I can`t remember who posted this but I saved it - it is a summary of the conference call...
In addition, reread this one and try to add some more today.
I felt the need because I hate seeing my investment going down.
I will share this you all.
*They have contracts and commitments. China is IMO the huge potential market for them. Urine samples is the best test you can imagine: a lot of tribes/countries do not allow blood tests that easy. Costs per test: $1,-. Blood tests often more then $20,-
*$12.5 M (non dilutive) financing/investment -which they closed- is considered to be enough to execute the whole business plan. This means that the stage of profitability is expected to be reached with this money. Burn rate at this moment is $300,000 a month (and decreasing). The investor is a Russian Billionaire family that has strong connections in China. They are very confident that they will get the China business off and running. The investor (on whom will be released more details shortly, IMO;this investor already had 2.5 M shares) has put ONE main condition to their funding: no more dilutive actions anymore. So the convertables from the past are more than
likely history from now on.
*When is profitability expected: He didn`t mention a specific timeframe. But the alternatives he mentioned (at random) were 2 and 4 months. But without any real sign that I could conclude anything from it. But the fact that he talked months (and not years) was obvious....
*The WHO has dropped fase 2 to gain time and accellerate the process.
*He admitted that the intention of the WHO and the decision of the investor are more or less connected.
*Technology is done; distributorships are done. Margins on products are very high: between 40 and 60%. Urine test costs .50 to produce (they sell them for $2 in Africa & $5 in the USA); blood tests cost .95; they sell them for 5,- (80%).
*Filing says 58 M shares; interview with CEO said 20M shares. How come? Answer: the filing incorporated the consequences of the convertable financing.
*Volatility: IHO because of the following facts:
-it is a penny stock and people often buy these stocks without
knowing what they buy (like I did...). They sell with a minor gain or
if the stock drops (like today). Nerves are in play...
-Daytraders. The floatis between 8.5 and 9 M shares. The huge volume
during the last days is merely because of daytraders picking 10% and
wait till it drops, buy again, etc.
-Shortsellers. Although he said (quote): ``I would not want to be
short in the stock right now...."
-Volume is double counted.
-He expects that some converts are cashing in
*Risks: in fact not many, IHO. Until one week ago the perspective was completely different and far from as positive as it is now. But with the additional $10M investment there is no need to dilute anymore, so the fear of a killing `death spiral` is gone.
*OTC or another exchange? (Remember: the daily volume/traded $$ don`t fit in the OTC, IMO) He gave a very interesting answer: They lingered on the OTC until they had the investment done. On AMEX or NASD this would not be possible wothout a shareholders vote. (Don`t know, but sounds realistic to me) I asked for a timeframe he said: We want to get off the OTC a.s.a.p. He doesn`t whink that they will be on this exchange for many months
anymore. (My feeling: less then 3 months). He has guided several companies off the OTC in the past. Last week RAI (Homeland Security). Without R/S that stock went from .54 to 3.50. After the R/S which CYPT had in May, the `dirty things` are history.
Tim stated that he hated R/S`s. So CYPT has to reach it on his own. AMEX is IHO the easiest. He says: we have enough shareholders, enough shareholders value, but the revenuestream may be not enough (yet).
Wants to get on Nasd National Market in the end. Quote: `Now we have the $12.5M, we waant to get off the OTC!`
*Update to shareholders: continuing PR`s. I got no timeframe for the next one. I think it may reveil details on the Russian investor.
*What is the company worth? Well, in the past they seem to have invested $100M in technology. The investment risk is highly reduced after the $10M and (quote): `The company is on the brink of a tremendous break through. CYPT could very well become a big player in the slow down of the HIV plague.`
*Although he didn`t want to give an explicit investment advice, he - more orless- confirmed my conclusion that I guess that I just have hold on to my shares; to sit and wait things develop. `Yes, that`s it`, he said.
#2 Because of the previous posting, I listened to the call and posted the following:
I would urge you to listen to the presentation. Some other highlights:
*100 employees 1 year ago, 52 now. Burn rate has gone from $1.5 Million / month to $500 K per month.
*We have some of the top scientists working for our team. A lot from the other leading HIV testing companies (from Orasure).
*We have 36 patents in place.
*Blood dominates market place for HIV testing. However, Blood is the fastest way to pass HIV on. This makes blood tests a very expensive process – you to have proper infrastructure in place handling / facilities / proper people to administer the tests etc. In Africa this makes it very expensive.
*There is no infrastructure costs with our new Rapid test product. You can bathe in urine or drink it (yuk!) & not get HIV & therefore it is totally safe. Furthermore in a recent study (not commissioned by CYPT), 40% of people in a lower class American community felt more comfortable with a pee test.
*Our test is as good as blood.
*Global Aids has a massive amount of money ($4.7 Billion) & in coordination with the WHO will conduct 300 Million tests in Africa.
*$1.1 per current test on the market. New product: Rapid test - $2 / $5 for the 3rd world / 1st world version. It’s just like one of
*Magic & Tony will be in New York on Wall Street next month.
*His estimate for earnings next year - is what " he knows they will make" at this point in time - hence the reason it is so low.
ebenfalls aus einem WO-Thread...
wie groß ist die aktuelle MK?
laut yahoo 68 Mio. bei Kurs von 1.175 USD
... u.U. ist durch neue Aktien die MK aber gestiegen: laut der Rechnung unten auf 98 Mio. beim aktuellen Kurs
The registrant had 58,066,483 shares of common stock outstanding as of
August 11, 2003.
Date Number of Shares Price Per Share
---- ---------------- ---------------
7/29/03 8,333,333 $0.30
8/14/03 800,000 $0.1506
8/15/03 800,000 $0.1414
8/17/03 1,300,000 $0.145
8/21/03 1,200,000 $0.1502
8/28/03 20,000,000 $0.50
9/01/03 5,181,818 $0.11
9/01/03 50,000 $0.5585
Such shares were purchased in a combination of privately negotiated transactions
and open market transactions effected on the Over the Counter Bulletin Board.
The shares acquired on September 1, 2003 were the result of conversion to common
stock of a convertible debenture dated September 1, 2003.
58,066,483 10Q 11/08/03 +
20,000,000 PP nr.2 28/08/03 +
5,181,818 CD 01/09/03
=83,248,301 O/S(mind.) *1,24US$ ~ 103,25 mio US$ MCAP
die Verwässerung soll aber durch den neuen Investor gestoppt sein
so wie es aussieht, überlege ich, mir auch ein Paar ins Depot zu legen... mal sehen
mfg ipollit