Title King, through its parent Company, New America Energy Corp. (OTC PINK: NECA), announces that the Company has executed a Revenue Sharing agreement with On4 Communications (OTC PINK: ONCI) to promote and sell their BestTitleDeal (BTD) app.
The Revenue Sharing agreement is effective as of September 13, 2017 and shall remain in effect until December 31, 2018. Thereafter, the agreement shall automatically renew in Five-Year (5) increments. NECA shall share with ONCI Fifty-percent (50%) of all revenues derived and received from the sale of the BTD app through ONCI's relationships and agreements.
Title King, through its parent Company, New America Energy Corp. (OTC PINK: NECA), announces that the Company has executed a Revenue Sharing agreement with On4 Communications (OTC PINK: ONCI) to promote and sell their BestTitleDeal (BTD) app.
The Revenue Sharing agreement is effective as of September 13, 2017 and shall remain in effect until December 31, 2018. Thereafter, the agreement shall automatically renew in Five-Year (5) increments. NECA shall share with ONCI Fifty-percent (50%) of all revenues derived and received from the sale of the BTD app through ONCI's relationships and agreements.