Kurz nach Börseneröffnung wieder kein Handel bei PCCW!!!!!!!!!

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Fritz the cat:

Kurz nach Börseneröffnung wieder kein Handel bei PCCW!!!!!!!!!

25.02.00 06:41
HK  25 Feb.
PCCW said on Friday it requested the trading suspension in its shares in order to make a statement in relation to its merger proposel with C&W.
Banking sources in HK also said PCCW has lined up four banks to provide abridging loan to back its acquisition.
Bank of china,BNP HK,HSBC and Barclays Capital are expected to provide a loan in the redion of US$ 10 billion to support PCCW`S bid,but sources close to the deal said the final amount of the loan had not been set...

MFG     FTC  

bin schon sehr gespannt, was aus dem Angebot für C&W wird! o.T.

25.02.00 06:43
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