No mention of fiscal gap estimated as high as $72

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No mention of fiscal gap estimated as high as $72

14.09.04 08:03
No mention of fiscal gap estimated as high as $72 trillion


Astronomical federal debt, coming due as the Baby Boom generation collects Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, is enormous enough to swamp the promises both candidates are making to voters, whether for tax cuts, health care, 40,000 more troops or anything else.

"Chilling" is the word U.S. Comptroller General David Walker uses to describe the budget outlook.

'Fiscal gap' in the trillions

But these figures, worrisome enough, are deceptive because they ignore future liabilities such as Social Security and Medicare payments to the Baby Boomers. An array of government and private analysts put the actual U.S. "fiscal gap," which means all future receipts minus all future obligations, at $40 trillion (Government Accountability Office) to $72 trillion (Social Security Board of Trustees).

These are not sums, but present-value figures, heavily discounted to show in today's dollars what it would cost to pay off the debt immediately. The International Monetary Fund estimates the gap at $47 trillion, the Brookings Institution at $60 trillion.

"To give you idea how big the problem is," said Laurence Kotlikoff, economics chairman at Boston University, who has written extensively on the subject, to close a $51 trillion fiscal gap, "you'd have to have an immediate and permanent 78 percent hike in the federal income tax."

“You have to choose [as a voter] between trusting to the natural stability of gold and the natural stability of the honesty and intelligence of the members of the Government. And, with due respect for these gentlemen, I advise you, as long as the Capitalist system lasts, to vote for gold.” --George Bernard Shaw

“Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value ---- zero.” --Voltaire (1694-1778)

Laßt uns der Situation ins Auge sehen: die Warnsirenen heulen laut auf!
Ein Grund mehr um sich physisches Gold für den nahe bevorstehenden finanziellen Sturm für sein Portfolio zu kaufen.

Einige Leute können in der Zukunft nicht mehr behaupten, sie seien vor der Finanzlücke von $72 Billionen nicht gewarnt worden.

Weitere starke Gründe gegen den US-$ und für das Gold und den Euro sind:

- Triple Defizit von Budget-, Trade- und Cuirrent Account Defizit.
- die Kriege im Irak und Afghanistan,
- die im Momentum abnehmende Erholung von der US-Wirtschaft,
- etc.  
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