(früherer Name Consolidated Abbadon )
gut diversivizierte Projekte mit Gold, Silber über Seltene Erden und Uran bis Lithium
Fully Deluted 168mio shares
Consolidated Abaddon Resources is a lithium, rare earth and uranium exploration company developing properties in northern Ontario and the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan.
The Company has acquired the 560 acre Raleigh Lake Lithium property located in the Kenora Mining Division of NW Ontario. Provincial government mapping in the 1990's identified a "Pegmatite Field" trending through the area and in 1999 and 2000, Avalon Ventures Ltd. released drill results including 1.50% Li over 6.9 metres, 1.00% Li over 4.1 metres, and 0.56% Li over 3.2 metres. Consolidated Abaddon completed a winter drill program in 2010 on the Raleigh Lake property. The Company was very pleased with the drilling and significant results included 9.0 metres of 1.30% Li, 4.7 metres of 0.84% Li, 2.2 metres of 1.10% Li, and 5.5 metres of 0.77% Li.
The Selwyn Lake rare earth elements property is located in the Selwyn Lake Township of, NW Ontario. The property includes 13 claim blocks covering 1219 hectares covering the anomaly. The property is accessible by road and lies 4 kilometres from a railroad. The Selwyn Lake anomaly is similar in size and element association to the lake sediment anomaly at Strange Lake (REE) Rare Earth Element project of Quest Uranium in Labrador. The area has potential for rare earth or molybdenum pegmatites or Olympic Dam style mineralization
The uranium (U3O8) deposits of Saskatchewan, Canada are arguably the richest in the world. Consolidated Abaddon has interest in approx. 160 square kilometres of highly prospective ground within the eastern flank of the Athabasca Basin in northern Saskatchewan.
bisher gute Erfoge für einen Junior Explorer.
(früherer Name Consolidated Abbadon )
gut diversivizierte Projekte mit Gold, Silber über Seltene Erden und Uran bis Lithium
Fully Deluted 168mio shares
Consolidated Abaddon Resources is a lithium, rare earth and uranium exploration company developing properties in northern Ontario and the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan.
The Company has acquired the 560 acre Raleigh Lake Lithium property located in the Kenora Mining Division of NW Ontario. Provincial government mapping in the 1990's identified a "Pegmatite Field" trending through the area and in 1999 and 2000, Avalon Ventures Ltd. released drill results including 1.50% Li over 6.9 metres, 1.00% Li over 4.1 metres, and 0.56% Li over 3.2 metres. Consolidated Abaddon completed a winter drill program in 2010 on the Raleigh Lake property. The Company was very pleased with the drilling and significant results included 9.0 metres of 1.30% Li, 4.7 metres of 0.84% Li, 2.2 metres of 1.10% Li, and 5.5 metres of 0.77% Li.
The Selwyn Lake rare earth elements property is located in the Selwyn Lake Township of, NW Ontario. The property includes 13 claim blocks covering 1219 hectares covering the anomaly. The property is accessible by road and lies 4 kilometres from a railroad. The Selwyn Lake anomaly is similar in size and element association to the lake sediment anomaly at Strange Lake (REE) Rare Earth Element project of Quest Uranium in Labrador. The area has potential for rare earth or molybdenum pegmatites or Olympic Dam style mineralization
The uranium (U3O8) deposits of Saskatchewan, Canada are arguably the richest in the world. Consolidated Abaddon has interest in approx. 160 square kilometres of highly prospective ground within the eastern flank of the Athabasca Basin in northern Saskatchewan.
bisher gute Erfoge für einen Junior Explorer.