Wednesday, February 2, 2000 - Change In Focus Of Activities
HOMEX - Perth
Change in focus of activities
Adelong Capital advises that due to the significant change in
circumstances over the past few months and in accordance with the
mandate given by shareholders at the AGM, the Company is proceeding
to change its direction and activities from mining to focus on
strategic international investments in technology based companies.
Adelong Capital Limited will therefore maintain its suspension in
accordance with ASX Listing Rule 11.1 and proceed to comply with the
requirements of Chapters 1 and 2 to seek a relisting as an
international venture capital investment group.
Adelong Capital currently has two internal company investments and
will continue to seek other investment opportunities in the
telecommunication, technology and electronic media sectors. The
Company currently has in excess of A$10 million on hand and is well
placed to take advantage of further investment opportunities as they
It is also anticipated that the Company`s gold assets will be vended
Into a wholly owned subsidiary, Challenger Gold NL, and the Board is
considering spinning off Challenger Gold NL as a separate listed
Shareholders and the market will be kept fully informed of all
further developments.
C McKee