der IDSE Artikel wurde aus Beitrag
#6 verschoben: nochmal ein Auszug (stellvertetend dafür, dass es einigen anscheinend schwerfiel mit 'no' zu antworten):
"The question that the committee was asked to vote on was very narrow—whether Aradigm provided substantial evidence and safety of cipro DI in delaying the time to first exacerbation—and many of the advisory committee members said they wished it had not been so narrow. They wanted to consider secondary end points, many said. However, because of the FDA misgivings and concerns about antimicrobial resistance developing, the majority voted no (12 no, 3 yes, 1 abstain).
“I voted no, but I wanted to vote yes,” said Michael Green, MD, MPH, a professor of pediatrics, surgery, and clinical and translational science in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; and director of antimicrobial stewardship and infection prevention and co-director of transplant infectious diseases at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “It seems quite clear that the issues related to the impact of potential treatment on the total number of recurrences and the impact of these recurrences and their severity seems more critical, as each episode can lead to ongoing progressive lung disease and destruction."
@Eifel: wenn so eine Spekulation auf ein binäres event schiefgeht , ist das für mich bereits ein gedanklicher Totalverlust...alles was jetzt kommt ist ein Lotto 6er . Mir ist es seit der adcom Klatsche völlig egal ob ARDM Konkurs geht. Ich bleibe hier long, denn was anderes bleibt mir einfach nicht übrig und am Jahresende verrechne ich Verluste mit Gewinnen, so einfach mach ich mir das Ganze.