hier könnte das timing besser sein, als bei GDRN. solch ein absturz ist m. m. nach nicht gerechtfertigt. was meint ihr?
Company Info
hier das übliche blabla:
About iBIZ
iBIZ is a leading manufacturer and distributor of accessories for personal digital assistant (PDA) and handheld devices. iBIZ is recognized for innovative, high-quality, competitively-priced products available through major retailers. iBIZ also creates, develops and hosts business Web sites through its co-location data center. iBIZ cabling services enable data/voice networks, wireless and fiber optic telecommunications systems, build-outs, and plant infrastructure.
For more information on iBIZ products and services, go to www.ibizcorp.com or e-mail sales@ibizcorp.com or call 800/234-0707.
Company Info
hier das übliche blabla:
About iBIZ
iBIZ is a leading manufacturer and distributor of accessories for personal digital assistant (PDA) and handheld devices. iBIZ is recognized for innovative, high-quality, competitively-priced products available through major retailers. iBIZ also creates, develops and hosts business Web sites through its co-location data center. iBIZ cabling services enable data/voice networks, wireless and fiber optic telecommunications systems, build-outs, and plant infrastructure.
For more information on iBIZ products and services, go to www.ibizcorp.com or e-mail sales@ibizcorp.com or call 800/234-0707.