Meldung/ Kommentar von Osama Bin Laden

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Meldung/ Kommentar von Osama Bin Laden

06.04.02 20:26
Dazu braucht man nichts mehr sagen (nicht zeitgleich, aber das Prinzip ist ersichtlich):

Samstag 6. April 2002, 18:10 Uhr
Israelische Soldaten töten in Raffah angeblich zwei Kinder

Gaza (dpa) - Israelische Soldaten haben nach palästinensischen Angaben im südlichen Gazastreifen zwei Kinder erschossen. Demnach haben die Soldaten in der Ortschaft Raffah ohne erkennbaren Grund mehrere Salven abgefeuert. Dabei seien ein 13-jähriger Junge und ein sechsjähriges Mädchen getötet und zwei weitere Kinder verletzt worden. Ein israelischer Armeesprecher sagte, er habe gegenwärtig keine Informationen über den Vorfall. Zuvor hatte die radikal- islamische Hamas-Bewegung Israel mit Racheaktionen «nie da gewesenen Ausmaßes» gedroht.

Terror Farming
I'm not a big William Safire fan, but in his NYT column today he is right about one thing: Arafat is the primary cause of the suffering of the Palestinian people. Just as I and my Taliban brothers worked to oppress the people of Afghanistan. Why? Simple. To create fertile soil for Jihad. Allah needs more people willing to be suicide bombers, willing to hijack and crash large airplanes, willing to die for Allah, Osama and Arafat. Those martyr payments from Saddam help, sure, but can you imagine an economically well-off person in a free society being willing to blow themselves up for Allah? Of course not!
:: osama bin laden 4:36 AM [+] ::


Nachrichten aus Palästina direkt

07.04.02 00:43

z.B.Angriff auf das Camp Jenin mit Helikopter und Panzern:SOS calls from the Jenin Refugee camp! The camp, 1 km squared, home to approximately 15,000 people is being attacked by air and land. Contacts in Jenin City report heavy black smoke rising from inside the camp. Friends inside the camp are reporting heavy bombardment by tanks and helicopter gunships. Bulldozers have also been brought into the camp and are demolishing homes to make way in the narrow streets of the camp for tanks to enter.
An al-Jazeera correspondent in Palestine has reported that the Israeli Chief of Staff, General Shaul Mofaz, is personally leading the operation to destroy Jenin refugee camp after two days of failed Israeli attempts to storm the camp. He adds that the commander of the brigade who had been in charge of the operation has been relieved of his command and Mofaz is personally in charge of the operation to destroy the camp over the heads of its residents.Residents of the camp whom al-Jazeera was able to contact say that the Israeli chief of staff who is leading the operation from a helicopter in the air gave orders to his forces to intensify the bombardment from helicopters, tanks, and heavy artillery on the houses and positions in which the resistance fighters are taking cover and on anything that moves in the camps

Für Dich prawda: du redest von

08.04.02 17:50
Selbstmordattentätern: unbenommen, gnadenlos und menschenverachtend.

Aber die Frage bleibt: was mußte vorher passiert sein, daß sich junge Menschen reihenweise in die Luft jagen?

Soviel zu Ursache und Wirkung.
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