Namensliste der mutmaßlichen Entführer

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Namensliste der mutmaßlichen Entführer

15.09.01 00:15
US-Ministerium veröffentlicht Namensliste

Das Justizministerium gibt 19 Namen der mutmaßlichen Entführer bekannt

Washington - Drei Tage nach den verheerenden Terroranschlägen in den USA hat das Justizministerium 19 mutmaßliche Entführer der vier US-Flugzeuge identifiziert. Sieben von ihnen waren nach FBI-Angaben ausgebildete Piloten. Aus US-Regierungskreisen verlautete, es seien womöglich mehrere extremistische Organisationen an den Anschlägen beteiligt gewesen.
Am Freitag veröffentliche das Ministerium eine Liste mit den Namen. Zuvor war nur von 18 Entführern die Rede gewesen. Die Namensliste nach Angaben des Justizministeriums:

Maschine American Airlines Flug 11, die in den Nordturm des World Trade Centers raste:

- Waleed Alshehri,

- Wail Alsheri,

- Mohamed Atta,

- Abdulaziz Alomari,

- Satam Sugami

United Airlines Flug 175 (Südturm des WTC):

- Marwan Al Shehhi,

- Fayez Ahmed,

- Mohald Alshehri,

- Hamza Alghamdi,

- Ahmed Alghamdi

American Airlines Flug 77 (Pentagon):

- Khalid Al-Midhar,

- Majed Moqed,

- Nawaq Alhamzi,

- Salem Alhazmi,

- Hani Hanjour

United Airlines Flug 93 (Absturz in Pennsylvania):

- Ahmed Alhaznawi,

- Ahmed Alnami,

- Ziad Jarrahi,

- Saeed Alghamdi.

Die Schreibweise unterscheidet sich in Teilen von einer Liste mit 18 Namen, die der Nachrichtensender CNN zuvor veröffentlicht hatte. dpa


Namen mit Details

15.09.01 02:15
The FBI would like anyone with information about these suspects – even though they are believed to be dead – to contact an FBI field office or call a toll-free hotline at 1-866-483-5137.

Suspected hijackers aboard American Airlines Flight 11, which hit the north tower of the World Trade Center:

Waleed M. Alshehri – Dates of birth used: September 13, 1974, January 1, 1976, March 3, 1976, July 8, 1977, December 20, 1978, May 11, 1979, November 5, 1979, October 2, 1991; Possible residences: Hollywood, Fla., Orlando, Fla. and Daytona Beach, Fla.; Believed to be a pilot.

Alshehri, 25, attended Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach until 1997. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in aeronautical science, the university's commercial pilot training degree, and had a commercial pilot's license.

Wail Alshehri – Date of birth used: July 31, 1973; Possible residences: Hollywood, Fla. and Newton. Mass.; Believed to be a pilot.

Mohamed Atta – Date of birth used: September 1, 1968; Possible residences: Hollywood, Fla., Coral Springs, Fla. and Hamburg, Germany; Believed to be a pilot.

Atta, 33, was born in the United Arab Emirates. He took two three-hour courses at SimCenter Inc. in Opa-locka, Fla., where he trained on a Boeing 727 full-motion flight simulator. Suspected United Airlines Flight 175 hijacker Marwan Al-Shehhi is thought to be Atta's cousin.

Atta studied electrical engineering for eight years at Hamburg's Technical University and was connected to an Islamic fundamentalist group that planned attacks on American targets, according to German investigators. Atta and Al-Shehhi left for the United States in May.

Both went to a sports bar in Hollywood last Friday night. Atta, who held an Egyptian driver's license, played video games while Al-Shehhi drank with another man.

Abdulaziz Alomari – Dates of birth used: December 24, 1972 and May 28, 1979; Believed to be a pilot.

Alomari, thought to be 38, lived in Vero Beach, Fla., with his wife and four school-aged children. He paid $1,400 per month in rent.

Alomari gave his landlord 30 days notice and said he would move of the house by the end of August. He then pushed the date back to Sept. 3 and vacated that day, telling his landlord he was returning home.

Alomari was rated as a private pilot and flight engineer.  FAA records show that he listed his address as Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Alomari said he was previously employed by Saudi Flight Ops, which handles maintenance for Saudi Arabian Airlines at New York's Kennedy airport.

Satam Al Suqami – Date of birth used: June 28, 1976; Last known address: United Arab Emirates.  

Suspected hijackers aboard United Airlines Flight 175, which hit the south tower of the World Trade Center:

Marwan Al-Shehhi – Date of birth used: May 9, 1978; Visa Status: B-2 Visa; Believed to be a pilot.

Al-Shehhi, 23, was born in the United Arab Emirates.

Al-Shehhi was trained as a pilot at Huffman Aviation in Venice, Fla. and, like his cousin Atta, took two courses at SimCenter Inc. in Opa-locka, Fla., where he also practiced on a Boeing 727 flight simulator.

Al-Shehhi lived in Venice and Nokomis, Fla. He studied electrical engineering for one year at the Technical University in Hamburg and had ties to Islamic extremists. He and Atta lived together in Venice, Fla., and in Hamburg.

Fayez Ahmed – Possible residence: Delray Beach, Fla.

Mohald Alshehri – Possible residence: Delray Beach, Fla.

Hamza Alghamdi – Possible residence: Delray Beach, Fla.

Ahmed Alghamdi – Possible residence: Delray Beach, Fla.

Alghamdi lived in Vienna, Va.

Those believed to be the hijackers aboard American Airlines Flight 77, which hit the Pentagon:

Hani Hanjour – Possible residences: Phoenix, Ariz. and San Diego, Calif.;  Believed to be a pilot.

T. Gerald Chilton Jr., a corporate officer for CRM Airline Training Center in Scottsdale, said a Hani Hanjoor was instructed as a pilot there for three months in 1996 and in December 1997. He put down a $100 deposit for more training in 1997, but did not go to any other classes.

"We have notified the FBI of this and turned over all our records," Chilton said.

The FAA Airmen Directory lists a Jani Saleh Hanjoor as having at one time had a student pilot license with an address corresponding with CRM. The company, located in a Scottsdale Airport office complex, provides training for people who want to become commercial and private pilots.

A Hani Saleh Hanjoor was listed as living in an apartment complex in north Phoenix, but the complex has no records of a tenant with that name, according to Carol Fogarty, manager of Valle Cita Garden Apartments. There were no phone listings for Hani Hanjour, Hani Saleh Hanjoor or Jani Saleh Hanjoor in the Phoenix area.

The FAA Airmen Directory also lists a Hani Saleh Hanjoor with a P.O. box in Taife, Saudi Arabia. Hanjoor held a commercial pilot's license that expired in October, 1999.

Khalid Al-Midhar – Possible residences: Los Angeles, Calif. and New York, N.Y.

Al-Midhar had a B-1 Visa that covered business-related travel and was valid for a year, and an expired B-2 Visa, a travel visa, also valid for a year.

Majed Moqed – No information available.

Nawaq Alhamzi – Possible residences: Fort Lee, N.J., Wayne, N.J. and Los Angeles, Calif.

Salem Alhamzi – Possible residences: Fort Lee, N.J. and Wayne, N.J.

Suspected hijackers aboard United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in rural Pennsylvania:

Ahmed Alhaznawi – Date of birth used: October 11, 1980; Possible residence: Delray Beach, Fla.

Ahmed Alnami – Possible residence: Delray Beach, Fla.

Ziad Jarrahi – Believed to be a pilot.

FAA records show a Hamburg, Germany, pilot's listing for a Ziad Jarrah.

Saeed Alghamdi – Possible residence: Delray Beach, Fla.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

in allen 3 Flugzeugen Piloten ,die in Deutschland

15.09.01 23:33
jahrelang lebten und studierten:Marwan und Atta in Hamburg,und
FAA records show a Hamburg, Germany, pilot's listing for a Ziad Jarrah  in der 3. Maschine
daher hol ich den Wusch des FBI nochmals hoch

Ich möchte nochmal darauf aufmerksam machen

15.09.01 23:43
was wir wirklich wissen:

1. Es gibt Terroranschläge über von Selbstmordgruppen geleitete Flugzeuge

2. Es gibt Namen und Daten und Historien von Menschen arabischer Herkunft, die in den Flugzeugen waren

Was wir nicht wissen:

sind die Araber aus Hamburg mit Bin Laden Verbindungen tatsächlich in den Flugzeugen gewesen? Wie leicht ist es für Geheimdienste, diese Leute zu beseitigen und falsche Pässe mit diesen Namen auszustellen?

sind die angekündigten Vergeltungsmaßnahmen nach einem evtl. Rückschlag Propaganda oder Journalismus?

sind diese "eigenständigen Zellen" von Terroristen tatsächlich handlungsfähig, wenn jede Form von Kommunikation ausgeschaltet wird? Warum funktioniert das Internet noch?

warum hat Saudi-Arabien sich noch nicht gemeldet? Kann es sein, daß ausgerechnet dieses Land involviert ist, und jetzt alle versuchen, Ihr Gesicht nicht zu verlieren, weil die Präsenz der Amis hier ewig ein Dorn im Auge ist?

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