Max Internet (915157 / MXIP) aktuell 5 7/8 $, Kursziel 22$

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MAX & ERMAS . kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar

Max Internet (915157 / MXIP) aktuell 5 7/8 $, Kursziel 22$

07.12.99 17:39
December 07, 1999 05:16

Coleman and Company Securities Announces Investment Opinion on Max Internet Communications
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 7, 1999--

                Max Internet Communications (MXIP):
         Coleman and Company Initiates Coverage with a BUY
Coleman and Company Securities, Inc., the New York-based investment banking and brokerage firm, has initiated coverage on Max Internet Communications (OTC BB: MXIP) with a "BUY" recommendation. In a report dated December 6, 1999 by analyst Christopher Moore, Coleman recommends the purchase of Max Internet's common stock for risk oriented investors. Coleman has set a 12-month price target of $22 for the stock.

manufactures and markets the Max i.c.Live product. Max i.c.Live is an Internet Media Processor which accelerates video processing over the Internet - providing broadcast quality. The Max i.c.Live is a parallel processor for video. It was not designed to replace the existing primary processor in a computer, but to enhance it by carrying the video processing load. The Max i.c.Live offers the perfect complement to video conferencing companies, video streaming companies, and broadband providers. It provides technology that expands the potential for all of these markets.
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