 Mio aktien am Markt wirklich lächerlich bewertet meiner meinung? ich habe viele unterschiedliche meinungen bezüglich verticalnet gelesen, aber wenn man die news alle mal durchstöbert, verstehe ich diesen aktienkurs nicht wirklich? habe ich etwas verpasst? ich werde mal die fakten hier step by step zusammenfassen...wer mehr weißt, immer her mit den infos! danke!


Verticalnet XE Customer Premier Inc. Wins Nation's Top Honor For Quality, Performance Excellence

Leading Healthcare Purchasing Organization Wins 2006 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

Malvern, PA, December 13, 2006 Verticalnet, Inc. (Nasdaq:VERT), President and CEO Nathanael V. Lentz today congratulated Verticalnet XE customer Premier Inc. on being selected as the 2006 recipient of the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the nation's highest honor for quality and organizational performance excellence. President George W. Bush and Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez announced the award November 21, 2006.

"We congratulate Premier for receiving the Baldrige Award and for the recognition of its sourcing-focused business process excellence by U.S. Department of Commerce," Lentz said. "We are extremely pleased that our solutions have been able to contribute to Premier's being recognized as one of the highest performing organizations in the United States. Verticalnet's mission is to help organizations such a Premier develop leading sourcing processes and achieve world class sourcing results."

John Biggers, Premier Group Vice President of Sourcing, said, "Winning the Baldrige award is truly a company-wide accomplishment and we are certainly proud that our employees' hard work has been recognized. Our ability to illustrate process control and visibility through the use of Verticalnet's XE solution was a contributor to the recognition. It provides Premier with a visible, auditable, and centralized system that helps drive process excellence."

The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is based on recommendations by the Department of Commerce which selects up to three organizations in the areas of healthcare, manufacturing, education, service and small business. The award is given by the President of the United States to business in those categories that apply and are judged to be outstanding in seven areas: leadership; strategic planning; customer and market focus; measurement, analysis, and knowledge management; human resource focus; process management; and results.

About Premier, 2006 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recipientServing 1,700 hospitals and more than 43,000 other healthcare sites, Premier Inc. is the largest healthcare alliance in the United States dedicated to improving patient outcomes while safely reducing the cost of care. Owned by not-for-profit hospitals, Premier operates the nation's largest healthcare purchasing network, the most comprehensive repository of hospital clinical and financial information and one of the largest policy-holder owned, hospital professional liability risk-retention groups in healthcare. Headquartered in San Diego, Premier has offices in Charlotte, N.C. and Washington. For more information, visit


0,55 EUR

14.02.07  16:28

Diff. Vortag
-1,79 %


Gehandelte Stück



14.02.07  17:28

Geld Stk.

Brief Stk.

VerticalNet Inc. 82459

Delta Air Lines?

14.02.07 18:07
Leading Publications Recognize Verticalnet for Powering Supply Management Excellence at Delta Air Lines

Verticalnet Supply management solutions gets Delta Air Lines named a “Top 10 Project” for 2006

Malvern, PA, August 22 2006 Verticalnet, Inc. (Nasdaq:VERT), a leading provider of on demand supply management solutions, today announced that Verticalnet customer Delta Air Lines has been featured in two leading trade publications for their implementation of Verticalnet supply management solutions.
Baseline (, a leading business and information-technology publication, recently recognized the Delta Air Lines spend analysis project as one of the “Top 10 Projects in ‘06”. According to an extensive survey of business and IT executives, Supply Chain Management, which includes strategic sourcing and supply management, is the sixth highest spending priority of corporations of varying sizes.

The Verticalnet/Delta Air Lines project is featured by Baseline as a superlative example of a Supply Chain Management project. “Delta Air Lines last year launched a project to analyze $9 billion in annual spending with 6,000 suppliers in a consistent way, using hosted services from Verticalnet,” wrote Todd Spangler of Baseline. “The system, brought online last summer, lets the airline’s 115 supply-chain professionals easily find out exactly what Delta spent with a given vendor over a certain period.” Baseline reports that Delta credits the new spend analysis solution with reducing the man-hours required to perform spend analysis by over 90%.

In the current issue of CPO Agenda (, Delta is featured as a dedicated SAP user gaining significant value from the Verticalnet best of breed solution. In the article, Bob Currey, General Manager of Sourcing Innovation and Supplier Management for Delta explains why Delta chose the Verticalnet best of breed solution for supply management: “In any business, programming resources are often at a premium,” he says. “You can build a business case and wait in line – and then carry on waiting, perhaps indefinitely, for the resources that you need to be made available. Or you can go to a ‘best-of-breed’ vendor, and buy what you need, off the shelf. For us, the time-to-benefit of the Verticalnet solution made a lot of sense.”

“Delta Air Lines is a perfect example of a company that is using our On Demand solutions to supplement their ERP system to improve their business performance,” said Nathanael V. Lentz, Verticalnet President and CEO. “Over the past several years, Delta’s use of our solutions has grown to encompass our entire suite of on demand supply management solutions. As Delta’s industry has gone through challenging times, supply management has continued to increase in importance. We are pleased that Delta continues to look to Verticalnet to drive down costs while improving supply management performance.”

Verticalnet and WingSpan Team to Deliver Comprehensive Spend Analysis for DeCrane Aircraft Across More Than $300 Million in Direct and Indirect Spend

Spend Visibility for DeCrane, a Mid Market Company, to Span Multiple Global Facilities Forming A Strategic Sourcing Platform Aimed at Improved Efficiency and Cost Reduction

Malvern, PA, Feb 27, 2006 Verticalnet, Inc. (Nasdaq: VERT), a leading provider of on-demand supply management solutions, announced today that it has teamed with its partner, WingSpan, to meet the spend analysis needs for DeCrane Aircraft. DeCrane is the largest manufacturer of cabin systems and components for corporate, VIP, and head-of-state aircraft. Clients include distinguished OEMs such as Boeing, Bombardier, Cessna, Dassault, Gulfstream, and Raytheon.
DeCrane’s business requirements included the need for a spend analysis solution that provided visibility into over $300 million of both direct and indirect material spend across approximately 12 key facilities worldwide. DeCrane decided to leverage the on-demand capabilities of the Verticalnet XE Supply Management Solution Suite and related services from WingSpan. The combined spend solution will form the basis of a global strategic sourcing initiative that is designed to significantly reduce DeCrane’s cost structure and improve the efficiency within its supply chain.

“We evaluated several companies and approaches to meet our spend visibility requirements”, said Dick Kaplan, DeCrane’s Chief Executive Officer. “The comprehensive spend analysis capabilities, rapid implementation timeline, and strong experience of WingSpan and Verticalnet met the unique needs of a mid-market company like DeCrane.”

According to Michael Hamel, President of WingSpan, “As a Verticalnet partner, and as experienced purchasing professionals familiar with the on-demand Verticalnet XE Solution Suite, WingSpan is able to combine our sourcing expertise with the right technology from Verticalnet to meet the sophisticated demands of customers such as DeCrane Aircraft.”

“Verticalnet is excited to be working with our partner WingSpan to meet the needs of our joint customer DeCrane Aircraft,” states Nathanael V. Lentz, President and CEO of Verticalnet. “Many mid-market companies like DeCrane are beginning to leverage software and specialized services to gain visibility into corporate spend. The fact that the Verticalnet XE suite is on-demand means that our customers see results sooner without lengthy software implementations and costly software upgrades.” Lentz concludes, “We are excited to be part of the winning partnership with WingSpan and DeCrane.”

The Verticalnet XE Supply Management suite is available on-demand and includes:

Verticalnet® Program Manager-- lowers the total cost of ownership and improves productivity through sound and re-usable program and process management
Verticalnet® Spend Manager-- a fast, intelligent, and repeatable solution for identifying, evaluating, and quantifying enterprise-wide sourcing opportunities while measuring compliance
Verticalnet® Negotiation Manager-- accelerates and improves negotiated savings through online auctions and eRFX events
Verticalnet® Procurement Manager-– simplifies and improves control over the procurement process to help companies realize the maximum cost savings identified through supplier sourcing and negotiation
Verticalnet® Contract Manager–- provides real-time insights into contract obligations, exposures, expirations, changes and renewals delivering greater control, reducing costly oversights and minimizing supplier risk
Verticalnet® Performance Manager-- enables companies to effectively track and manage supplier performance, contract compliance and identify potential areas of supplier risk
About DeCrane Aircraft
DeCrane Aircraft Holdings, Inc. is a leading supplier of integrated assemblies, sub-assemblies and component parts to the aerospace industry. Through its operating groups, Systems Integration and Cabin Management, DeCrane refurbishes, retrofits and equips business, VIP and head-of-state aircraft. The company provides the latest furnishings, audio visual, communications systems, cabin management systems, auxiliary fuel tank systems and other products and services to the aerospace industry.

About WingSpan Partners
WingSpan Partners, Inc., a proven team of purchasing specialists, focuses on practical sourcing programs that help Private Equity firms and pre-IPO companies rapidly increase earnings and cash flow for their clients. To help achieve cost leverage, WingSpan offers unique "On Demand" e-sourcing events with by-the-drink pricing on the most desirable e-sourcing tools in a hosted environment. Additionally, Wingspans “Instant ROI” programs shortcut lengthy data collection and RFP projects with pre-negotiated savings for most indirect categories of spend. For more information about WingSpan, visit us on the Web at:

About Verticalnet
Verticalnet is a leading provider of on-demand supply management solutions that enable companies to identify and realize sustained value across the supply management lifecycle. Going beyond traditional spend management and sourcing approaches, Verticalnet’s solutions provide the visibility, insight and process control required to maximize the sustained value realization from supply management. Large enough to help customers attain supply management success worldwide, yet nimble enough to provide individual attention and remain focused on customer priorities, Verticalnet is helping leading Global 2000 companies and mid-market enterprises move their supply management efforts to the next level through an optimal blend of software, comprehensive services, and deep category knowledge and domain expertise. To learn more, please visit us at



14.02.07 18:21
Hast du mal das kürzel in usa für Vertcal n.,mein Yahoo spinnt bei der kurs abfrage auch für andere werte geht heute garnichts!

Ist da was im busch?

14.02.07 18:26
ok delta airlines ist chapter11 bzw halt konkurs, dann verstehe ich nicht wie die einen großauftrag vergeben können? also muß ja eine auffanggesellschaft bereits bestehen oder die banken wissen schon mehr? wie auch immer, sollte nicht verticalnet die softwaregeschichte vetreten?mega auftrag dann?wer schnallt das?
The Verticalnet/Delta Air Lines project is featured by Baseline as a superlative example of a Supply Chain Management project. “Delta Air Lines last year launched a project to analyze $9 billion (9mrd euro???)in annual spending with 6,000 suppliers in a consistent way, using hosted services from Verticalnet,” wrote Todd Spangler of Baseline. “The system, brought online last summer, lets the airline’s 115 supply-chain professionals easily find out exactly what Delta spent with a given vendor over a certain period.” Baseline reports that Delta credits the new spend analysis solution with reducing the man-hours required to perform spend analysis by over 90%.

Bombardier erhält Großauftrag von Delta Air Lines  

20:57 08.02.07  

Montreal ( AG) - Die zum kanadischen Mischkonzern Bombardier Inc. (ISIN CA0977512007/ WKN 866671) gehörende Bombardier Aerospace hat am Donnerstag von der bankrotten Delta Air Lines Inc. (ISIN US2473611083/ WKN 850874) einen Großauftrag erhalten.

Demnach hat die drittgrößte Fluglinie der USA 30 Regionaljets vom Typ CRJ900 geordert. Zudem wurde eine Option auf weitere 30 Maschinen vereinbart. Bombardier bezifferte den Listenpreis des Auftrags auf 1,1 Mrd. Dollar bzw. 2,3 Mrd. Dollar bei Ausübung der Option. Bombardier erklärte weiter, dass sich damit das Auftragsvolumen der CRJ-Serie auf 1.515 Maschinen erhöht hat.

Während die Bombardier-Aktie aktuell in Toronto 0,45 Prozent auf 4,47 Kanadische Dollar zulegt, gibt die Delta-Aktie an der OTC 6,50 Prozent auf 1,15 Dollar nach. (08.02.2007/ac/n/a)



14.02.07 18:32

babelfish übersetzt:

14.02.07 18:41
Präsident George W. Bush ??

Führendes Healthcare, das Organisation Kauft, Gewinnt Malcolm Baldrige Nationalen Qualitätspreis 2006 Malvern, PA, Dezember 13, 2006 Verticalnet, Inc. (Nasdaq:VERT), Präsident und CEO Nathanael V. Lentz beglückwünschten heute Verticalnet XE Kunden Premier Inc. auf als die Empfänger 2006 des prestigious Malcolm Baldrige nationalen Qualitätspreises, der nation's höchsten Ehre für Qualität vorgewählt werden und der organisatorischen Leistung hervorragenden Leistung. Präsident George W. Bush und Handel-Sekretärin Carlos Gutierrez verkündeten den Preis November 21, 2006.

bitte um aufklärung ?

14.02.07 18:47
Mon, Feb 12, 2007

FILING Pre-effective amendment to an S-3 filing - Form S-3/A  

Thu, Feb 08, 2007

12:29 PM Verticalnet Announces Release of XE 5.4 - Enabling the Next Wave of Value through Supply Management - Business Wire

Wed, Feb 07, 2007

FILING Report of unscheduled material events or corporate changes - Form 8-K  
FILING Report of unscheduled material events or corporate changes - Form 8-K  

Tue, Jan 16, 2007

FILING Simplified registration form - Form S-3  

Thu, Jan 11, 2007

FILING Initial statement of beneficial ownership of securities - Form 3  

Fri, Jan 05, 2007

FILING Report of unscheduled material events or corporate changes - Form 8-K  

Wed, Dec 20, 2006

3:20 PM Verticalnet Announces Debt Restructuring - Business Wire

Washington, D.C. 20549

Final Effectiveness/Disposition Date: 2007-02-13
Form: S-3
CIK: 0001043946
File Number: 333-140020



14.02.07 21:33
Danke!Mein yahoo klappt wieder!Warum ist die Aktie noch an der Nasdac gelistet?Stehen doch schon länger unter einem dollar?

verstehst du das?

15.02.07 18:03
sonderregelung mit der nasdaq, verticalnet hat bei der nasdaq vorgesprochen und die haben entschieden, das verti wohl noch wirtschaftlich ist und durfte somit schon mal länger gelistet bleiben...oder so ähnlich...

Verticalnet Verkündet Die Umschuldung Malvern, PA, Dezember 20, 2006 - (GESCHÄFT LEITUNG) ändert Verticalnet, Inc. (Nasdaq:VERT), ein führender Versorger der on-demand Versorgungsmaterial-Managementlösungen, heute verkündetes Material zu seinen Primärkreditverträgen. In einer sek Form ordnete 8-K heute, verkündete Verticalnet seine Eintragung in drei neue Vereinbarungen und die Änderung von zwei anderen Vereinbarungen in bezug auf seine älteren gesicherten umwandelbaren versprechenden Anmerkungen und seine ältere unterstellte versprechende Anmerkung des Diskonts, deren Nettoauswirkung soll die Reife der Diskontgutschrift von einem Januar 31, 2007 bis April 1, 2008, auf die Re-Preis Ermächtigungen verschieben ein, die vorher den Haltern der umwandelbaren Anmerkungen, um die Hauptmenge der Diskontgutschrift von $5.3 Million bis $5.5 Million zu erhöhen bewilligt wurden und eine unterstellte Beteiligung im Wertpapiersektor an den Werten Verticalnets zum Halter der Diskontgutschrift zur Verfügung zu stellen. Resultierend aus diesen Tätigkeiten $4.7 ist Million der Schuld, die als fällige kurzfristige Verbindlichkeit auf Bilanzstichtag Verticalnets September 30 eingestuft wird, 2006 auf einer pro-forma Grundlage als lange Bezeichnung Verpflichtung reklassifiziert worden. Eine nichte geprüft verkürzte vereinigte proforma Bilanz wird hierin angebracht.

hier nochmal original

15.02.07 18:04
Verticalnet Announces Debt Restructuring

Malvern, PA, December 20, 2006 - (BUSINESS WIRE) Verticalnet, Inc. (Nasdaq:VERT), a leading provider of on-demand supply management solutions, today announced material changes to its primary loan agreements.

In an SEC Form 8-K filed today, Verticalnet announced its entry into three new agreements and the amendment of two other agreements relating to its senior secured convertible promissory notes and its senior subordinated discount promissory note, the net impact of which is to shift the maturity of the discount note from January 31, 2007 to April 1, 2008, to re-price warrants previously granted to the holders of the convertible notes, to increase the principal amount of the discount note from $5.3 million to $5.5 million and to provide a subordinated security interest in Verticalnet's assets to the holder of the discount note. As a result of these actions, $4.7 million of debt classified as a current liability on Verticalnet's balance sheet dated September 30, 2006 has been reclassified on a pro-forma basis as a long term obligation. An unaudited condensed consolidated proforma balance sheet is attached hereto.

Details of the agreements are as follows:

On December 19, 2006, the convertible note holders agreed to permit Verticalnet to grant a subordinated security interest in all of Verticalnet's and its domestic subsidiaries' assets to the discount note holder. In consideration for this agreement, Verticalnet reduced the exercise price of warrants held by convertible note holders from $5.39 to $0.88, the latter reflecting a 10% premium to Verticalnet's closing price of Verticalnet's common stock on December 19, 2006.

On December 19, 2006, Verticalnet and its domestic subsidiaries entered into a security agreement with the discount note holder and granted the discount note holder a subordinated security interest in all of the assets of Verticalnet and its domestic subsidiaries. Also on this date, Verticalnet, the convertible note holders, and the discount note holder each executed a subordination and intercreditor agreement, which provides, among other things, for the subordination of the discount note to the convertible notes. As a result of granting a security interest for the discount note, the discount note holder's right to declare the note due any time after January 31, 2007 has been eliminated and the resulting maturity date for the discount note became November 18, 2007.
On December 20, 2006, Verticalnet and the discount note holder entered into an amendment to the discount note, further extending the maturity date of the discount note to April 1, 2008, while increasing the principal due under the note from $5.3 million to $5.5 million.

"Today's announcement was an important step in our efforts to realign our balance sheet to position ourselves financially to support future growth," stated Nathanael V. Lentz, President and CEO of Verticalnet. "By extending the maturity date of our discount note by fourteen months, we gain the flexibility to undertake longer term opportunities to recapitalize our balance sheet. We believe today's announcement demonstrates the willingness of both our convertible note holders and our discount note holder to work with Verticalnet management to support our long term vision for the business and sends a strong message to our customers, prospects, employees, and shareholders."


15.02.07 18:30
Das Volumen nimmt langsam auch zu,ne zeit lang war ja so gut wie null volumen in usa...die 1$ ist ja kein weiter sprung,sollte das dilisting wirklich drohen, ist das doch mit ein wenig kurspflege schnell getan, bei einer so kleinen Marktkapitalisierung!hab mir jetzt 2 mal welche von verticalnet gegönnt, hoffe war kein Fehler?

0,70 USD

15.02.07  17:58

Diff. Vortag
+4,48 %


Gehandelte Stück



15.02.07  17:43


Geld Stk.

Brief Stk.


MALVERN, Pa., Feb 21, 2007

23.02.07 14:53
MALVERN, Pa., Feb 21, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Verticalnet, Inc.

3:52pm 02/22/2007

Verticalnet, a leading provider of on demand supply management solutions, today announced that Verticalnet President and Chief Executive Officer Nathanael V. Lentz will present at the AmeriQuest Transportation Industry Symposium on Thursday, March 1, 2007. The conference will be held at the Ritz Carlton in Phoenix AZ.
Mr. Lentz\'s presentation will address supply management technology and approaches to driving sustainable value. During this session, he will discuss what leading companies are doing and going to do to drive efficiency and cost reduction throughout their supply chains.
For more information on the AmeriQuest Transportation Industry Symposium go to:
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