CEO Atle Eide. ?This quarter has also seen the fulfilment
of our goals where operations are concerned,` he
continues. `The reduction of costs and the increase in
harvesting volumes for the fish farming business are the
most obvious evidence of this, as well as the solid
customer base of our VASP business and the fact that our
own brand `Saumon et Merveilles` has done very well. But
there is no time to rest. We have very high expectations
for Scotland in 2006,` Eide says. `For the first time since
2001 the Pan Fish Group closes the year with a profit,
which shows that the extensive reorganisation of Pan Fish
has been a success. Our main focus now is to devote even
more energy into the processes that have been established
in the operative units of the company, and especially to
regain the high levels of production. We anticipate an
increase in the budgeted sales in 2006 of approximately
25,000 trw compared with 2005.`
Fish farming
The fish farming business had operating revenues of NOK
547.5 million in the fourth quarter 2005, compared with NOK
367.6 million in the corresponding period in 2004.
Operating profits (EBITDA) amounted to NOK 127.8 million,
which is an improvement of NOK 139.1 compared with the
fourth quarter 2004. Production costs for fish in sea in
all regions continued to fall, as planned. The best results
were achieved in Pan Fish Norway, which also had the most
substantial reduction of costs. Volumes from Aqua Farms are
included in the accounts as at 1 November 2005. In 2006,
Pan Fish is planning to produce between 100,000 and 108,000
trw, and to harvest volumes between 70,000 and 75,000 tgw.
Value Added Seafood Products (VASP)
The VASP business generated gross operating revenues of NOK
142.5 million in the fourth quarter 2005. Operating profits
for the continued operations at Pan Fish France generated
an all-time high of NOK 21.0 million in the fourth quarter,
despite the high prices of raw material which pushed the
margins to the limits in this area. By establishing a
separate seafood division, Pan Fish expects the VASP
business to gain a broader commercial basis, and that this
will yield positive results during the course of 2006.
`We expect the positive market scenario to be maintained
throughout 2006,` says CEO Atle Eide. `Based on our
continued focus on long-term cost-related objectives,
increased production volumes and our general ambition of
becoming the lowest-cost producer of quality salmon, we are
confident that Pan Fish is facing an exciting year
characterised by profitability. We are also still working
on strategic processes that will help us take the company
even further, and this will assist us in realising the
ambitious objectives we have for the company. All of this
leaves us with a very optimistic outlook for 2006,` Atle
Eide concludes.
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