Hedge funds' move into energy has casualties
Hot strategy has produced big winners, but also several blow-ups
By Alistair Barr, CBS MarketWatch
Last Update: 7:39 PM ET Sep 20, 2006
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- A few years ago, energy trading was considered the next source of big returns for hedge funds. While the strategy has made lots of money for some, it's also left several managers nursing huge losses and produced some of the biggest blow-ups in the recent history of the hedge fund business.
Amaranth Advisors LLC, a Greenwich, Conn.-based hedge fund which had almost $10 billion in assets, told investors on Monday that it's facing year-to-date losses of 35% after losing more than $3 billion in a week on natural gas trades that went awry.
The losses - the biggest since hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management collapsed in 1998 - have affected several institutional investors including 3M, a fund of hedge funds run by Goldman Sachs, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and the $7 billion San Diego County Employees Retirement Association.
But Amaranth isn't the only hedge fund that's suffered in energy markets. MotherRock LP, an energy hedge fund run by the former president of the New York Mercantile Exchange J. Robert Collins, shut down after losing $230 million in June and July in the natural gas market, the Wall Street Journal reported earlier this year.
Citadel Investment Group, a big Chicago-based hedge fund firm run by Ken Griffin, and Ritchie Capital Management, another hedge fund business headed by Thane Ritchie, also suffered losses from forays into energy trading last year.
"There are many people out there saying that the easy money in energy markets is no longer available," said Sol Waksman, president of Barclay Group, which tracks the performance of hedge fund managers. "Even if Amaranth hadn't happened, given the drop in crude in recent weeks, there would probably still be people out there saying the bloom is off the rose."
"People will likely be much more cautious about dumping a whole bunch of money into an energy hedge fund now," said Tom Lord, president of commodity-markets consultant firm Volatility Managers who traded natural gas at Morgan Stanley for six years.
The most basic form of energy trading involves buying and selling shares of oil- and other energy-related companies. However, it also includes betting on the price of crude oil, natural gas and other energy-related products and commodities such as electricity and coal. In recent years, the energy market became an attractive solution to a growing conundrum facing the hedge-fund industry. With billions of dollars flowing into the space, returns were falling, so managers were looking around for new opportunities.
The energy market has many of the attributes hedge-fund managers look for: It's huge, providing room for many hedge funds to speculate, and very volatile, which presents lots of trading opportunities. The prices of many energy products are also related, so historical patterns can be analyzed by hedge funds. When prices move out of their historical range, that presents arbitrage opportunities.
As the price of crude and other energy products climbed in 2004 and 2005, many hedge funds made a killing [=verdienten sich dumm und dösig] and the ranks of managers specializing in energy trading swelled. Energy hedge funds tracked by Hedgefund.net returned 33% on average in 2004 and 24% in 2005. Assets managed by those funds tripled to $70 billion between the end of 2003 and the middle of this year, Hedgefund.net data show.
But now some energy hedge funds have grown so large, that their trades may have become too big to get out of quickly, especially in ultra-volatile markets such as natural gas, Lord explained using a grisly analogy.
"You can get 20,000 people into a stadium in an orderly manner within an hour, but if you try to get everyone out in five minutes, it turns into a blender," he said. "That's the problem you face if your positions in energy markets get so big that can't get out of them quickly."
Earlier this year, Amaranth's star trader Brian Hunter had more than $3 billion of bets outstanding in the energy market, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday. Peter Fusaro, an energy industry expert and co-founder of Energy Hedge Funds Center LLC, a web site that tracks the investment niche, said some hedge funds entered the market not realizing the full risks. "There's a lack of knowledge about energy trading, which has been a recipe for disaster," he said. "There are some people that have knowledge, but Amaranth probably wasn't in that league."
Unlike Amaranth, which reportedly borrowed money to magnify its bets, most energy hedge funds avoid leverage, especially in very volatile markets such as natural gas, he explained. [Wenn sie Futures kaufen, arbeiten sie dennoch mit hohen Hebeln - A.L.]
Last year, Citadel and Ritchie lost more than $100 million on energy positions when Hurricane Katrina triggered a surge in crude and natural gas prices, Fusaro noted, adding that several European funds pulled out of energy trading after Katrina-inspired losses. "Now we have hedge funds with long positions in a natural gas market that has oversupply and mild weather," he said. "That's another recipe for more losses."
With crude prices falling in recent weeks and natural gas way off the record highs it reached at the end of 2005, energy hedge fund returns have come back to earth this year. The median return of 67 energy hedge funds tracked by Barclay Group was 9% through the end of July. That's down from 29% gains in 2005. Energy hedge funds tracked by Hedgefund.net were up less than 1% on average during the first half of 2006.
Still, some energy hedge funds are still doing very well. Centaurus Energy, a Houston fund run by former Enron trader John Arnold, is up more than 100% in 2006, the Wall Street Journal said on Monday. BP Capital Energy Equity, a hedge fund run by industry veteran Boone Pickens, was up more than 20% through the end of August, according to a person familiar with the fund. "By and large, most firms have done a good job protecting themselves by not looking to hit a home run," Waksman said. "But you always have outliers and if you take big risks you reap big regards or, well we now know what happens."
Waksman believes hedge funds' move into energy markets has been positive overall, but he expects Amaranth's troubles to add another dent to the image of the industry. Amaranth was a so-called multi-strategy hedge fund, which uses a variety of different trading strategies under one roof. These types of funds are supposed to avoid big losses by being able to quickly shift money in and out of different markets as opportunities wax and wane. That's what makes Amaranth's huge losses from a single market so surprising, Waksman said.
"The hedge fund naysayers will jump all over this," he predicted. "Hedge funds -- and in particular multi-strategy funds -- are promoted to investors because of their ability to control risks and move money quickly from one strategy to another." "So the question is, where was the risk control at Amaranth?" he said. "It's one thing for Ritchie to lose money in energy trading in a dedicated energy fund, but it's another for a multi-strategy fund to lose this much on energy trades. I don't really know what happened, but it's certainly a question on investors' minds."
Fusaro said he just returned from a trip to Europe, where demand for energy hedge funds remains "huge." "It's unfortunate that two of the big energy hedge funds have blown up trading natural gas, but not all funds are of that ilk," he said. "This won't stop interest in the sector from hedge fund investors."
Alistair Barr is a reporter for MarketWatch in San Francisco.