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Die Diskussionsforen bei financial-boards.de sind ein interaktives Medium welches von eingestellten Beiträgen anonymer Internet User lebt. Die eingestellten Beiträge geben lediglich die Meinungen der jeweiligen Verfasser wieder. Die financial.de AG übernimmt keinerlei Verantwortung für den Inhalt und die Richtigkeit der Beiträge. Wir empfehlen Ihnen die Inhalte immer kritisch zu überprüfen. Der Anbieter von financial.de, die Firma financial.de AG, haftet unter keinen Umständen für entstandene Schäden!
TOP ... Copyright © 1999 by financial.de AG ... e-mail
By: Livermore
Reply To: 304 by elboe Wednesday, 3 Nov 1999 at 4:31 PM EST
Post # of 326
Computer translation of the FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG
The strength, those from the exhaust gas comes it goes further with the turbocharger and Turbodyne developing superchargers gives it for commercial motor vehicle diesel engines and for the old passenger vehicle chamber Diesels already for a long time. However only the Diesel with direct injection for passenger vehicles and transporters brought the business with dpt to strength, which comes from the exhaust gas, i9~~ in travel. If alone the Volkswagen Ko~ni'~~~ built approximately 3.2 million, 11)1 with supercharger (ATL) in ten years, can be presented, which functions came to the A'IL manufacturers. Saved, xii AIlied signal gehoe~nd and in the Vcreinigten states ansssig, established vorausachauend twenty years ago in Thaonês Vosges in Ostlrankreich a Fertigw~pbetrieb, which should have been today groess~ width unit the factory for all in the world. Largest Garren customer, to that approximately 60 per cent that. Production to be supplied, is VoIh~~â, owing to the TDI world market more fuerer with niud, 60 per cent proportion with the direct injecting he Diesels. VW has also as first car manufacturers 1995 the ATL with adjustable guide vanes in the 1,9-Li-te~TDI with 81 KW (110 HP) used so far the guide vanes over a linkage by over or negative pressure was adjusted. But the next step followed now, together with Hella developed saves an electrical actuator with the BMW Achtzv linder Diesel, which addresses up alter instructions very many faster and more praenser. The future, it belongs to the electrical adjustment also with all other manufacturers the vacuum timing control all will maehlich replace. Only completely: The adjustable guide vanes to, more nubolader smd by no means again. Saved it offered to all engine manufacturers in the passed two decades, but only VW was ready to try it thereby - with piercing success. Thereby is the end of the ~irbolader Ent coil achieved? Far been missing. With a whole number of further steps is on the development and research program. Thus the waves with the two turbines, that, turn run things ", still more uexinier in sliding bearings and cause substantial friction losses. The loader for the Smart about turns minute up to 240000mal per. In addition, with the Diesels the numbers of revolutions are to the two-litre class already with 200000. Losses can result from friction in the sliding bearings up to 2kW. They could be lowered by roller bearings on approximately a quarter - however at present there are not these yet. Further ways out would be the air storage or magnetic bearings, which cuts even still better â than those. But they kQsten erheb~ lich n~ehr as sliding bearings. There already substantial advantages must jump out, approximately by further gewichtsminderung at run things, which could respond then still faster, and naturally by the endless life span of wear-free stocks. Quite importantly it is also that air or magnetic bearings does not have to be lubricated. Diesel engines brauche~n the turbochargers, also petrol engines will not be only equipped in the future ever more frequently with it. Thus AVL cunning in Graz, a development enterprise active in all it found world that gasoline low-performance engines can use all advantages of the lean operation only by loading. With the appropriate Aufladeteclmik could Hubraeue mc shrink, the engines wrden then smaller and more easily. A large problem are with the development those much are called exhaust gases of the petrol engine, which are only with new materials and constructions-HERRSCHB&. With attempts with turbine cases from highly alloyed steel sheet and new forms of the gas-fuehrung run. There remains being waiting, which can be implemented at vernunftigem price. Benziner and Diesels wait however also on the electrically supported turbochargers, how it is developed together at present of, nirbody ne and. In, technique and engine " over it, because the E-ATL eliminates also the last remainder, turbo-hole " and offers the possibility, the promoted was reported already several times. To adapt amount of air the burn requirement in the engine substantially more exactly than so far. That is urgently necessary for always far intensified exhaust limit values. There are still some further advantages, from which one already knows that they will improve future engines clearly. It is to the two partners to be thought capable of that they solve the problems. In addition, the e-ATh does not mean the end of the loader development. The strength of the Abgas~ to use will still for a long time employ the manufacturers.
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R I S I K O H I N W E I S !
Die Diskussionsforen bei financial-boards.de sind ein interaktives Medium welches von eingestellten Beiträgen anonymer Internet User lebt. Die eingestellten Beiträge geben lediglich die Meinungen der jeweiligen Verfasser wieder. Die financial.de AG übernimmt keinerlei Verantwortung für den Inhalt und die Richtigkeit der Beiträge. Wir empfehlen Ihnen die Inhalte immer kritisch zu überprüfen. Der Anbieter von financial.de, die Firma financial.de AG, haftet unter keinen Umständen für entstandene Schäden!
TOP ... Copyright © 1999 by financial.de AG ... e-mail
By: Livermore
Reply To: 304 by elboe Wednesday, 3 Nov 1999 at 4:31 PM EST
Post # of 326
Computer translation of the FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG
The strength, those from the exhaust gas comes it goes further with the turbocharger and Turbodyne developing superchargers gives it for commercial motor vehicle diesel engines and for the old passenger vehicle chamber Diesels already for a long time. However only the Diesel with direct injection for passenger vehicles and transporters brought the business with dpt to strength, which comes from the exhaust gas, i9~~ in travel. If alone the Volkswagen Ko~ni'~~~ built approximately 3.2 million, 11)1 with supercharger (ATL) in ten years, can be presented, which functions came to the A'IL manufacturers. Saved, xii AIlied signal gehoe~nd and in the Vcreinigten states ansssig, established vorausachauend twenty years ago in Thaonês Vosges in Ostlrankreich a Fertigw~pbetrieb, which should have been today groess~ width unit the factory for all in the world. Largest Garren customer, to that approximately 60 per cent that. Production to be supplied, is VoIh~~â, owing to the TDI world market more fuerer with niud, 60 per cent proportion with the direct injecting he Diesels. VW has also as first car manufacturers 1995 the ATL with adjustable guide vanes in the 1,9-Li-te~TDI with 81 KW (110 HP) used so far the guide vanes over a linkage by over or negative pressure was adjusted. But the next step followed now, together with Hella developed saves an electrical actuator with the BMW Achtzv linder Diesel, which addresses up alter instructions very many faster and more praenser. The future, it belongs to the electrical adjustment also with all other manufacturers the vacuum timing control all will maehlich replace. Only completely: The adjustable guide vanes to, more nubolader smd by no means again. Saved it offered to all engine manufacturers in the passed two decades, but only VW was ready to try it thereby - with piercing success. Thereby is the end of the ~irbolader Ent coil achieved? Far been missing. With a whole number of further steps is on the development and research program. Thus the waves with the two turbines, that, turn run things ", still more uexinier in sliding bearings and cause substantial friction losses. The loader for the Smart about turns minute up to 240000mal per. In addition, with the Diesels the numbers of revolutions are to the two-litre class already with 200000. Losses can result from friction in the sliding bearings up to 2kW. They could be lowered by roller bearings on approximately a quarter - however at present there are not these yet. Further ways out would be the air storage or magnetic bearings, which cuts even still better â than those. But they kQsten erheb~ lich n~ehr as sliding bearings. There already substantial advantages must jump out, approximately by further gewichtsminderung at run things, which could respond then still faster, and naturally by the endless life span of wear-free stocks. Quite importantly it is also that air or magnetic bearings does not have to be lubricated. Diesel engines brauche~n the turbochargers, also petrol engines will not be only equipped in the future ever more frequently with it. Thus AVL cunning in Graz, a development enterprise active in all it found world that gasoline low-performance engines can use all advantages of the lean operation only by loading. With the appropriate Aufladeteclmik could Hubraeue mc shrink, the engines wrden then smaller and more easily. A large problem are with the development those much are called exhaust gases of the petrol engine, which are only with new materials and constructions-HERRSCHB&. With attempts with turbine cases from highly alloyed steel sheet and new forms of the gas-fuehrung run. There remains being waiting, which can be implemented at vernunftigem price. Benziner and Diesels wait however also on the electrically supported turbochargers, how it is developed together at present of, nirbody ne and. In, technique and engine " over it, because the E-ATL eliminates also the last remainder, turbo-hole " and offers the possibility, the promoted was reported already several times. To adapt amount of air the burn requirement in the engine substantially more exactly than so far. That is urgently necessary for always far intensified exhaust limit values. There are still some further advantages, from which one already knows that they will improve future engines clearly. It is to the two partners to be thought capable of that they solve the problems. In addition, the e-ATh does not mean the end of the loader development. The strength of the Abgas~ to use will still for a long time employ the manufacturers.
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