PCCW jeden Tag einige % !

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PCCW jeden Tag einige % !

08.02.00 08:01
Market Data  

Daily Chart 20.900 20.950
Weekly Chart   Last   20.900  
Monthly Chart   Change   1.600  
  % Chg   +8.29 %
Broker Queue   Open   20.000  
Company News   High    20.900  
Research Reports   Low   19.900  
Balance Sheet   Volume   61075 K
P & L Account   P/E   N/A
Financial Ratios   Yield   N/A

heute sind es sehr viele % :-)
ps: das sind HK$ !!!

Re: PCCW jeden Tag einige % !

08.02.00 08:23
pcclf wird der renner in den nächsten tagen

Re: PCCW jeden Tag einige % !

08.02.00 09:19
Ist doch klar, daß die steigen. Wurden doch in der 3- Sat- Börse empfohlen.


Mfg    Reinyboy

Re: PCCW jeden Tag einige % !

08.02.00 09:23
Ist gut so! Habe aber leider erst zu 2.45 Euro gekauft, aber ich sehe es als absolutes Langfrist-Investment. Diese Aktie wird ihren Weg machen, hoffe ich zumindest!  

3-Sat hat nichts mit dem HK kurs zutun! aber steigen werden sie steti.

08.02.00 09:24

...PCCW heute in HGK um 6% gestiegen...auch + 9%..juhuu .

08.02.00 09:27

Hi lowizard- das war doch ein Scherz mit der 3-Sat-Börse o.T.

08.02.00 09:27

hier noch was zu PCCW

08.02.00 10:07

alle euphorie in ehren, aber bis die in allen möglichen boards beschrieenen 5 euro zu sehen sind, dauerts noch ne gute weile. aber vielleicht ist das ding ja in der tat ne "drachen-aktie" :-)  

Hallo Gismu! PCCW in HK +11,4 % o.T.

08.02.00 10:13

china online hat sich pccw aktien getrennt. Hat jemand ne ahnung war.

08.02.00 10:31
Bericht vom 08.02.2000 im Nachrichtendienst der DB

China Online trennt sich von 9,7 Mio
Pacific Century CyberWorks Aktien
HONGKONG (dpa-AFX) - China Online (Bermuda) Ltd
hat sich von 9,7 Mio. Aktien der
asiatischen Internetholding Pacific Century
CyberWorks Ltd getrennt. Wie China
Online am Dienstag mitteilte, sei ein Wechsel in der
Geschäftsstrategie von Pacific Century Cyberworks
der Grund für den Aktienverkauf gewesen. China
Online stellte weitere Verkäufe von Cyberworks-Aktien
in Aussicht.

Den Angaben zufolge hält China Online immer noch
190,3 Mio. CyberWorks-Aktien, was 2,1% des
ausgegebenen Aktienkapitals entspricht. Der
Aktienverkauf sei zu Preisen zwischen 16,0 und 20,1
HKD am offenen Markt erfolgt. Nach Kosten habe der
Verkauf einen Erlös von 176,6 Mio. HKD erbracht. Es
gäbe noch keine Pläne für die Wiederanlage dieses
Betrags in neue Probleme./cs/ub

Quellen: Teledata, Standard&Poor's ComStock Inc. und weitere.
Bitte beachten Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen.
Quote, Chart and News Technology powered by Teledata

Für die Richtigkeit der Angaben übernehmen weder die Deutsche
Bank noch TeleDATA die Gewähr.
Suzie Wong:

Hongkong um 16.00 PCCW , Culture .com

08.02.00 10:56
HKG Boerse im Aufwind :

PCCW = HKD 21.50 +11.4 % = HKD 1.93 + 22.15

Mit den Beiden koennen wir noch einiges erwarten ....


china online hat seit sep 99 verkauft, ich sehe das positive das der pr.

08.02.00 12:06
gegen konstante substantielle verkaeufe so steigt. gibt also mehr als genug investoren die an pccw glauben!

Got this off financialville China Online dropping PCCW
                               By Hoi Leung

                               STORY: CHINA Online (Bermuda) said it would gradually dispose of its
                               $3.7 billion worth of share holdings in Pacific Century CyberWorks after
                               deciding that PCCW has shifted the focus of its business strategy.

                               The company said it had already sold a a small number of shares of
                               PCCW for $176 million, adding that it still did not know what to do with the

                               China Online said its directors were thinking of further disposing of its
                               remaining shares in PCCW.

                               ``The directors of the company consider that there has been a divergence
                               in the business strategy of PCCW since the PCCW shares were originally
                               acquired by the company,''said Stephen Law, director of China Online.

                               Last year, China Online had signalled plans to sell its holdings in PCCW
                               but withdrew it in September, reducing the size of PCCW shares being
                               offered to investors from 560 million shares, or 7.28 per cent of PCCW, to
                               about 230 million shares, or only 2.99 per cent of the company.

                               Since then, PCCW has been aggressively purchasing companies, making
                               at least six acquisitions worth about $650 million since October last year.
                               On Thursday it announced that it had acquired 5 per cent of Li Ka-shing's
                               Internet business

                               China Online's disposal of PCCW shares would release part of its Capital
                               for future investment and was in line with the company's strategy of
                               expanding its existing business.

                               The company said it sold a total of 9.7 million shares of PCCW between 3
                               January and 2 February at the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.

                               That number of shares sold represented 4.85 per cent of its PCCW share

                               China Online sold the shares at a price range of approximately $16 and
                               $20.10 each.

                               After the sale, China Online had reduced its stake in PCCW from 2.2 per
                               cent stake to 2.1 per cent or a total of 190.3 million shares in PCCW.

                               PCCW shares closed on Thursday at $19.3 each, which values China
                               Online's holdings of PCCW shares at $3.67 billion.

                               The company planned to further dispose of its holdings of PCCW shares
                               gradually, Mr Law said.

                               The company had no specific plans on how to use the net proceeds or for
                               any acquisitions, he added.

                               PCCW is an independent third party not connected with China Online, its
                               subsidiaries and respective associates, said China Online.

                               The PCCW shares sold accounted for more than 15 per cent of the $520.8
                               million consolidated net tangible assets of China Online as of 31
                               December 1998.

                               On 26 January, China Online announced it had acquired a 10.5 stake of
                               interest in Sun Hung Kai & Company after the latter moved into the online
                               electronic stockbrokerage business. It paid $240.5 million for the

                               Founded in 1978, China Online sold pagers imported from Japan and the
                               United States. It went public in 1991, but its original shareholders sold
                               their stake in and relinquished control to China Strategic Holdings in 1996,
                               after which China Online entered the Chinese mobile telephone market.

                               China Strategic Holdings and China Online chairman Wong Kam-fu holds
                               68 per cent and 17 per cent of the two respective companies.

                               China Online had itself controlled 73 per cent shareholding of Tricom
                               Holdings Ltd before the latter was taken over by Richard Li Tzar-kai's
                               group and renamed PCCW.

                               The company made a net profit of $365.74 million in the first six months of
                               1999 against a loss of $564 million for the whole of 1998. The loss was
                               partly due to provisions of $363 million for interest in a subsidiary not

                               China Online said it would diversify into provision of technical services for
                               data communications products, system integration and wireless
                               communication products, system integration and wireless.

heute wieder +2.56% 22.05 HK$ (+0.5)

09.02.00 08:44
nur nichst ueberstuerzen , stetiger wachstum ist genau richtig. timeless ist auch eine guter wert , dem sind aber >+30% steigerung nicht so gut bekommen, und gewinnmitnahmen (kurzfristig) setzten ein.

Kingsway SW Securities said technology counters broke new records
                 recently and local technology players will benefit. Predicting that Pacific
                 Century CyberWorks (1186) will be boosted, Kingsway suggests a buy
                 below $22.00 with a 3-month target at $25.00.  

wer sagts denn, wieder 6.5% ....

10.02.00 08:11
Daily Chart 23.500 23.550
Weekly Chart   Last   23.500  
Monthly Chart   Change   1.450  
  % Chg   +6.58 %
Broker Queue   Open   21.500  
Company News   High    23.700  
Research Reports   Low   21.400  
Balance Sheet   Volume   54755 K
P & L Account   P/E   N/A
Financial Ratios   Yield   N/A
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