nur ein paar Worte zu den angedeuteten 10 hedge funds (soll das Problem nicht verkleinern, da es Psychologisch einen hohehn Wert in GB hat, aber "relativieren";;;:
-ja, schlimme Zeit
-ja hedge funds verloren zw 4-10% in letzter Zeit, was bei hedge funds VIEL Geld bedeutet und wenn die "big boys" ihr Gled abziehen wollen, dann muss aus GledMangel liquidiert werden, dh Aktien verkauft= dh es wird "günstiger" bzw die Kurse brechen ein...will derzit Niemand mehr so recht speziell in GB
was sind 10 hedge fonds in GB ??????
1. war das ein Problem "mit Ansagen" seit Nov 07
2. sind in GB ca 1500 hedge fonds ansässig und ca 7000 (die Zahlen sind ungefähr, da Niemand genau weiss, da hedge funds NICHT definierts ind) erhältlich.......
3. ...10 haben zahlungsprobleme
unten ein paar Auszüge, verschiedene Quellen
PS selbst in 06 sind X hf Pleite gegangen...
viel Glück
-An estimated 7,000 hedge funds are believed to have been started since 2001, creating an industry valued at $1.23 trillion
-There are now more than 9,000 hedge funds reckoned to be managing about $1.5 trillion - a growing proportion of it from pension funds and endowments. Most hedge funds are based offshore, with locations such as the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and Ireland all popular. This is partly for tax reasons.
- As well as being able to buy hedge funds over the internet from other EU countries, investors have access to the shares of a growing number of hedge fund managers listed on the LSE (a number that the new rules would increase). And some investors are referred to offshore hedge funds by financial advisers.
-Many in the industry have welcomed the move to greater liberalisation, but worries remain. The first is about risks . Hedge funds have become notorious for their use of leverage - borrowing money to top up their investments. This boosts profits but leaves them open to big losses.
-Last September, Amaranth Advisors lost $6bn in a matter of weeks.
-'The problem is that the term "hedge fund" has been hijacked by a load of gamblers,' says Mark Dampier of adviser Hargreaves Lansdown. 'A traditional hedge fund is all about reducing risk and safeguarding capital. It shouldn't be a highly geared betting fund.'
-Hedge funds vary widely, and many argue that they are far less exciting than the media make out. Many funds, for instance, still take the approach that Dampier supports. Investment manager GAM is a good example.
-Moreover, the FSA is only proposing to allow the marketing of funds of hedge funds (which is what the Matrix fund is). These put money in a number of underlying hedge funds, diluting the impact should any of them lose heavily.
------As Matthew Butcher at broker Brewin Dolphin explains, these hedge funds became popular during the 2000-02 stock market falls and are pitched at more cautious investors. 'Most people in the industry would say that investors who can't face losing much money can't afford not to invest in them,' he says.----
-In the past few weeks some of the biggest names have faltered. Vega Asset Management, which at one point managed $12 billion, made a bad bet against US bonds. Its assets, $6 billion in January, are down to $3 billion. Another fund, Amaranth Advisors, is to sell off its investments after losing $6 billion in a week, mostly in the energy market. Yet another, Narragansett Management, is to return $800m to investors.
times online article