(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)
(Stock Code: 169)
The Board of Directors of China Fair Land Holdings Limited (the “Company”) proposes to change the name of
the Company from “China Fair Land Holdings Limited” to “Hengli Properties Development (Group) Limited”
(the “Name Change”) and to adopt “” as secondary name of the Company
(the “Secondary Name Adoption”), subject to the conditions set out below being fulfilled in full. The stock
short name of the Company (the “Stock Short Name”) will also be changed.
The principal business activities of the Company and its subsidiaries include property development, letting,
sales of land use rights and developed properties and investment holding. In order to reflect the majority of the
Board members of the Company have changed and the new era of the Company under the new management of
the present Board members, the Board considers it appropriate for the change of name of the Company. The
Company will maintain the existing business after the proposed Name Change and Secondary Name Adoption.
The proposed Name Change and Secondary Name Adoption are conditional upon:
• the passing of a special resolution by the shareholders of the Company (the “Shareholders”) at the annual
general meeting of the Company which is expected to be held on Friday, 30 May 2008 (the “AGM”) to
approve the Name Change and Secondary Name Adoption; and
• the approval by the Registrar of Companies in Bermuda in respect of the Name Change and Secondary
Name Adoption.
The proposed Name Change and Secondary Name Adoption shall take effect from the respective date on which
the new name and the secondary name is entered on the register of companies maintained by the Registrar of
Companies in Bermuda.
The rights of the Shareholders will not be affected as a result of the proposed Name Change and Secondary
Name Adoption. Upon the Name Change and Secondary Name Adoption becoming effective, all existing
share certificates bearing the current name of the Company will continue to be evidence of title to the ordinary
shares and will continue to be valid for trading, settlement and registration purposes. Accordingly, there will
not be any arrangement for free exchange of existing share certificates under the new name.
After the Name Change and Secondary Name Adoption have become effective, any issue of share certificates
of the Company will be in the new name and secondary name and the shares of the Company (the “Shares”)
will be traded on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) in the new name.
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A circular containing, among other matters, details of the proposed Name Change and Secondary Name Adoption,
a notice of AGM and the related proxy form will be sent to the Shareholders as soon as practicable.
A further announcement will be made when the proposed Name Change, Secondary Name Adoption and the
Stock Short Name Change become effective.
By order of the board
China Fair Land Holdings Limited
So Pang Gen
Hong Kong, April 22, 2008
As at the date of this announcement, the Executive Directors are Mr. So Pang Gen, Mr. Chim Kim Lun, Ricky,
Mr. Chen Chang Wei, Ms. Chan Sheung Ni, Ms. Chen Dongxue and Mr. Wong Hing Ting, James. The Independent
Non-executive Directors are Ms. Lin Wen Feng, Mr. Ma Ving Lung and Mr. Yip King Keung, Pony.