das sollte reichen um Fantasie zu entfachen;)
Richard Cook
For the past 15 years Mr. Cook has been the Managing Director of Avanti Advisors LLC, a Management Consulting Firm specializing in Product Development and Marketing, serving an exclusive Domestic and International Clientele through the identification and selection of strategic Investment programs.
Dick’s primary focus is Green Projects, Real Estate, Healthcare, Oil & Gas Development and Exploration.
He spent 25 years on Wall Street as an Institutional Fixed Income Salesman with Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and Paine Webber. He was an Executive Vice President and Head of Taxable Fixed Income at Dean Witter and a Senior Vice President and Global Sales Manager for UBS Securities (Union Bank of Switzerland).
For the 5 years prior to creating Avanti Advisors, Dick worked as an independent consultant representing diverse Emerging Market Clients including the Government of Mexico.
Dick is presently a Managing Director of three companies involved in the Health Care Field. Dick is a partner in an Oil & Gas company packaging producing royalties, proven acreage and exploration.
Dick is a Director of the Transformation Group and is a member of the New York Yacht Club, the Black Rock Yacht Club, US Polo Association, US Yacht Racing Association, Doubles Club, and the Quest 400, a group of the 400 most influential Americans.
Ken Looney
Mr. Looney is the Chairman and Owner of Transformation Enzyme Corp., of Houston, Texas. Transformation supplies over 6,000 Health Clinics in all 50 states and 30 countries.
Ken also is the exclusive US representative of the MEIC Group, run by Shaik Al Abed, which is one of the major trading companies in the Middle East and represents over 450 of the largest families from the region.
Prior to starting Transformation in 1992, Ken owned and ran the biggest Independent Broker Dealer in the Southwest, Tejas Securities.
#3366ff">Ken helped bring over 50 companies public with 8 on the New York Stock Exchange.
Ken also owned and operated over 180 Oil & Gas rigs in the Southwest. A lawyer by training,
Ken received an Oscar as the Producer of the “Buddy Holly Story” with Gary Busey.
Ken also won the US Match Play Golf Championship in the early 70’s. Ken sits on the Boards of Directors of 3Mark Corporation (Insurance and Financial Security services) and the advisory board of PFM Corp a Land title and leasing services company serving the oil patch.
alles eine Frage der Zeit bis hier etwas passiert, und dann ....