schon drin. Entscheidend wird sein, ob der Nasdaq am Abend wieder hoch kommt, und da bin ich mir wegen dieser Fond-Geschichte nicht mehr so sicher. Jetzt ist sehr viel Psychologie im Spiel.
Thursday March 30, 6:25 am Eastern Time
Profit-taking momentum set to hit Dow and Nasdaq
LONDON, March 30 (Reuters) - Nasdaq looked set to extend the previous session's 3.9 percent loss on
Thursday as profit-taking in technology shares gathers momentum and spreads to the Dow.
Index futures signalled a loss of 50-60 Dow points and about 50 points off Nasdaq. The Dow rose 0.76
percent on Wednesday.
``The futures have sold off completely. There's going to be more switching out of the tech stocks, more
profit-taking. People are looking for safer places to be,'' said one dealer.
He said this week's warnings on equities from leading Wall Street guru Goldman Sachs's Abby Joseph Cohen and influential money manager
Mark Mobius knocked sentiment hard.
``We had Abby Cohen a few days ago, then Mark Mobius, and now we've got Tiger's Jaguar fund closing down, just highlighting the exposure of
old funds not investing technology and the gap between the old and new economies,'' he said.
Sources said earlier that Tiger would close its troubled flagship hedge fund Jaguar, which was slow to invest in tech stocks and then made some
ill-timed picks.