Öl auf 40 Dollar gestiegen

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Öl auf 40 Dollar gestiegen

05.05.04 00:41
der höchste Preis seit 14 Jahren zuletzt am 11.10.1990...die Unruhen in Saudiarabien sind eine Bedrohung für den Ölpreis .....NEW YORK (AFX) - Le baril de brut a atteint mardi un nouveau sommet
depuis près de 14 ans à New York, se rapprochant des 40 dollars, en raison des
craintes d'attentats contre l'infrastructure pétrolière au Moyen-Orient et dans
la foulée de prix de l'essence record.
Sur le New York Mercantile Exchange (Nymex), le prix du baril de brut pour
livraison en juin a terminé mardi sur un gain de 77 cents à 38,98 dollars, sa
clôture la plus élevée depuis le 12 octobre 1990, avant le début en janvier 1991
de la Guerre du Golfe.
Le marché avait clôturé pour la dernière fois au dessus des 40 dollars le 11
octobre 1990, à 40,42 dollars. Il s'agissait alors d'un record historique.
A Londres, le baril de Brent de la mer du Nord pour livraison en juin,
référence sur l'International Petroleum Exchange (IPE), a fait un bond de 1,45
dollars à 35,93 dollars, également son plus haut depuis octobre 1990.
Le marché est préoccupé par la situation en Arabie saoudite, "qui pourrait
constituer une menace pour les prix du pétrole, bien que l'attaque (de samedi)
n'ait pas perturbé les opérations", a indiqué Marshall Steeves, analyste de

das gibt Hoffnung...

05.05.04 01:01
wer vor 3 jahren von 50$ sprach wurde ausgelacht.  


05.05.04 01:11
wo rufst du charts für brent crude oil o.v. ab?

Einfluss des Olpreises auf GDP minus 0,5%

05.05.04 10:29
ASHINGTON, May 3 - Higher oil prices have hurt the global economy and could further hamper growth, bolster inflation and increase unemployment over the next two years if prices stay at their current levels, according to a study by the International Energy Agency released on Monday.
"World G.D.P. growth may have been at least half a percentage point higher in the last two or three years," the study found, "had prices remained at mid-2001 levels."

If oil prices stay at their current level of more than $35 a barrel, more than $10 a barrel above their level of three years ago, "world G.D.P. would be at least half of 1 percent lower - equivalent to $255 billion - in the year following a $10 oil price increase."
For developed nations as a whole, the effect of higher oil prices would include a rise of one-tenth of a percentage point in the unemployment rate, a rise of five-tenths of a point in consumer prices for 2004 and a reduction in economic growth of four-tenths of a point for the next two years.

The agency, an independent body founded 30 years ago by major oil- consuming nations in the aftermath of oil price shocks, collaborated on the study with its sister organization, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the International Monetary Fund.

The report attributed higher oil prices, in part, to "supply-management policies" by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, but it did not further explore the causes. At its most recent meeting, one month ago, OPEC members, led by Saudi Arabia, decided to restrain production further.

In the weeks since OPEC's decision, the trend of one production indicator, oil tanker movements, has shifted downward, according to Oil Tanker Intelligence Service, "providing clear evidence that OPEC has indeed reduced exports." The service is a joint venture of Lloyd's Marine Intelligence Unit, based in London, and the PIRA Energy Group, which is based in New York.

The federal Energy Information Administration reports that oil imports into the United States from Saudi Arabia, the world's biggest exporter, dropped significantly in the first two months of 2004, the latest reporting period.
Saudi supplies of crude oil in January and February dropped by almost 20 percent compared with the period in 2003.

ich bin leider nicht in Öl drin


Öl ist genug da..3.Juni Opectreffen

05.05.04 10:35
JAKARTA (Reuters) - OPEC (News - Websites) President Purnomo Yusgiantoro said on Wednesday the oil producers' cartel was currently producing 1.5 million barrels per day (bpd) more than its official output limit and there was enough fuel in the market.
Asked by reporters if there was any possibility OPEC would raise its official production limit at a meeting in Beirut on June 3 as world oil prices hit more than 13-year highs, he said:

"I am in communication with the OPEC Secretariat and (we are) still studying the development.

"We have to see what's the reason behind (the high prices). We have a leakage at 1.5 million bpd above official quota. We assure the market that there is enough oil."


Links für Futures

05.05.04 23:38
der erste scheint richtig gut,muss man ausprobieren

Bin ich ja richtig ausgestattet - vollgestopft

06.05.04 00:26
mit shorts. ;o)

Danke Kicky

06.05.04 04:19
denke auch langsam an Short`s - oder doch an Shorts ;-) (Strand, Sonne, Meer...)??


06.05.04 12:52
das war der Link für Dich mit Charts

Börsenfutures leicht negativ wegen steigender Ölpreise und wirtschaftlicher Auswirkungen

wir haben bald 40$ pro Barrel

06.05.04 13:04
.S. light crude (CLc1) hit $39.84 a barrel, up 27 cents from Wednesday's $39.57 a barrel close, the highest settle on the New York Mercantile Exchange for 13 years. London Brent rose 28 cents to $37.00, also a 13-year high. Prices have risen seven percent this week.

"I think we're going to have a four in front of the oil price very soon. It's certainly pretty ugly for the oil consumers of the world," said David Thurtell, commodities strategist at Commonwealth Bank of Australia in Sydney.

Worries over Middle East supply security, low U.S. gasoline stocks and rampant demand growth in China have driven U.S. crude prices toward the all-time record of $41.15 reached in October 1990 after Iraq invaded Kuwait in the crisis that led to the Gulf War.

Tetsu Emori, chief commodities strategist at Mitsui Bussan Futures in Tokyo, forecast that crude was likely to push up to $43-$45 a barrel by mid-year.

"Last year we hit $39.99 before the war, which was largely psychological. Now we need to look at the fundamentals and they are very strong," Emori said. Prices spiked close to $40 during intraday trading in February 2003 as U.S.-led forces prepared to attack Iraq.

Gasoline demand in the United States over the past four weeks of 9.1 million barrels a day has beaten expectations, rising by 3.4 percent versus the same period last year and keeping stocks of motor fuel well below five-year average levels for the time of year.

The United States, with less than five percent of the world's population, accounts for some 45 percent of the world's gasoline consumption of just over 20 million barrels daily. Consumption hits a peak in the summer vacation months between the end of May and September.

While U.S. motorists are paying a record $1.80 a gallon, retail prices are only a third of average western European levels and have had no impact on demand.

Traders worry that weekend shootings at a Saudi Arabian petrochemicals plant and attempts a week earlier to bomb Iraq's key Basra oil export terminal might be precursors to a bigger attack on vital oil facilities in the Middle East, which pumps about one-third of global daily crude output.


thanx kicky

06.05.04 15:08
der erste link ist wirklich interessant... aber ich finde leider keine langfristigen chart-betrachtungen. :(  


12.05.04 00:23
It's not Vietnam, just a another Oil Company scam.
Salute the flag of Uncle Sam, get your money out, place your bets -
this time it's IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN!
Öl auf 40 Dollar gestiegen 1497896

Houston Tower und die "IN GOD WE TRUST INC."
grüßt alle seine Sklaven - enjoy the show!
Öl auf 40 Dollar gestiegen 1497896  

Reiner Zufall

12.05.04 00:35
die posting zeit war 12.05.2004 (12 + 5 + 2 + 4 = 23) um 00:23 uhr!
na logo, alles weltgeschehen ist zufällige aneinanderreihung zufälliger zufälle. ;)

Ölpreis nähert sich Rekordmarke

12.05.04 21:57
Ölpreis nähert sich in New York der Rekordmarke aus der Kuwait-Krise 1990
12.05.2004 21:53:09, dpa-AFX Internet

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) - Der Preis für ein Barrel Rohöl ist am Mittwoch an der
New Yorker Warenterminbörse Nymex in die Nähe der Marke von 41 US-Dollar
gestiegen. Ein Barrel (159 Liter) Rohöl zur Lieferung im Juni kostete bei
Handelsschluss 40,77 Dollar. Zwischenzeitlich war der Preis bis auf 40,92 Dollar
geklettert und näherte sich damit seinem Rekordhoch, das im Oktober 1990 während
der Kuwait-Krise bei 41,15 Dollar erreicht wurde.

   Zuvor hatte der Branchenverband American Petroleum Institute (API)
mitgeteilt, dass der Benzinlagerbestand in der am 7. Mai endenden Woche um rund
1,5 Millionen Barrel zurückgegangen ist. Ölhändler machten außerdem die starke
Nachfrage nach Benzin in der bevorstehenden Sommersaison für den
Anstieg verantwortlich.

   John Person, der Verfasser des Branchen-Newsletters "Bottom Line Financial
and Futures Weekly Report", erwartet noch in dieser Woche einen Anstieg des
Rohölpreises auf 41,15 Dollar je Barrel./FX/rw/kro

`Next to Nothing' 2$/Gallon

12.05.04 23:09
wenn ich sehe,wie man in USA bei 2$ für eine Gallone(3,78l)rumstöhnt,dann muss ich doch sagen,warum reduziert ihr nicht lieber den Ölverbrauch ! ist doch unglaublich wieviel in USA verbraucht wird....jetzt wird das zum Wahlkampfthema und Grund für das steigende USA-Defizit

``This summer driving season is about to get under way in full force, but this administration has done next to nothing to address the record gas prices that U.S. drivers are paying at the pump,'' Kerry spokesman Phil Singer said in a statement yesterday. ``The president needs to come up with a real plan to lower gas prices that considers all options.''

Kerry has also said that Bush should encourage the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to boost supplies. OPEC reduced quotas for 10 of the group's 11 members by 1 million barrels a day as of April 1 to 23.5 million barrels a day to offset an expected drop in demand.

``The president remains concerned about rising gas prices. I think most Americans are concerned about rising gas prices. That's why we remain in contact with producers around the world'' urging them not to cut output, said White House spokesman Scott McClellan at a briefing of reporters.

Ali al-Naimi, oil minister for Saudi Arabia, the world's largest exporter, said Monday that OPEC should act to keep high prices from damaging the global economy.

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