nächste AI Aktie?

Beiträge: 36
Zugriffe: 15.051 / Heute: 2
Genesis AI Corp 0,024 € +26,32%
Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -52,00%
GameStop Corp 24,40 $ +0,00%
Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -14,27%
HealWELL AI Inc 0,968 € -5,10%
Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -49,32%

nächste AI Aktie?

11.06.24 22:25


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Bin bei Healwell dabei. Gleich mal reddit gegoogel

11.06.24 22:36
Dort wird die scheinbar bald Genesis gehypt.


nach HealWell die nächste, die los rennt?

11.06.24 22:37


11.06.24 23:06
Kelowna, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 10, 2024) - Genesis AI Corp. (CSE: AIG) (OTCQB: AIGFF) (the "Company") is pleased to announce the release of their wildfire tool, Wildfire Defence Solutions, using a custom GPT and machine learning.

Image 1

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Wildfire Defence Solutions is the first release of a developing suite of the highest quality software that cities, towns, resorts, developers and governments can use to defend against wildfire. It helps to estimate the cost of building a resilient community by classifying fuel types, mapping critical infrastructure, and creating treatment units in order of importance.

The best way to fight fires is to prepare communities at risk to do the work required to remove ground and ladders fuels from adjacent forests and grasslands. Much progress has been made in fighting fires and early detection; this software seeks to address critical prevention works needed to lower the impact and financial cost of fires. CNN estimates the cost of wildfires to be between $87.4 and $427.8 billion per year in the US alone (Wildfires are dealing a massive blow to US real estate and homeownership, congressional report finds | CNN).

The software automates Community Wildfire Protection Plans, which are typically paper documents that are only updated every 3 - 5 years. "Instead of relying on a passive PDF report, communities will now be able to see real time information updating a detailed report that outlines the risk of wildfire, the probable path the wildfire will take, and the cost to perform "FireSmart" protection techniques to build resilience against wildfire," says project director Brent Tolmie.

The software pulls from many available public sources including historical fires, weather data, land ownership analysis, fuel types, and fire treatment analysis. Clients can select high, medium and low-resolution services based on their risk. The lowest resolution utilizes a free version of the Copernicus Sentinel-2 high resolution multi-spectral images of the earth, layering in that information as a viewable vegetation model that outlines risk. Other versions utilize paid satellite imagery of a higher resolution or drone-based LiDAR for the most accurate modelling.

Image 2

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

Communities can measure the efficacy of their works once completed, with satellite data showing if/when fuel treatments have been effective and what work is left to create a truly "FireSmart" community.

CEO Devinder Randhawa says, "we are pleased to be addressing the issue of wildfires across North America with real solutions. As a long-term resident of Kelowna, I have witnessed firsthand the devastation caused by the wildfires last year and in 2003. We are working to help communities quantify the cost of resilience and giving actionable intelligence to those affected."

The Company is also pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Jordan Potts to the Board of Directors. Mr. Potts brings extensive experience in the public markets, having advised and served on numerous boards. Over the past six years, he has successfully secured substantial funding for junior exploration companies across Canada. His previous experience includes a significant tenure in the commercial real estate sector, where he was instrumental in fundraising and property management.

Additionally, the Company announces the transition of Mr. Jeremy Wiebe from the Board of Directors to the Company's Advisory Board, effective immediately, due to new professional obligations. Mr. Randhawa added, "We extend our deepest gratitude to Jeremy for his dedicated service and valuable contributions. We are pleased that he will continue to offer his expertise as a member of our Advisory Board."

About Genesis AI Corp.

Genesis AI Corp. is pursuing opportunities in the precision geospatial, forestry analytics, and carbon sector through Ai. Woodlands.ai is a generative Ai natural resources model in development, building digital twins of real-world forests.

Digital forests can be manipulated and studied in computer generated worlds, with the influence of deep machine learning, neural networks, and artificial intelligence. Digital forest technology has many applications including carbon offsetting, forest and land management and wildfire protection.


Hier noch ein sehr interessanter Artikel

11.06.24 23:20
Fighting Fires with AI: The Future of Wildfire Management | $AIG

Original Articles

Wildfires have become an increasingly severe threat, ravaging landscapes, destroying homes, and endangering lives. At the Kelowna Community Theatre, a keynote panel on living with wildfire conveyed a crucial message: it's time to shift our focus from reacting to wildfires to preventing them. This symposium, sponsored by the University of British Columbia and hosted by UBCO, brought together experts to discuss innovative strategies for wildfire management.
The Wildfire Crisis: An Overview

In recent years, wildfires have become more frequent and intense, fueled by climate change and other factors. These fires not only cause massive environmental destruction but also result in significant economic losses. As the costs and dangers rise, it's clear that our current strategies are insufficient.

Traditional firefighting methods focus on extinguishing fires once they start. While this is necessary, it often leads to high costs and limited success. Firefighters risk their lives battling these blazes, and despite their efforts, the damage continues to escalate.
The Keynote Panel: A Call for Change

The panel at the symposium included academics, firefighters, and other experts who emphasized the need for a paradigm shift. Among them was West Kelowna Fire Chief Jason Brolund, who highlighted the inefficiency of spending vast sums on firefighting instead of prevention.

Chief Brolund passionately argued that current spending is misdirected. "We’re not being particularly successful and we’re putting people’s lives and property at risk," he said. Brolund believes that even a small fraction of the firefighting budget should be redirected towards preventive measures to yield significant benefits.

Preventive measures can save lives, protect properties, and reduce long-term costs. By investing in strategies to prevent wildfires, communities can avoid the devastating impacts and financial burdens that come with large-scale fires.
Fighting Fire with Fire

One effective preventive measure discussed by the panel is the use of prescribed burns. This technique involves deliberately setting controlled fires to clear out flammable underbrush and reduce the risk of larger, uncontrolled wildfires. Although this method has not been widely used in the past century, its benefits are well-documented.

Traditional Indigenous practices have long included methods for managing fire-prone landscapes. These cultural techniques, which involve setting controlled burns at specific times, have proven effective in reducing wildfire risks. Embracing this knowledge can enhance modern wildfire management strategies.
The Role of Academic and Community Collaboration

The symposium underscored the importance of collaboration between the academic community and local firefighters. Brolund shared his positive experiences working with academics to develop better wildfire management practices. This partnership is crucial for integrating scientific research with practical firefighting expertise.
Advanced Technologies in Wildfire Prevention

Technological advancements offer new tools for wildfire prevention. Ground sensors, predictive analytics, and real-time monitoring systems can help detect fire-prone conditions and respond quickly to emerging threats. These technologies are essential for modernizing wildfire management.
Genesis AI Corp’s Wildfire Defence Solutions

Genesis AI Corp (CSE: AIG | OTCQB: AIGFF) has introduced the Wildfire Module, a comprehensive tool for managing wildfires before, during, and after they occur. This innovative solution uses a combination of ground sensors, satellite monitoring, and machine learning to enhance wildfire management efforts.

The Wildfire Module helps identify areas prone to wildfires through predictive analytics and historical data. By conducting prescribed burns and installing ground sensors to monitor conditions, communities can proactively manage fire risks.

During a wildfire, the Wildfire Module improves response times through satellite monitoring and drone technology. These tools provide real-time data on fire locations and behavior, enabling more effective firefighting strategies.

Post-fire recovery is critical for long-term environmental health. The Wildfire Module includes features for remediating affected areas, planning reforestation efforts, and modeling future fire behavior to prevent recurrence.

To learn more about Genesis AI Corp, visit www.genesisaicorp.com
The Financial Impact of Wildfires

Wildfires have a staggering economic impact. In the U.S. alone, the cost of wildfires ranges from $87.4 billion to $427.8 billion annually. By investing in preventive measures, these costs can be significantly reduced, resulting in substantial savings for governments and communities.
Future Outlook and Conclusion

The future of wildfire management lies in prevention, collaboration, and technology. Chief Brolund and other experts envision a time when communities are better prepared and less vulnerable to wildfires. By adopting innovative strategies and working together, we can mitigate the devastating effects of these natural disasters.

Ihr habt Toggle vergessen

12.06.24 12:28

Um Gottes Willen

12.06.24 12:35
Honest Moon taucht auf

Nur mal zur Info

12.06.24 14:37
Honest Moon bist Du bei dem bevorstehenden GapClose 0,0518€ auch mit an Board?

Nur mal zur Info

12.06.24 15:45
GapClose gleich vollzogen und die armen Anleger, die heute morgen weit über 0,12€ eingekauft haben?!

Sind wohl

12.06.24 15:48
einige mit Stoppless raus...

Ich denke der Drops ist gelutscht

12.06.24 15:53

Kann sein

12.06.24 22:05
Aber schaut mal wie viele 21 k Pakete hintereinander gekauft werden !!!!! Leute schaut mal nach bitte  

380 k Aktien binnen 7 min.

12.06.24 22:07
Kann da was kommen ??? Nur eine Frage!!!


13.06.24 08:29
Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
For the Quarter Ended March 31, 2024
(In Canadian Dollars)

March 31,  2024

47,8% Cost of Revenue
170,8 Expenses on Revenue

Genesis AI

13.06.24 08:34
Die jenigen die am 11.06. bis 22.00h die Aktie noch unter 0,05 einkaufen konnten, haben Ihre Aktien am nächsten Tag gerne für plus 100-150% veräussert.

Der Rest der Anleger bleibt drauf sitzen.

Healwell Warrrants

13.06.24 08:43
Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
For the Quarter Ended March 31, 2024
(In Canadian Dollars)
March 31, 2024

October 17, 2023 Broker warrants, 699k shares, ExSP $0.75
December 22, 2023 Broker warrants, 862k shares, ExSP $0.80
December 22, 2023 Bought deal, 7,187k shares, ExSP §1.20
October 1, 2023 Debenture warrants, 50,000k shares, ExSP $0.20 (!)

On May 6 2024, the Company entered into an agreement for a bought deal private placement financing. The financing, if  successfully completed, would result in the sale of 14,815,000 units of the Company at a price of $1.35 per unit,

Subsequent to the quarter end 1,230,750 warrants have been exercised for proceeds of $1,112 and $37 of debenture converted
into 184,569 shares at a price of $0.20 per share

Zur Info.
Gelöschter Beitrag. Einblenden »


Nur mal zur Info

13.06.24 17:57
Morgen vielleicht schon unter 0,04? !
Zielbereich für einen Einstieg wären ggf. 0,03 ca.


Nur mal zur Info

13.06.24 18:08
Sehe eine Xigem Aktie def. besser aufgestellt, aber diese wird noch links liegen gelassen.

Ich glaube nicht bin mit ek 0.048€ drin

13.06.24 20:47
Und wenn man auf die Seite geht haben die schon 5 Mio $ Eigenkapital und vermarkten schon die KI.. bei 0,052€ geht es wieder bergauf denke ich.... mal schauen und einfach liegen lassen bin auch hier investiert und weiß genau dass das nicht alles war die kommt schon noch auf die 0,32€ bin mit 7k € drin und lasse auch hier auf Long KI ist im kommen der Tec DAX nimmt auch wieder zu... denke auf lange Sicht auf die 0,32 dann kann man raus ...

Gruß nur meine Meinung  


14.06.24 08:57
" wenn man auf die Seite geht haben die schon 5 Mio $ Eigenkapital "

Finde da nichts, welche "Seite" meinst du? Link bitte.


14.06.24 09:31

Sedar-Filings, siehe auch letzten Finanzbericht:

Nur mal zur Info

14.06.24 15:10
Wir rücken der Zielmarke von 0,03-0,04 immer näher.

Genesis AI

14.06.24 16:01
Einstiegsniveau ca. 0,035, wenn überhaupt

Schaut mal bei about Company

14.06.24 16:04
Gegründet von Harvard Alum und unterstützt von MIT und Harvard Professoren. Wir haben etwa 5 Millionen Dollar gesammelt und ein Produkt mit über 35 bereits eingesetzten KI-Tools in Betrieb zu nehmen!

Genesis AI

17.06.24 08:19
Na also, so wie fast vorrausgesagt.
Im Bereich 0,03 könnte man dann wieder über ein Engagement nachdenken?!


17.06.24 08:27
Allein das Länderkürzel „CA“ sollte jedem sagen, dass das Geschäftsmodell im Abverkauf von Aktien besteht…

Genesis AI PO B

26.06.24 15:49
PO B für Pommes Bude
Gelöschter Beitrag. Einblenden »

Gelöschter Beitrag. Einblenden »


Genesis AI

16.10.24 16:58
Ist diese Firma aktuell total am Arsch oder sehen wir ein Comeback.
Seit Tagen tut sich irgendetwas, vielleicht wieder eine Art Wiederbelebung?

Genesis AI

18.10.24 09:48
Ist der Verfall der Aktie nun gestoppt?!
Bin echt gespannt, ob das Ding im Zuge der baldigen anstehenden Weihnachtsrally nochmals so richtig nach oben laufen wird. Da wurden vor Kurzem noch Preise jenseits der 0,12 bezahlt.


Wieland Arlt

18.10.24 09:57

Kennt jemand von Euch diesen Guru?
Der hat doch damals die Aktie unfassbar und exorbitant nach oben gezogen?!

Nur mal zur Info

18.10.24 10:05

Die wurde damals von reddit gepuscht, warum wohl?


18.10.24 10:51
Welche "Weihnachtsrally" ? Du meinst doch hoffentlich nicht die, die du herbeiquatschen willst ? Ansonsten bitte mal den Link posten, wo steht, dass derart Rally überhaupt existiert.

Schau dir mal die Zahlen zu der Pommesbude

18.10.24 10:53
Genesis AI an. Und hör lieber auf Rudini, der kennt sich auch gut aus.
Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

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    Kanadische Penny Rohrkrepierer Terminator9   22.10.24 16:28
  35 nächste AI Aktie? Settlement HonestMeyer 18.10.24 10:53
  23 Genesis AI Corp. Nordi63 Terminator9 16.10.24 15:34
