SEMA ???

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SEMA ???

24.11.00 10:40
Bin ich irgendwie debil, oder zu doof, um Nachrichten zu Sema zu finden? Oder andere Frage: warum zeigen mir alle Finanzseiten Minus 30-46%?

*ratlos* *das kann nicht stimmen*


Aacchhssooo, ja dann ist ja alles klar!

24.11.00 10:47
Nichts besonderes, nur eine Gewinnwarnung, oder wie ist der Text zu verstehen: *aaaaaa*

(Tut mir leid, zum Formatieren bin ich nicht mehr in der Lage :-( )

Friday, 24 November 2000

                                         Sema Group

                                       Trading Update

               Sema Group today announces a trading update for the year ending 31 December

               Turnover in the second half of the year is expected to show an increase of some
               13% (and 17% at constant exchange rates) over the corresponding period in 1999.
               Excluding LHS, which will be included for 5 months of the year, underlying turnover
               in the second half is expected to be approximately 6% (9% at constant exchange
               rates) higher than in 1999. However, profits (before amortisation) in the second half
               of the year are expected to be broadly in line with those for the second half of 1999.
               These results will clearly be below those anticipated by the market and Sema Group
               management. The principal reasons are:

                         A significant deterioration of LHS’s performance in the third quarter.
                         The shortfall was partially offset by Sema’s telecom product line, which
                         is performing well. In particular mobile telecom products are enjoying
                         strong growth. Operating margins in Products are expected to improve
                         from 4% in the first half to over 6% in the second half following the
                         acquisition of LHS and improved margins in Sema’s Telecom products.

                         A lower than expected performance in Outsourcing where revenues for
                         the second half are now expected to be some 10% lower than in the
                         comparable period in 1999. This is due to the postponement of
                         contracts in continental Europe combined with the selective approach in
                         the UK to win more profitable contracts. Operating margins are
                         expected to be in the region of 5.5% for the second half.

               Other business areas are producing strong results, in particular those associated with
               Sema’s Products in Banking, Energy, Travel and Transport as well as Systems
               Integration and WebTech. SG-RS, the Business Continuity division of the Group,
               has continued to show exceptional growth and profitability.

               The Acquisition and Integration of LHS

               The acquisition of LHS was announced on 15 March 2000 but was not completed
               until 29 July 2000 for regulatory reasons. The prolonged time lag between
               announcement and completion of the deal caused serious business disruption within
               LHS and delayed the integration. In the period from 1 January 2000 to 29 July
               2000, the turnover and operating profits were £83 million and £2.3 million
               respectively. LHS’s quarterly turnover amounted to £42m and £36m in the first and
               second quarters respectively and reached a low of £24m in the third quarter with
               sales in July of only £5.8 million. The dynamism and the determination with which the
               integration plan was implemented has improved performance: As a result, LHS is
               expected to achieve turnover in the fourth quarter of over £35m, including synergies.

               Outlook for 2001

               The Board expects like for like revenue growth in 2001 of approximately 12% as the
               Group continues to focus on the faster growing segments of the IT market. The
               acquisition of LHS represented a major strategic development for Sema. Although its
               integration has impacted the short term profits, now that it is complete the Group is
               starting to achieve its anticipated benefits and the Board views the outlook with
               renewed confidence.

               In 2001, Systems Integration is expected to show underlying growth in turnover of
               12%. Outsourcing is expected to achieve turnover in line with the current year,
               following the expiry of two major contracts in the UK. It is anticipated that Products
               will perform strongly next year.


               Marie-Claude Bessis
               Director of Corporate Communications, Sema Group
               Mobile: +33 (0)684 952 621
               Tel: +44 (0)207 830 4204

               Nicolas von Stackelberg
               Investor Relations, Sema Group
               Mobile: +49 (0)172 954 0214
               Tel: +44 (0)207 830 4215

               Bobby Leach
               Shandwick International
               Tel: +44 (0)207 905 2537
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