Bei einem Blick auf die Warenterminbörsen fällt auf, dass nur dort Commodity-/Rohstoff-Blasen entstanden sind, wo Hedgefonds Futures kaufen können (Gold, Öl, Kupfer). Es gibt jedoch Metalle wie Vanadium (zur Stahlveredelung), die nicht als Future, sondern nur physisch am Spot-Markt gekauft werden können. Bezeichnenderweise gibt es bei Vandadium KEINE Blase (siehe Chart unten); die Preise sind sogar GEFALLEN.
Dies ist ein deutliches Indiz dafür, dass die Commodity-Blase von Hedgefonds mit Future-Käufen künstlich erzeugt worden ist.
What Vanadium Tells Us
By Tony Crescenzi
The chart on vanadium, a metallic element used for hardening Steel, below [siehe unten] is notable because the vanadium prices have been in decline, a completely opposite trend to what's been seen in so many other commodities.
The divergence between vanadium and other commodities can be found elsewhere whenever comparing tradeable commodities, or those that a speculator can trade on an organized exchange, and commodities such as vanadium (titanium, and many others) that can only be bought in its physical form in the spot market.
The point is that the divergence between price trends in tradeable commodities and commodities that can only be traded in the spot market clearly shows that there has been a large amount of speculative fervor driving recent price trends.
This is obvious in the price run-ups, but the divergence implicit in the attached helps to illustrate the depth of the speculation.
Dies ist ein deutliches Indiz dafür, dass die Commodity-Blase von Hedgefonds mit Future-Käufen künstlich erzeugt worden ist.
What Vanadium Tells Us
By Tony Crescenzi
The chart on vanadium, a metallic element used for hardening Steel, below [siehe unten] is notable because the vanadium prices have been in decline, a completely opposite trend to what's been seen in so many other commodities.
The divergence between vanadium and other commodities can be found elsewhere whenever comparing tradeable commodities, or those that a speculator can trade on an organized exchange, and commodities such as vanadium (titanium, and many others) that can only be bought in its physical form in the spot market.
The point is that the divergence between price trends in tradeable commodities and commodities that can only be traded in the spot market clearly shows that there has been a large amount of speculative fervor driving recent price trends.
This is obvious in the price run-ups, but the divergence implicit in the attached helps to illustrate the depth of the speculation.