Nokia News

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Nokia News

22.02.01 18:16
Nokia Hit by Profit Concerns
 By Carolyn Koo
 Staff Reporter
 2/22/01 11:48 AM ET

 Shares of Nokia (NOK:NYSE ADR - news) dropped as much as 9% Thursday as rumors of a profit warning from the world`s
 largest maker of mobile phone handsets swirled through the market.

 They recently rebounded and were down 85 cents, or 3.5%, to $23.40 in midday trading.

 Worries about further diminishing growth of handset sales are punishing Nokia, which had double the worldwide market share of
 its nearest competitor, Motorola (MOT:NYSE - news), in the fourth quarter, according to research firm Dataquest.

 However, Johan Carlstrom, an analyst with Swedish investment bank Handelsbanken, thinks the selloff is unwarranted. "A profit
 warning is already discounted in the share price," Carlstrom explains. "Around these levels, the stock is cheap." Nokia`s
 American depositary receipts are off 63% from their 52-week high of $62.50. (He rates Nokia a buy, and his firm hasn`t done
 underwriting for the company.)

 In January, the three major players -- Nokia, Motorola and Ericsson (ERICY:Nasdaq - news) -- all took down their estimates for
 handset sales in 2001. However, there is increasing concern that the companies will reduce those estimates even more because
 of slow first-quarter handset sales in mature European markets like Italy, France, Germany and the U.K., as well as a more
 sustained economic slowdown in the U.S. than originally envisioned.

 Carlstrom says he`s considering another reduction for his 2001 handset forecast, to a range of 490 million to 510 million from 525

 million. European sales have slowed because fewer people than expected are replacing their current phones.

 Nokia, which shrank its forecast last month to a range of 500 million to 550 million units, from 550 million, didn`t return calls for a
 comment. However, Carlstrom says the company reaffirmed its 2001 forecast when he spoke with management on Wednesday.

 But even if Nokia should reduce that estimate further, to maybe 490 million phones, "Lower global volumes are already
 discounted in the price," Carlstrom says. He does acknowledge though that a figure as low as 450 million would be a drastic
 reduction and one that`s not factored into the share price.

 Lower handset growth will cut into Nokia`s anticipated revenue, unless it manages to significantly increase its market share.
 Indeed, on a conference call at the end of January, the company stated that one of its goals for the year is to aggressively take
 more share.

 In the fourth quarter, Nokia expanded its leadership to 33.9% of the market, while Motorola slipped to 12.7% and No. 3 Ericsson
 dipped to 8.7%.

Nochmal in Deutsch

22.02.01 20:59
Donnerstag 22. Februar 2001, 14:58 Uhr, Reuters
 Nokia gibt nach Spekulationen über Gewinnwarnung nach

 Helsinki, 22. Feb (Reuters) - Die Aktie des finnischen Mobiltelefonproduzenten Nokia hat am Donnerstag nachgegeben, nachdem
 am Markt Spekulationen über eine bevorstehende Gewinnwarnung aufgekommen waren.Nokia-Sprecherin Maija Tommila sagte
 zu den Marktgerüchten, die Spekulationen seien ihr bekannt. Nokia nehme aber zu Marktgerüchten keine Stellung. Die
 Sprecherin fügte allerdings hinzu, der finnische Konzern halte an seinem Ergebnisausblick von Ende Januar fest. Nokia
 verzeichneten an der Börse Helsinki bis zum frühen Nachmittag Verluste von zeitweise 7,5 Prozent auf 25,45 Euro.
 "Ich höre etwas von einer Nokia-Gewinnwarnung. Im allgemeinen machen viele Gerüchte die Runde", sagte ein Händler in
 Helsinki. Zudem belasteten die Kommentare von Siemens die Aktie. Siemens hatte zuvor angekündigt, sein Mobilfunk- und
 Netzwerkgeschäft durch die Übernahme der US-Firma Efficient Networks zu stärken. Zugleich sah Siemens aber nach eigenen
 Angaben durch den Aufbau der Breitband-Technologie und des Mobilfunks Ergebnisbelastungen auf den Bereich zukommen.
 Siemens-Chef Heinrich von Pierer sagte zudem auf der Hauptversammlung in München, der Konzern leide unter der momentanen
 Schwäche des Handy-Marktes, Prognosen für diesen Bereich seien schwierig.

 Die Nokia-Aktie hatte im Juni 2000 ihr bisheriges Allzeithoch bei 65 Euro markiert. Befürchtungen über eine Abschwächung des
 Handymarktes sowie über eine allgemeine Abkühlung der Weltwirtschaft hatten die Aktie allein im laufenden Jahr über 46
 Prozent nachgeben lassen.
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