NASDAQ im Minus, warum????

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Zugriffe: 1.175 / Heute: 1

NASDAQ im Minus, warum????

11.12.00 15:36
Wieso eröffnet die Nasdaq bei dem Future im Minus???

Unsicherheit wegen Wahl zu gross !!!

11.12.00 15:40
Warum dann aber der Future Limit Up ist verstehe ich auch nicht so ganz!

Wer weiss Rat?

Gruss Mio.
Seth Gecko:

bei dem future sollte es doch eigentlich grünen? o.T.

11.12.00 15:42

EineFreitagsnachbörsentäuschung o.T.

11.12.00 15:46

ihr müsst auf die absoluten Werte schauen, nicht

11.12.00 15:46
auf die Prozente.
Nasdaq future ist am Freitag nachbörslich zusammengebrochen um ca. 4%.
Unter 2800 Punkte.
Wenn dann der future um 3% steigt oder limit up, dann heißt das nur, das die schlechten NAchrichten vom Freitag abend nicht durchgeschlagen haben.
Futurestand = 0% hätte heute eröffnung massiv im minus bedeutet.

...wahrscheinlich war der Stecker falsch herum....

11.12.00 15:46
..drin und jetzt haben die Amis das gemerkt! Nasdaq dreht um! Ins Plus!
Viel Spaß noch heute!

hey leute, sieht doch mal gut aus... :o)) o.T.

11.12.00 15:47

BVSN Kauf bei 27,95€ o.T.

11.12.00 15:48

anschnallen - türen schließen - :o) o.T.

11.12.00 15:50

@Parocorp, hast Du BVSN gekauft???

11.12.00 15:52

Hab keine Türen und nix zu schnallen. :-)) o.T.

11.12.00 15:52
Stox Dude:

Nasdaq up, habe RT von CharlesSchwab o.T.

11.12.00 15:52
Seth Gecko:

eigentlich dürfte sich niemand beschweren,

11.12.00 15:52
wenn es nach den 6% vom freitag heute mal nach unten ginge, aber momentan geht's wieder rauf.
Das mit dem Freitagabend kann ich aber nicht so ganz nachvollziehen, denn das "Reaktions"Urteil des Supreme Court kam doch wirklich höchstens 24 Stunden später.

cu, el seth  

jetzt noch das wahldesaster beenden,

11.12.00 15:53
dann brauchen wir sportsitze


11.12.00 15:57

Monday December 11, 8:17 am Eastern Time

Press Release

Broadvision Mobile Solution Brings Market-Leading Applications to the Wireless World

Leader in Personalized E-Commerce Redefines the Wireless Web
REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 11, 2000--BroadVision, Inc. (Nasdaq:BVSN - news), a leading worldwide supplier of personalized e-business applications, today introduced the BroadVision® Mobile Solution(TM), designed to deliver personalized and localized information to mobile customers, partners and employees.

BroadVision Mobile Solution allows BroadVision customers to easily add wireless capabilities to BroadVision B2B, B2C and B2E applications.

The product extends BroadVision's applications to a new breed of users, enabling advanced communications, transactions and exchanges over wireless devices. Built using advanced Internet standards including XML, XSL, Java, and JavaScript, the BroadVision Mobile Solution redefines the wireless web experience, making relevant, rich content and services available to a wide array of mobile devices.

`` is driven to provide one-to-one alert-driven mobile commerce solutions worldwide,'' said Jorge Mata, CEO of ``With's mobile portal, users personalize their home page with stock quotes, news, sports and travel information as well as specialized alerts. BroadVision's Mobile Solution empowers a Web site with the necessary personalization, customization and optimization to engage mobile users.''

The BroadVision Mobile Solution is the first complete, powerful, end-to-end mobile business solution that tailors localized and personalized information to the user and offers secure transactions for the wireless web. BroadVision Mobile Solution delivers powerful business advantages through:

Increased customer loyalty through personalized and localized content--build a one-to-one relationship with customers, partners and employees by delivering relevant, compelling and useful content.
Maximized employee and partner productivity with content and formatting optimized for each device -- dynamically styling site content to a visitor's wireless device of choice.
Stronger content relevance through location-driven content targeting -- built-in intelligence determines how to deliver content and which content is delivered, based on the user's location.
Streamline content creation efforts and reduce costs with an XML-based content management solution -- leverage BroadVision One-To-One Publishing(TM) to create, manage and re-purpose content for web and wireless sites.
A seamless cross-channel experience based on analysis and understanding of users and usage patterns with BroadVision Analytics(TM) -- analyze clickstream, profile, device usage, and transaction data to get an accurate view of users across mobile and web channels.
Rapid time to market for your wireless solution -- BroadVision brings its proven, quick time-to-market capabilities to the mobile space, extending e-business with powerful tools to create, test, and validate each mobile visitor's experience.
``The wireless world offers much promise with increasing device capabilities and rapid user adoption. However, simply squeezing a traditional Web site onto a wireless device is not enough. Users need content personalized for them and their devices so that they can quickly get what they need. And, merchants need to know that they can deliver a consistent experience across brick and mortar, Web and wireless,'' said Barry Briggs, CTO for BroadVision. ``The BroadVision Mobile Solution delivers these unique and powerful multi-channel features as well as the open architecture and scalability that market leaders demand.''

Available today, BroadVision offers a number of new features for mobile e-business environments including the BroadVision Mobile Styling Server to optimize content for various mobile device form factors, bandwidth and capabilities.

About BroadVision

BroadVision (Nasdaq:BVSN, Neuer Markt:BDN) develops and delivers an integrated suite of packaged applications for conducting e-commerce interactions and transactions. Global enterprises and government entities use these applications to sell, buy and exchange information over the web and on wireless devices. The BroadVision e-commerce application suite enables a corporation to become more competitive and profitable by establishing and sustaining high-yield relationships with customers, suppliers and employees. BroadVision services professionals, supported by over 100 partner organizations worldwide, transform these applications into business value for our customers through consulting, education, and support services in more than 34 countries.

BroadVision -- founded in 1993, public since 1996 -- has more than 1,2 00 customers and is a component stock of the Standard & Poor's 500 index. IDC ranks BroadVision as the world's leading provider of e-commerce software applications (International Data Corp., E-Commerce Software Applications Market Forecast and Analysis, 2000-2004). BroadVision is headquartered in Redwood City, California and can be reached at 650/261-5100 or

BroadVision, BroadVision One-To-One, BroadVision Analytics and BroadVision Mobile Solution are trademarks or registered trademarks of BroadVision, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Other names herein may be the property of their respective owners.


und charttechnisch sieht es auch ganz gut aus:


was spricht dagegen???


11.12.00 16:04
Vielen Dank für die Info!!

@ ecki

11.12.00 16:09
genau richtig. Der Nasdaq Future ist am Freitag nach Börsenschluss mehr als 3% gefallen, und wenn er heute dann mit 3% im Plus ist gibt das den ziemlich genau o.

@ flitzp.

11.12.00 16:21
gerne! :)

(hätte aber auch noch warten können mit kauf... grrr;)

wer ist noch mit in BVSN ? aktuell 25,5€ :o)) o.T.

11.12.00 16:44

*hust* 25,5 "$" natürlich... o.T.

11.12.00 16:56


11.12.00 17:02
Du hättest bei mir fast einen Herzanfall verursacht.
:-) Löpi

Ich gehe seit Freitag bei BVSN zu 25,90 € mit. o.T.

11.12.00 17:06


11.12.00 17:12
technische reaktion, oder wird von der tele/glasfaser auf sicht 3 monate auch noch was zu erwarten sein... bin für den bereich bullish!

tele.ausrüster & chipaktien auf dem wunschzettel?

11.12.00 17:32
gibt es für diese bereiche irgend welche neuen ratings? laufen heute "extrem" besser als der rest...
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