
Beiträge: 3
Zugriffe: 741 / Heute: 1


16.05.03 07:46
Scenario 1: TMTA secures the XBOX2. Microsoft is unhappy with NVidia and Intel. Microsoft is bleeding money on XBox - they need to squeeze the component suppliers. For XBox 2 microsoft wants a Pentium 4 equivalent at half the price Intel is selling. Via doesn't have a chip. AMD or TMTA are possible. But AMD will be better at delivering and has better performing chips. But 1-2 million XBoxes a quarter will hardly excite AMD share holders.

Scenario 2: TMTA gets a deal with one of the major North American Notebook suppliers. IBM, DELL or HPQ. IBM & Dell probably don't want to anger Chipzilla and jeopardise future deals as preferred customers. Compaq has been most willing to use "non-Intel" chips e.g. they have a number of laptops using AMD. I don't know about HPQ. TC1000 may the the last HPQ product to use Crusoe given it was developed under Compaq received alot of flak for using Crusoe.

Scenario 3: One of the market segments either Tablet or UPC takes off in a big way.

Of the 3 scenarios...all of which are remote and unlikely, Scenario 1 is the most likely to happen. Since the announcement of thesmart display design win which on its own is a "non-event" given the miniscule volume of smart displays to be shipped, it signals that Microsoft is willing to do business TMTA. But for a big deal like XBOX, INTEL might subsidise its chips just to kill off TMTA.

Wer jetzt nicht kauft ist selbst schuld.


Na, na, na

16.05.03 08:41

  Technology - AP

T-Mobile Delays Launch of Microsoft Phone
Thu May 15, 6:36 PM ET  Add Technology

By HELEN JUNG, AP Business Writer

SEATTLE - T-Mobile International has delayed indefinitely the launch of a Microsoft-powered wireless (news - web sites) telephone in order to work out problems with the new device, a setback for Microsoft's push into the wireless industry.
T-Mobile, a unit of Germany's Deutsche Telekom, initially planned to roll out the so-called "Smartphone" this summer for the European market. The company said it has not set a new launch date but "remains committed to launching a Microsoft Windows Powered Smartphone. ... T-Mobile and Microsoft continue to have a strong working relationship."

T-Mobile would not disclose the reasons for the delay.

The setback comes as Microsoft has set its sights on the emerging market of "smart" devices that can handle e-mail, Web-browsing, instant messaging (news - web sites) and other tasks in addition to functioning as a regular mobile phone. Microsoft has developed versions of its operating system software to run phones and portable digital devices, competing with companies including Palm and Symbian.

Mike King, principal analyst with Gartner Inc., said he and other analysts testing trial versions of handsets running on Microsoft's Smartphone software found that the programs kept freezing.

"We're all used to seeing the blue screen of death on our PC," he said. "We're not used to seeing it on our handsets."

But Microsoft said its software isn't the problem.

"The readiness of the software is not the issue," said Derek Brown, Microsoft's marketing director for its mobility division. Rather, the problem is "the readiness of the entire experience."

He declined to go into specifics about problems that have delayed the launch, saying there are engineering, testing, added services and other elements that need to be coordinated with one another.

Delaying the phone is not "entirely unexpected," he added. "Sometimes it takes a little longer than you thought. ... This is a brand new market and it takes time and it takes patience and you have to have a long view of what that means and make the investments and take the time and have the patience."

Microsoft has agreements with more than 25 manufacturers to carry handsets based on its software, mostly Pocket PC and Pocket PC Phone Edition systems.

Orange SA, the English-French wireless provider, launched a Smartphone handset last year.

Mein Baby wird durch die Decke gehen, und keiner von Euch will dabei sein,seltsam.



Ich bin nicht alleine investiert,

16.05.03 08:44

Institutions add 2MM TMTA shs in 3Qtr

In March 2003 quarter, Institutional ownership in TMTA increased by 2MM shares, from 15.9MM to 17.9MM.

Russell 2000 Index Funds increased their positions by 926,637 shares to 9,182,119 from 8,255,482.

Hot Money Managers (mostly hedge funds) increased their positions by 1,135,067 shares to 4,791,681.


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