warum gab es keine Meldung? Der Mantel müßte jetzt schuldenfrei sein!!!!!!!
Der IV von Teamwork hat ohne Ad-Hoc Meldung im Mai 03 die 100% Tochter Infosys Ltd. und im Juni 03 die Rechte an der Teamwork CRM SW Domisphere an das Infosys Management verkauft. Wenn man bedenkt das die Infosys bei einem Umsatz von 3,5 Mio BP immer profitabel und ohne Schulden war, müßte hier ein dicker Batzen Kohle geflossen sein.
Teamwork hätte im Oktober 02 nur 2,6 Mio€ für die Beendigung der Insolvenz benötigt.
Komisch ist auch dass die Auffanggesellschaft Teamwork GmbH immer noch existiert und somit offenbar profitabel arbeitet.
www.infosys.co.uk und www.teamwork.de
MBO Finalised
Kevin Metcalfe
The InfoSys board is delighted to announce that the company's ownership has returned to its management. As well as securing the ownership of InfoSys, the management team has also successfully purchased all rights to the market-leading web content management and portal solution, Domisphere.
InfoSys Managing Director, Ian Stewart, said 'although we have enjoyed working with our recent parent company we are extremely pleased to have ownership back under our full control. We have privately owned the company for almost all its 13-year history and we believe this to be best for our customers and staff. We expect the acquisition of Domisphere to be particularly significant in giving us the full capability to develop the product focusing on the needs of our customers and the rest of the UK market'
These exciting developments follow a series of good news stories including IBM awarding InfoSys with a Beacon Award for Outstanding Achievement and the company's extremely good financial results.
Future plans include the continuation of all exiting services with further investment in our content management and portal solutions, storage and data management with Tivoli, as well as expansion of our Application Development, Technical Services and Support teams.
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© copyright InfoSys 2003
Domisphere acquisition
Ian Stewart
InfoSys have recently purchased all rights to the Domisphere (known as Domis in Germany) web content management system. The acquisition includes all versions both, in English and German as well as related products such as Domisphere Shop, ARBO and Repository. InfoSys has a successful trading history of 14 years, with a software services business turning over £3.5m.
InfoSys are delighted with this move and see it as major progress, building on three years of successful Domisphere product development and marketing in the UK. InfoSys currently has a Domisphere user group of twenty customers including several blue chip names. Recent product innovations include new ready-built intranet templates, interactive/forum functionality and integration with Websphere Portal Server for content managed portals. Future plans include mufti language support and relational database integration.
The current Domisphere version (3.6) is a very robust and stable product which has been developed extensively in the UK. Our intention for Domisphere is to develop the product further, using 3.6 as a solid foundation. The other Domisphere related products mentioned above have similarly been modernised and successfully implemented in referencable InfoSys projects.
Our plans for customers in continental Europe include the offer of an upgrade to 3.6, membership to our user group with telephone and product support including regular product updates and use of our professional help desk service. This will be offered on a reasonable fixed fee basis. In the short term, Domisphere products and InfoSys services will only be available in English . We are, however, considering other languages including German, depending on customer demand and commercial viability. InfoSys are working with carefully selected German software house partners to provide implementation services in Germany.
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© copyright InfoSys 2003
Company History
InfoSys have been providing high quality IT services since 1989 and has been privately owned by its management throughout most of this time. Today the company is owned entirely by its board members and senior management team. In 2003 the company reached a record turnover of approximately £3.5m and continues to be profitable. As well as financial growth, the company has also seen a steady increase in the size of its technical and service delivery teams.
Since 1999 the company has focused on web content management and portal solutions, collaborative software applications development, for example in HR, sales/marketing and customer services, as well as providing a range of implementation, support and outsource services. During this time the company's main technology vendor has been IBM.
During 2000 the company began to invest in the development of the Domisphere web content management solution and has since, after buying all rights to the product from a German software house, offered the software in a number of new ways. This includes IIC, a ready built intranet and portal solution with integral content management, designed to provide an enterprise-wide solution in weeks, when months or years was previously more typical.
In 2003 the company won IBM's coveted Beacon Award for Outstanding Achievement. This was achieved by working with IBM to deliver software and services to a number of blue-chip UK organisations.
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© copyright InfoSys 2003
teamwork gibt Release 4.0 von Domisphere für den IBM-Vertrieb frei CMS-Update mit erweiterten Funktionalitäten und ASP-Fähigkeit Paderborn (pts, 5. Dezember 01/13:39) - Die teamwork information management AG, langjähriger IBM- und Lotus Business-Partner, gibt das Release 4.0 ihres Web Content Management Systems Domisphere für den IBM-Vertrieb frei. Seit Vermarktungsbeginn des aktuellen Releases 3.5 im Jahr 2000 ist Domisphere bei ca. 50 Kunden im In- und Ausland installiert worden. Domisphere wird neben dem eigenen Vertrieb von teamwork auch von IBM bei ausgewählten Kunden unterstützt. teamwork hatte im vergangenen Jahr mit IBM eine entsprechende Vereinbarung zur Vermarktung von Domisphere in Central Europe (Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz) abgeschlossen. "Damit werden wir unsere Partnerschaft mit IBM weiter intensivieren", meint teamwork-Vorstand Heinz Ikenmeyer. Mit dem Web Content Management System Domisphere bietet teamwork seinen Kunden die Möglichkeit, ihren Web-Auftritt aufzubauen, zu betreuen und ihre Inhalte zeitnah zu aktualisieren, ohne dass spezielles Internet-Know-how vorhanden sein muss. Mit der Freigabe der neuen Version bietet Domisphere den Kunden erweiterte Funktionalitäten, darunter die volle Webfähigkeit des Produktes, die es dem Nutzer ermöglicht, sowohl über Web Browser als auch über Lotus Notes Clients mit Domisphere zu arbeiten. Für international ausgerichtete Kunden bietet die erweiterte Mehrsprachigkeit die Möglichkeit, Inhalte in unterschiedlichen Sprachen für die gleiche Website zu erstellen. Ein wichtiger Faktor für die zukünftige Vermarktung ist die ASP-Fähigkeit (Application Service Providing) des neuen Releases. Damit kann Domisphere über das Internet von Application Service Providern angeboten werden. Als erstes Web Content Management System bietet Domisphere eine selbstkonfigurierbare Benutzeroberfläche (Cus-tomizing des Web-Interfaces) und ist dadurch besonders für den ASP-Einsatz geeignet. Domisphere läuft jetzt erstmalig auch auf den Servern der Produktfamilie AS/400 der IBM. Als nächster Entwicklungsschritt ist die Integration von IBM WebSphere in Domisphere geplant, die im ersten Halbjahr 2002 erfolgen wird. Das Leistungsangebot von IBM WebSphere kann mit einem Lotus Domino-basierten Web Content Management System erheblich ergänzt werden. Basis dafür ist die Integration der Plattform Lotus Domino in IBM WebSphere, die in dem neuen Release Rnext von Domino im Vordergrund steht. Pressekontakt teamwork information management AG Dr. Sabine Brummel Tel. 05251 - 52 01-145 E-Mail: sbrummel@teamwork.de Aussennder: HFN Kommunikation GmbH Hanauer Landstrasse 161-173 D-60314 Frankfurt am Main Tel. +49 (0)69 923186-0 Fax +49 (0)69 923186-22 email: nschaefer@hfn.de (Ende) Aussender: pts - Presseinformation (D) Ansprechpartner: Dr. Sabine Brummel, email: sbrummel@teamwork.de, Tel. +49 (0)69 923186-0
Der IV von Teamwork hat ohne Ad-Hoc Meldung im Mai 03 die 100% Tochter Infosys Ltd. und im Juni 03 die Rechte an der Teamwork CRM SW Domisphere an das Infosys Management verkauft. Wenn man bedenkt das die Infosys bei einem Umsatz von 3,5 Mio BP immer profitabel und ohne Schulden war, müßte hier ein dicker Batzen Kohle geflossen sein.
Teamwork hätte im Oktober 02 nur 2,6 Mio€ für die Beendigung der Insolvenz benötigt.
Komisch ist auch dass die Auffanggesellschaft Teamwork GmbH immer noch existiert und somit offenbar profitabel arbeitet.
www.infosys.co.uk und www.teamwork.de
MBO Finalised
Kevin Metcalfe
The InfoSys board is delighted to announce that the company's ownership has returned to its management. As well as securing the ownership of InfoSys, the management team has also successfully purchased all rights to the market-leading web content management and portal solution, Domisphere.
InfoSys Managing Director, Ian Stewart, said 'although we have enjoyed working with our recent parent company we are extremely pleased to have ownership back under our full control. We have privately owned the company for almost all its 13-year history and we believe this to be best for our customers and staff. We expect the acquisition of Domisphere to be particularly significant in giving us the full capability to develop the product focusing on the needs of our customers and the rest of the UK market'
These exciting developments follow a series of good news stories including IBM awarding InfoSys with a Beacon Award for Outstanding Achievement and the company's extremely good financial results.
Future plans include the continuation of all exiting services with further investment in our content management and portal solutions, storage and data management with Tivoli, as well as expansion of our Application Development, Technical Services and Support teams.
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© copyright InfoSys 2003
Domisphere acquisition
Ian Stewart
InfoSys have recently purchased all rights to the Domisphere (known as Domis in Germany) web content management system. The acquisition includes all versions both, in English and German as well as related products such as Domisphere Shop, ARBO and Repository. InfoSys has a successful trading history of 14 years, with a software services business turning over £3.5m.
InfoSys are delighted with this move and see it as major progress, building on three years of successful Domisphere product development and marketing in the UK. InfoSys currently has a Domisphere user group of twenty customers including several blue chip names. Recent product innovations include new ready-built intranet templates, interactive/forum functionality and integration with Websphere Portal Server for content managed portals. Future plans include mufti language support and relational database integration.
The current Domisphere version (3.6) is a very robust and stable product which has been developed extensively in the UK. Our intention for Domisphere is to develop the product further, using 3.6 as a solid foundation. The other Domisphere related products mentioned above have similarly been modernised and successfully implemented in referencable InfoSys projects.
Our plans for customers in continental Europe include the offer of an upgrade to 3.6, membership to our user group with telephone and product support including regular product updates and use of our professional help desk service. This will be offered on a reasonable fixed fee basis. In the short term, Domisphere products and InfoSys services will only be available in English . We are, however, considering other languages including German, depending on customer demand and commercial viability. InfoSys are working with carefully selected German software house partners to provide implementation services in Germany.
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© copyright InfoSys 2003
Company History
InfoSys have been providing high quality IT services since 1989 and has been privately owned by its management throughout most of this time. Today the company is owned entirely by its board members and senior management team. In 2003 the company reached a record turnover of approximately £3.5m and continues to be profitable. As well as financial growth, the company has also seen a steady increase in the size of its technical and service delivery teams.
Since 1999 the company has focused on web content management and portal solutions, collaborative software applications development, for example in HR, sales/marketing and customer services, as well as providing a range of implementation, support and outsource services. During this time the company's main technology vendor has been IBM.
During 2000 the company began to invest in the development of the Domisphere web content management solution and has since, after buying all rights to the product from a German software house, offered the software in a number of new ways. This includes IIC, a ready built intranet and portal solution with integral content management, designed to provide an enterprise-wide solution in weeks, when months or years was previously more typical.
In 2003 the company won IBM's coveted Beacon Award for Outstanding Achievement. This was achieved by working with IBM to deliver software and services to a number of blue-chip UK organisations.
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© copyright InfoSys 2003
teamwork gibt Release 4.0 von Domisphere für den IBM-Vertrieb frei CMS-Update mit erweiterten Funktionalitäten und ASP-Fähigkeit Paderborn (pts, 5. Dezember 01/13:39) - Die teamwork information management AG, langjähriger IBM- und Lotus Business-Partner, gibt das Release 4.0 ihres Web Content Management Systems Domisphere für den IBM-Vertrieb frei. Seit Vermarktungsbeginn des aktuellen Releases 3.5 im Jahr 2000 ist Domisphere bei ca. 50 Kunden im In- und Ausland installiert worden. Domisphere wird neben dem eigenen Vertrieb von teamwork auch von IBM bei ausgewählten Kunden unterstützt. teamwork hatte im vergangenen Jahr mit IBM eine entsprechende Vereinbarung zur Vermarktung von Domisphere in Central Europe (Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz) abgeschlossen. "Damit werden wir unsere Partnerschaft mit IBM weiter intensivieren", meint teamwork-Vorstand Heinz Ikenmeyer. Mit dem Web Content Management System Domisphere bietet teamwork seinen Kunden die Möglichkeit, ihren Web-Auftritt aufzubauen, zu betreuen und ihre Inhalte zeitnah zu aktualisieren, ohne dass spezielles Internet-Know-how vorhanden sein muss. Mit der Freigabe der neuen Version bietet Domisphere den Kunden erweiterte Funktionalitäten, darunter die volle Webfähigkeit des Produktes, die es dem Nutzer ermöglicht, sowohl über Web Browser als auch über Lotus Notes Clients mit Domisphere zu arbeiten. Für international ausgerichtete Kunden bietet die erweiterte Mehrsprachigkeit die Möglichkeit, Inhalte in unterschiedlichen Sprachen für die gleiche Website zu erstellen. Ein wichtiger Faktor für die zukünftige Vermarktung ist die ASP-Fähigkeit (Application Service Providing) des neuen Releases. Damit kann Domisphere über das Internet von Application Service Providern angeboten werden. Als erstes Web Content Management System bietet Domisphere eine selbstkonfigurierbare Benutzeroberfläche (Cus-tomizing des Web-Interfaces) und ist dadurch besonders für den ASP-Einsatz geeignet. Domisphere läuft jetzt erstmalig auch auf den Servern der Produktfamilie AS/400 der IBM. Als nächster Entwicklungsschritt ist die Integration von IBM WebSphere in Domisphere geplant, die im ersten Halbjahr 2002 erfolgen wird. Das Leistungsangebot von IBM WebSphere kann mit einem Lotus Domino-basierten Web Content Management System erheblich ergänzt werden. Basis dafür ist die Integration der Plattform Lotus Domino in IBM WebSphere, die in dem neuen Release Rnext von Domino im Vordergrund steht. Pressekontakt teamwork information management AG Dr. Sabine Brummel Tel. 05251 - 52 01-145 E-Mail: sbrummel@teamwork.de Aussennder: HFN Kommunikation GmbH Hanauer Landstrasse 161-173 D-60314 Frankfurt am Main Tel. +49 (0)69 923186-0 Fax +49 (0)69 923186-22 email: nschaefer@hfn.de (Ende) Aussender: pts - Presseinformation (D) Ansprechpartner: Dr. Sabine Brummel, email: sbrummel@teamwork.de, Tel. +49 (0)69 923186-0