Softbank-Konsortium übernimmt zusammengebrochene Nippon Credit Bank

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Softbank-Konsortium übernimmt zusammengebrochene Nippon Cre.

06.06.00 09:25
Softbank-Konsortium übernimmt zusammengebrochene Nippon Credit Bank
TOKIO (dpa-AFX) - Ein Konsortium um das Internet-Investmenthaus Softbank übernimmt die zusammengebrochene Nippon Credit Bank (NCB). Eine entsprechende Grundsatzvereinbarung schlossen die beteiligten Geldhäuser am Dienstag mit der japanischen Banken-Treuhandbehörde.
NCB hatte am Freitag erklärt, im Ende März zu Ende gegangenen Geschäftsjahr noch 1,09 Billionen Yen (knapp 21 Milliarden Mark) an riskanten Krediten in den Büchern zu führen, deutlich weniger als die 3,49 Billionen Yen vom Vorjahr./pin/FP/fs


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Softbank vor Ausbruch nach Norden

06.06.00 10:36
Bedeutet diese Meldung den Ausbruch nach Norden für die ach so gebeutelte Softbank-Aktie ?
Wer hat nähere Hintergrundinformationen ?

Danke Haffu

TOKYO (Reuters) - Ambitious Japanese Internet investor Softbank on Tu.

06.06.00 15:40
TOKYO (Reuters) - Ambitious Japanese Internet investor Softbank on Tuesday reached a deal with the government to buy failed Nippon Credit Bank, enabling it to break into Japan's tightly protected banking world.

The takeover marks the first time a non financial-services firm has gained a foothold in the struggling banking sector and sets the stage for a dramatic shift in financial services from "old-Japan" institutions to innovative and nimbler outsiders, analysts said.

The Financial Reconstruction Commission said a Softbank-led consortium would pay ¥1 billion for Nippon Credit's existing shares and ¥100 billion ($932 million) for new equity to be issued in the reborn bank, giving the consortium an 80 percent stake.

The rest would be held by a group of Japanese regional banks and by international banks Lehman Brothers Holdings, Chase Manhattan and Switzerland's UBS, said the newspaper Nihon Keizai Shimbun, which reported that the international banks would invest a total of about ¥20 billion.

NCB would ask the government to pump in ¥240 billion to purchase 800 million preferred shares, the FRC said.

The FRC said it hoped to secure a final agreement on the sale by July 9. Orix, Japan's biggest leasing company, and Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance Co. complete the Softbank consortium.

The FRC said NCB's auditor would make a final inspection of the bank's loans to determine how much should be set aside as reserves against potentially bad loans. The Softbank consortium had earlier insisted it be allowed to scrutinize the quality of NCB's loan assets to establish the size of loan-loss provisions.

Softbank shares rose 4.2 percent Tuesday to close at ¥20,800.
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