La Quinta Resources = Gold & Silver

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La Quinta Resources = Gold & Silver

15.01.11 11:46
Noch vollkommen unbekannt: La Quinta Resources mit den beiden Projekten
Easter Property und Black Jack Property in Nevada.

Easter Property, Lincoln County, Nevada USA

Gold and Silver
La Quinta Resources Ltd. has acquired an option to earn 65% joint venture interest in the Easter gold-silver property from Gryphon Gold. La Quinta can earn 65% interest over a 5-year period by expending US$2 million on exploration of the property and paying the owner, Gryphon Gold, US$190,000.

The Easter property is situated in Lincoln County, Nevada, approximately 105 air-miles northeast of Las Vegas. The property consists of 20 unpatented mining claims (more than 400 acres) located on gold – silver veins hosted in volcanic rocks in the Delamar Mining District.  The property was mined on a small scale historically with production of 204 tons of ore that averaged 0.668 oz/ton gold and 3.2 oz/ton silver from 1933 – 1935. Subsequent work by several companies has included drilling more than 100 holes using core and reverse circulation percussion methods.  

Black Jack Silver Property

The property, containing sediment-hosted high-grade lead-silver-zinc veins, is located in northeastern Nevada, approximately 50 air-miles north of Elko and 12 miles west – northwest of the Jerrit Canyon Mine. The property consists of five lode mining claims (~100 ac). A total of approximately 1,200 ft of drifts and stopes have been developed along one level only. The old airtram and rails are still in the main drift. No detailed sampling has been done on the property in modern times.

The host rock is brecciated dolomitic limestone of the Ordovician Porter Peak carbonate sequence. A porphyritic dacite dike intersected in the underground workings is approximately 20 ft wide and has been completely argillized where exposed. Mineralization consists of a mass of carbonate-quartz veins exhibiting both coarse stockwork and sheeted characteristics with oxidized galena and sphalerite. In reconnaissance level sampling, metal values ranged from 3 - 90 oz/ton silver, 0.001 – 0.068 oz/ton gold and 0.8 – 37 % lead along more than 3,500 ft aggregate strike at surface and in underground workings. The veins individually range from 1ft - 20ft wide. These veins also contain anomalous amounts of bismuth, antimony, cadmium, copper and tungsten in addition to the silver, lead, zinc and gold.

La Quinta intends to explore both the vein targets and a postulated silver-enriched polymetallic replacement target estimated to underlie the present workings at depths of 300 ft – 700 ft.

Aktuell tradet La Qunta in einer engen Spanne zwischen 0,10 und 0,12 CAD und scheint hier eine solide Basis zu bilden. Es wird ein guten Newsflow in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen erwartet, der den Kurs enorm positiv beeinflussen dürfte.

Insbesondere sollte kurzfristig die Genehmigung für ein Trenching Programm für das Easter Projekt erteilt werden und die daraus gewonnenen Explorationsergebnisse könnten durchaus spektakulär ausfallen.


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Noch vollkommen unbekannt: La Quinta Resources

15.01.11 11:52
Und das wird sie angesichts der momentanen Edelmetall-Flaute auch bleiben.

Na dann warten wir mal bis Februar ab!

15.01.11 11:55

La Quinta Resources

20.05.11 22:47
Nur meine Meinung, keine Kauf-/ Verkaufsempfehlung !
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