News zu Team Communication !!!!!

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News zu Team Communication !!!!!

19.10.00 15:32
Zwei neue Studien sind draußen. Beide können auf der Homepage angeschaut werden.

Sal. Oppenheim sagt: Team Com AUFSTOCKEN !

Außerdem geht man davon aus, dass Team ein EPS von 0,85 im Jahr 2001 ausweisen wird. D.H. ein KGV von 9,5 (beim Börsenkurs von 8 Euro). Umsatz soll in 2001 114,2 Mio Euro betragen. Für dieses Jahr wird mit einem Umsatz von 60,2 Mio Euro kalkuliert bei einem EPS von 0,45 Euro.

Ladenburg Thalmann sagt Team akkumulieren bzw. langfristig kaufen.

Fairer Wert der Aktie liegt bei 9,87 US-Dollar. Team Programme laufen derzeit in 135 Ländern der Erde. Außerdem werden momentan ca. 90 Stunden neues Programm produziert. Genauere Analyse folgt demnächst.

Termine der nächsten Wochen :

Team Communications Group im Live-Chat bei

24.10.00 19:00
30.11.00 19:00
25.01.01 19:00

Mittwoch, 6.12.2000
London: Teilnahme an dem "2nd European Forum for Emerging Growth Companies", Veranstalter Sachs Bloomberg

Die Quartalszahlen werden um den 15.11.2000 erwartet.


Entdecke die beliebtesten ETFs von SPDR

SPDR MSCI Europe Financials UCITS ETF
Perf. 12M: +41,52%
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Perf. 12M: +28,51%
SPDR S&P U.S. Utilities Select Sector UCITS ETF
Perf. 12M: +26,79%


Hallo 1mio,E

19.10.00 15:49
Wir scheinen irgend wie die gleichen Aktien zu haben,da wir uns schon bei Fantastic trafen.Wie ist dein Einstandsku. bei team?Bist du bei Fantastic noch dabei?Da tut sich recht wenig im Moment.
Tschüs Eaglemen


19.10.00 16:02
Ja irgendwie trifft man sich immer wieder! :-)

Also bei TMTV bin ich damals zu 7€ rein und dann bei 18€ wieder rauss!
Habe aber immer ein waches Auge auf Team.
Bin dabei wenn es wieder nach Norden geht.

z.Z. allerdings betätige ich mich nur mit Intraday Trades weil in diesen Börsenzeiten mir alles andere zu gefährlich ist!
Es kann doch jeden Tag etwas passieren auch bei Team ist man sich doch nicht sicher!

Mit meinen Langfristanlagen habe ich mich bisher immer in die Nesseln gesetzt!
Deshalb trade ich zwar mit Fantastic dies aber auch nur Intraday!
Übrigens mit Fantastic habe ich als Langfristanlage meine grössten Verluste gemacht.

Also wünsche Dir ein gutes Händchen mit Deinen Trades!!!!!

Gruss Mio.

Endlich mal wieder gute News !!!!! o.T.

19.10.00 16:22

Hatte mir von der Sal. Op. - Studie mehr erwartet

19.10.00 17:54
Will nicht arrogant sein, aber das hätte ich besser recherchiert. Vor allem in dem langen Zeitraum...

Naja, das Wichtigste werden die Q3-Zahlen.


Noch ne News

19.10.00 22:09
Kimberly Rubin Signs Exclusive Multiyear Production Agreement With Team EntertainmentNoted Producer of ABC's Hit Audrey Hepburn Biopic to Join TEAM's Long-Form Division; TEAM Options Rubin's First Project, "The Sinatra Files," Based on the Book by T -- 9:38 AM EDT  

LOS ANGELES, Oct 19, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Accomplished prime-time television
movie producer Kimberly Rubin has signed an exclusive production agreement with
TEAM Entertainment, the U.S. production arm of TEAM Communications, Inc.
(Nasdaq: TMTV) (Neuer Markt:TME) to produce long-form television projects for
worldwide distribution, it was announced today by Drew S. Levin, TEAM Chairman
and CEO and James Waldron, President of TEAM Entertainment. TEAM International
Distribution will handle all global sales outside of the U.S. on pictures
produced and financed under Rubin's Zenna Tree banner, as well as projects
co-produced and financed by TEAM.

With the launch of this deal, Rubin not only brings with her a wealth of network
experience, she brings to TEAM numerous exciting projects already in
development. Relative to the announcement, Rubin will executive produce TEAM's
first dramatic telefilm, "While I Was Gone", based on the novel penned by
acclaimed author Sue Miller ("Inventing the Abbotts", "The Good Son"). The New
York Times best-selling novel was recently optioned by TEAM and was featured as
part of Oprah Winfrey's renowned Book of the Month Club. "While I Was Gone"
offers an intimate look at how the past resurfaces to haunt our lives.

Team has also optioned the controversial "The Sinatra Files: The Secret
Dossier", which Rubin brought to Team and is attached to executive produce.

Penned by noted journalist brothers, Tom Kuntz of The New York Times and Phil
Kuntz of The Wall Street Journal, "Sinatra Files" mines the recently released
FBI dossier on the famous crooner, covering decades of bureau surveillance and
investigation ordered by J. Edgar Hoover on his belief that Sinatra had mob or
Communist ties.

"Kim is a rising star who has already proven herself to be a highly successful
and innovative producer," added Levin. "We welcome her to the TEAM long-form
division and are confident that given the full extent of her talent, we can look
forward to prolific creative output and a long and rewarding relationship with
her," concluded Levin.

"Kim has an inherent talent and ability to deliver telefilms and mini-series
that have strong commercial and global appeal," said Waldron. "This has been
demonstrated by her network roster of achievements this year alone. Her creative
approach to material and established rapport with talent are what makes her
unique and set her apart.

Skilled at turning the lives of entertainers into successful films for
television, Rubin most recently served as executive producer of "Growing Up
Brady", an adaptation of the best-selling memoirs by original "Brady Bunch" cast
member, Barry Williams. The two-hour movie was produced for NBC through Zenna
Tree Entertainment, Rubin's own production company. She also executive produced
"Audrey Hepburn" the ABC three-hour TV film biography about the life of Audrey
Hepburn. The mini-series, which premiered earlier this year to impressive
ratings, starred Jennifer Love Hewitt. It was a Robert Greenwald Production in
association with Endemol Entertainment.

While working with Greenwald's production company, Rubin served as the executive
producer on the NBC television movie, "The Secret,"starring Della Reese and
Ozzie Davis, one of the top ten highest rated original TV movies of 1997. She
also executive produced "Blood on Her Hands"; Emmy-nominated "To Love, Honor and
Deceive"; "The Secret Path", which was the third highest rated original
television film of 1999; "Our Guys", based on the best-selling book; and
"Sharing the Secret".

TEAM Communications Group, Inc. currently owns and distributes over 4,000 hours
of programming worldwide, in addition to producing a wide variety of programming
for leading U.S., German and international broadcasters. TEAM maintains offices
in Los Angeles, Munich (through its TEAM Entertainment Germany (GmbH) and London
(through its TEAM Dandelion Operations). Its shares trade on NASDAQ-NMS (TMTV)
and on the German Neuer Markt (TME).

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a "safe harbor"
for forward-looking statements. Certain information included in this news
release (as well as information included in oral statements or other written
statements made or to be made by TEAM Communications Group, Inc.) contains
statements that are forward looking such as statements relating to consummation
of the transaction, anticipated future revenues of the companies and success of
current product offerings. Such forward-looking information involves important
risks and uncertainties that could significantly affect anticipated results in
the future and, accordingly, such results may differ materially from those
expressed in any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of TEAM
Communications Group, Inc. For a description of additional risks and
uncertainties, please refer to TEAM Communications Group, Inc. filings with the

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Wertung Antworten Thema Verfasser letzter Verfasser letzter Beitrag
2 24 Verdopplungsgefahr - TEAM COMMCTNS GRP Inkmarker Ilmen 01.06.09 11:08
  14 impact media pfe63 Skydust 02.08.06 15:07
  8 Impact Media hihihi brokergold telly 02.02.05 19:01
  6 SI, welchen Pushversuch startest du denn heute? coppara TJ46770 22.01.04 17:31
    Immobilien Performance Zick-Zock   03.12.03 13:00
