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Internet und Biotech bald im Schatten von : M.T.

10.09.00 20:53
....Nanotechnologie !
Selbst die US-Regierung will amerikanische Nanotechnologie-Unternehmen dieses Jahr bei der Forschung unterstützen:

White House Briefing Article

                TO THE NEXT INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION January 21,

             JANUARY 21, 2000 - President Clintons FY 2001 budget request includes a
             $227 million (84%)increase in the governments investment in nanotechnology
             research and development. The Administration is making this major new
             initiative, called the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), a top priority. The
             emerging fields of nanoscience and nanoengineering -- the ability to
             manipulate and move matter - are leading to unprecedented understanding of
             the fundamental building blocks of all physical things. These developments
             are likely to change the way almost everything -- from vaccines to computers
             to automobile tires to objects not yet imagined -- is designed and made.

             The initiative, which nearly doubles the investment over FY 2000 will
             strengthen scientific disciplines and create critical interdisciplinary
             opportunities. Agencies participating in NNI include the National Science
             Foundation (NSF), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of
             Energy (DOE), National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Aeronautics and
             Space Administration (NASA), and Department of Commerce?s National
             Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Roughly 70% of the new
             funding proposed under the NNI will go to university-based research, which will
             help meet the growing demand for workers with nanoscale science and
             engineering skills. Many of these research goals may take 20 or more years
             to achieve, but that is precisely why there is an important role for the Federal

             Nanotechnology is the new frontier and its potential impact is compelling: This
             initiative establishes Grand Challenges to fund interdisciplinary research and
             education teams, including centers and networks, that work for major,
             long-term objectives. Some of the potential breakthroughs that may be
             possible include:

             - Shrinking the entire contents of the Library of Congress in a device the size
             of a sugar cube through the expansion of mass storage electronics to
             multi-terabit memory capacity that will increase the memory storage per unit
             surface a thousand fold; - Making materials and products from the bottom-up,
             that is, by building them up from atoms and molecules. Bottom-up
             manufacturing should require less material and pollute less; - Developing
             materials that are 10 times stronger than steel, but a fraction of the weight for
             making all kinds of land, sea, air and space vehicles lighter and more fuel
             efficient; - Improving the computer speed and efficiency of minuscule
             transistors and memory chips by factors of millions making todays Pentium
             IIIs seem slow; - Using gene and drug delivery to detect cancerous cells by
             nanoengineered MRI contrast agents or target organs in the human body; -
             Removing the finest contaminants from water and air to promote a cleaner
             environment and potable water; - Doubling the energy efficiency of solar cells.

             The NNI Investment Strategy:

             This initiative builds upon previous and current nanotechnology programs,
             including some early investment from some of the participating agencies. The
             research strategy listed below is balanced across the following mechanisms:
             fundamental research, grantchallenges, centers and networks of excellence,
             research infrastructure, as well as ethical, legal and social implications and
             workforce programs. This initiative will initially support five kind of activities:

             Long-term fundamental nanoscience and engineering research that will build
             upon a fundamental understanding and synthesis of nanometer-size building
             blocks with potential breakthroughs in areas such as materials and
             manufacturing, nanoelectronics, medicine and healthcare, environment and
             energy, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, biotechnology and
             agriculture, computation and information technology, and national security.
             This investment will provide sustained support to individual investigators and
             small groups doing fundamental, innovative research and will promote
             university-industry-federal laboratory and interagency partnerships. ? Grand
             Challenges that are listed above. ? Centers and Networks of Excellence that
             will encourage research networking and shared academic users? facilities.
             These nanotechnology ? research centers will play an important role in
             development and utilization of specific tools and in promoting partnerships in
             the coming years. ? Research Infrastructures will be funded for metrology,
             instrumentation, modeling and simulation, and user facilities. The goal is to
             develop a flexible enabling infrastructure so that new discoveries and
             innovations can be rapidly commercialized by the U.S. industry. ? Ethical,
             Legal, Societal Implications and Workforce Education and Training efforts will
             be undertaken to promote a new generation of skilled workers in the
             multidisciplinary perspectives necessary for rapid progress in nanotechnology.
             The impact nanotechnology has on society from legal, ethical, social,
             economic, and workforce preparation perspectives will be studied. The
             research will help us identify potential problems and teach us how to intervene
             efficiently in the future on measures that may need to be taken.

Bei uns ist Nanophase (910885) bereits gut bekannt.

In den Blickpunkt des Interesses rückte in den letzte Wochen
aber auch Altair, ALTI ( 902675), die güstiger bewertet scheinen als NANX.

Die Entscheidung für NANX oder ALTI sollte jeder selbst treffen,
hier einige Nachrichten der letzten Zeit aus beiden Unternehmen:

Name: Nanophase Inc.
     WPKN: 910885
     US: NANX

     Nanophase entwickelt und vermarktet sogenannte nanocrystalline Materialien für
     ein breites Angebot kommerzieller Anwendungen. Nanocrystalline Materialien
     basieren auf Metallen, Keramik oder Halbleitern. Diese Stoffe bestehen aus
     Partikeln mit einer Größe von weniger als 100 Nanometern (100 milliardstel Meter)
     und beinhalten einige tausend Atome. Die Herstellung von Materialen in dieser
     Größe hat den Vorteil, daß die Partikel nach Wunsch konstruiert werden können und
     die Forscher somit direkten Einfluss auf die chemischen, magnetischen,
     optischen,elektrischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften dieser Stoffe haben. Mit
     traditionellen Methoden zur Herstellung nanocrystalliner Materialien war es
     bisher unmöglich diese in ausreichender Stückzahl und annehmbaren Preisen für die
     Industrie zu produzieren. Nanophase hat eine neue Technologie entwickelt um
     nanocrystalline Stoffe in hoher Stückzahl zu produzieren und die hohen
     Erwartungen der Abnehmer zu erfüllen.


     - fortgeschritte Elektronik: Die zunehmende Miniaturisierung in der
     Elektroindustrie setzt voraus, dass alle elektrischen Komponenten eine möglichst
     geringe Produktabweichung haben und auch in kleinsten Größenbereichen zuverlässig
     funktionieren. Nanophase plant die Produktion einer
     neuen Generation von Isolatoren, die den bisher aus Keramik bestehenden
     Bauteilen weit überlegen ist.

     - Einsatz in der Kosmetikindustrie: Nanophase sieht sich in Lage effektivere
     Sonnen -und Hautcremes entwickeln zu können.

     - neue Katalysatoren bei chemischen Reaktionen

     - Abschirmung von elektromagnetischer Strahlung: Kathodenstrahlröhren, die in
     Fernseh und Computerbildschirmen verwendet werden, senden elektromagnetische
     Strahlung aus. In der Vergangenheit wurde den schädlichen Auswirkungen dieser
     Strahlung wenig Beachtung geschenkt. Die EU plant jedoch die Höchstwerte
     erlaubter Strahlungsstärke stark zu reduzieren. Nanophase glaubt, dass die
     momentan in Kathodenstrahlröhren verwendeten Beschichtungen
     nicht ausreichend sind, um die neuen Strahlungs-Auflagen zu erfüllen. Das
     Unternehmen hat eine Metall-Oxid Mischung entwickelt, die den geforderten
     Eigenschaften entspricht.

Nanophase Updates Status of Major Contract with

BURR RIDGE, Ill., Sept. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanophase Technologies Corporation
(Nasdaq: NANX - news), a leader in nanomaterials and nanoengineered products, responding to significant interest in a
previously announced 3-year supply agreement, today provided further details. The contract is to supply proprietary
nanocrystalline material to BASF Corporation for global distribution. Initial deliveries began with a manufacturing and delivery
ramp in the first quarter followed by volume increases in the second and third quarters. Since the company's original
announcement, the contract has been expanded with Nanophase adding an additional proprietary processing step.

Nanophase expects the supply agreement to result in revenues of approximately $2.7 million during 2000 and increase
approximately 35 percent in 2001 with potential growth in later years. Concurrently, the company announced receipt of an
order for the material valued at approximately $1.2 million deliverable between September and December 2000. Nanophase
has included this supply agreement revenue in its previously announced 2000 target revenue goal.

``We are very pleased to establish this relationship with BASF Corporation, a global chemical and materials leader, especially
in such a significant and growing market application,'' said Joseph Cross, Nanophase's president and CEO. ``This agreement
provides a significant revenue opportunity for Nanophase during 2000 through 2002 as we scale-up both revenues and
manufacturing capability. The Nanophase team has responded extraordinarily to meet the needs of the customer during the
scale-up and implementing an additional finishing process. BASF clearly appreciates the benefit and value of our technology, as
well as our integrated ISO and cGmp quality and manufacturing system, and we look forward to developing our relationship in
additional product areas.''

Nanophase Technologies Corporation provides engineered solutions utilizing nanocrystalline materials for a variety of industrial
product applications. Using proprietary technology to produce nanocrystalline materials, the company creates products with
unique performance attributes. The company's global customer base includes Fortune 500 companies. Nanophase trades on
the Nasdaq NMS under the symbol ``NANX.'' Visit the company's web site at .

Zu ALTI -auch verglichen mit  NANX-:

Shonstrom Research Associates Initiates Coverage of
Nano-Particle Producer, Altair International with a
Speculative BUY Rating

Shonstrom Research Associates Provides Proprietary Research Product
to NASD Member PCS Securities CRD#23734.

DENVER, Aug. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Altair International (Nasdaq: ALTI - news), a development stage company is expected
to begin shipping commercial quantities of titanium dioxide nano-particles in this year's fourth quarter.

The company's first market opportunity is for Altium TiNano 40 anatase crystals to be used as UV protection in skin care and
cosmetic products. A second application is as an additive to a ceramic coating developed for the Navy that increases impact
resistance 4 times.

Nanotechnology (a nanometer equals one billionth of a meter) is the marriage of chemistry and engineering in building materials
at the molecular level. Current nanomaterials increase strength and resilience, remove imperfections, lower weight and cost, and
provide photo resistance. Over the next decade nanomaterials will influence ``virtually every man-made object'' according to
the National Science and Technology Council. While many potential advances such as computing at the molecular level are
years away, a number of commercial markets, on which Altair is focused, are just emerging.

Altair's thin film process appears to produce a more consistently sized nano-particle at a lower cost than that of existing vapor
and solution processes. Further, Altair's surface chemistry control methods and dopants can allow for variations in porosity,
conductivity, photo catalytic activity and other desirable features not obtainable through these other technologies.

Michael Shonstrom, President of Shonstrom Research Associates noted that the industry's only pure play, Nanophase
Technologies (Nasdaq: NANX - news) currently has a market capitalization of $135 MM and the company's stock sells at a
multiple of 52.1 x trailing twelve month revenues of $2.5 MM. Altair's nano-particle revenues could reach an estimated $5.0
MM in 2001. Further, the company is expected to announce a number of new applications and technological initiatives with
significant industry partners over the next year.

On a parallel path the company is developing a titanium ore deposit to add new production to $7 Billion mineral markets faced
with diminishing sources of supply.

Shonstrom Research Associates has initiated coverage with a speculative BUY rating and a 12 month price target of $9 per

SOURCE: Shonstrom Research Associates

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