Otto Energy:

Beitrag: 1
Zugriffe: 2.026 / Heute: 1
Otto Energy Ltd 0,0075 € +0,00% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +0,00%

Otto Energy:

18.10.21 14:53
"Otto Energy is an oil and gas exploration and production company focused on the US Gulf Coast. We have a high quality production base comprising the South Marsh Island 71 (SM 71) oil field in the shallow water Gulf of Mexico (Louisiana) and the Lightning gas/condensate field in onshore Matagorda County, Texas. We also hold an interest in the Green Canyon 21 (GC 21) oil well in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, which commenced production in October 2020. Our other major asset is an equity interest in Alaskan focused oil and gas producer, Pantheon Resources (LSE:PANR)."
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