MedX Health Corp. (MDX)
Hallo ARIVA User,
wer nach guten Performancechanchen sucht sollte sich BITTE die Aktie der MedX Health Corp. genauer anschauen. Ich schreibe heute nicht viel - denn jeder soll sich selbst ein Bild von der signifikanten Chance machen.Fakt ist eines - Diese Aktie dürfte sich aus dem Stand sogar verfünffachen - in den USA gibt es erste Rumors zu bevorstehenden signifikanten Unternehmensnews. Bei einem Börsenwert von sage und schreibe NUR 1,3 Millionen € und einem geschätzen Marktpotential von mehreren 100 Mio US $ ist es nur noch eine Frage der Zeit bis die Aktie wie Phönix aus der Asche nach oben schiesst.
Am Freitag schloss die Aktie in Canada mit 30 % im Plus. Dies ist der Beginn einer signifikanten Neubewertung der Aktie. Ein fairer Wert dürfte zwischen 1,30 - 1,80 $ gesehen werden. Bei einem derzeitigen Kurs von nur 0,065 $ eine überdurchschnittliche Renditeerwartung.
This Skin Cancer Detection Device Could Be a Great Investment in Your Health – and Your Wealth
Major products and inventions consumers should watch for in 2013
The Molemate
Almost every year, scientists and researchers announce a new finding or medical breakthrough that has a huge impact on all of us, and so far there’s been a lot of talk about a skin cancer-detecting device called the MoleMate Skin Imaging System, which allows dermatologists to test for melanoma by just running the device along the skin, instead of doing an invasive procedure like a biopsy.
The inventor of the handheld device, Symon Cotton, says physicians will be able to read the machine's light waves to detect melanoma without having to remove a portion of the skin.The MoleMate “operates by using wave lengths of light that interact with different cells in different ways,” said Cotton in an informational video about the device. “Because we know how they interact with these cells we can identify what’s in the skin without having to do a biopsy, i.e. cut a piece of the skin out.”The company also says the MoleMate is extremely easy to use, as one pretty much just has to hold the oblong device to a patient’s skin.What’s also terrific about the device is that physicians will be able to learn how to use it in just a couple of hours. It’s also said the device will be able to detect melanoma at earlier stages and provide more accurate readings.
Although there hasn’t been an exact release date of the Molemate, it has already been approved by the FDA and is rumored to hit U.S. doctor offices by this year. Hopefully by 2014 it will be a device commonly used by dermatologists.