Es gibt sie noch die 1000-3000% Aktien

Beiträge: 10
Zugriffe: 656 / Heute: 1

Es gibt sie noch die 1000-3000% Aktien

07.04.02 13:45
Zumindest wenn es nach Fred Hager Computertechnologie Forschung geht. Alle Kursziele bis Mai 2004

SSTI 9.50 $ // KZ 116 $

MCDT 9.67 $ // KZ 111 $

AMCC 7.80 $ // KZ 82  $

AVNX 3.50 $ // KZ 83  $

RMBS 7.22 $ // KZ 180 $

JDSU 5.58 $ // KZ 74  $

NT   3.75 $ // KZ 51  $

VIGN 3.63 $ // KZ 36  $

Dazu muss sich aber wohl erst mal wieder eine Blase am Aktienmarkt entwickeln. Aber bis 2004 schon möglich !!

Mfg       Reiny


Also die SSTI sollte man sich schon mal anschauen

07.04.02 14:01
Und die Netzwerker könnten durchaus, auch wenn es momentan nicht so ausschaut, wieder stark kommen. (JDSU, NT, GLW und CIEN). Die will momentan wirklich keiner. So wie die Russischen Aktien in 1998, die haben seitdem z.T. mehrere 1000% seit den Tiefs gemacht.

Weiß jemand das Kürzel für den Netzwerkindex ?? Muß mir mal den Chart anschauen.

Mfg      Reiny

Das mit Rambus geht in Ordnung !

07.04.02 19:45

Da hätte ich nix gegen ;-)

Jetzt muß ich erst mal kucken, wofür SSTI steht .

Zu Deiner Frage:
Ich kenne leider nur SOX, weiss aber nicht, ob das
überhaupt ein Kürzel ist, mit dem man Kurse bekäme.


07.04.02 20:02
Habs schon gefunden Kürzel NWX

Alltimelow 209 Punkt (Sept.2001), aktuell 224 Punkte, also noch ca. 7 % über der letzten Stütze. Glaube nicht, daß die bricht.

Grüße       Reiny

Bloß Finger weg von SSTI !

07.04.02 20:03

Da verkaufen alle Insider und deren Oma ihr Hund wie bekloppt!
Akamai läßt grüßen!
Einmal reicht mir.
So'n Dreck pack ich nicht an.

Insider & restricted shareholder transactions reported over the last two years
      Date       Who    SharesTransaction§ADVERTISEMENT
2002-03-12 NOJIMA, ISAO
Vice President 50,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $550,000)
2002-03-11 LUI, PAUL S.
Vice President 400 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $150,000)
2002-03-04 LUI, PAUL S.
Vice President 15,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $161,250)
2002-03-04 BEST, DEREK J.
Senior Vice President 4,402 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $43,843)
2002-02-26 GARON, JEFFREY L.
   Officer    20,000§Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $180,000)
2002-02-25 BEST, DEREK J.
Senior Vice President 8,804 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $77299.12)
2002-02-01 BEST, DEREK J. 1,765 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $14843.65)
2001-12-11 NOJIMA, ISAO
   Officer    50,000§Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $640,000)
2001-12-07 BEST, DEREK J. 4,759 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $66721.18)
2001-12-07 BEST, DEREK J.
Vice President 4,403 Sale at $14.07 per share.
(Proceeds of $61,950)
2001-12-07 BEST, DEREK J.
Vice President 4,403 Option Exercise at $0.95 per share.
(Cost of $4,182)
2001-12-05 NOJIMA, ISAO

   Officer    50,000§Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $698,500)
2001-12-05 -
2001-12-11§NOJIMA, ISAO
Vice President 100,000 Sale at $13.263 - $14.14 per share.
(Proceeds of about $1,370,000)
2001-12-05 -
2001-12-11§NOJIMA, ISAO
Vice President 100,000 Option Exercise at $0.05 per share.
(Cost of $5,000)
2001-11-07 BEST, DEREK J.
Vice President 13,206 Option Exercise at $0.95 per share.
(Cost of $12,545)
2001-10-24 HU, YAW WEN & ALLISON 10,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $87,911)
2001-10-24 HU, YAW WEN
  Director    10,000§Sale at $8.79 per share.
(Proceeds of $87,899)
2001-10-05 CHWANG, RONALD
  Director     5,406§Option Exercise at $0.68 - $1.21 per share.
2001-09-20 HU, YAW WEN
  Director   100,000§Option Exercise at $0.05 per share.
(Cost of $5,000)
2001-08-31 BEST, DEREK J.
Vice President 26,052 Option Exercise at $0.95 - $1.04 per share.
(Cost of about $26,000)
2001-07-31 BRINER, MICHAEL S.
Vice President 1,308 Option Exercise at $7.99 per share.
(Cost of $10,450)
2001-07-31 HU, YAW WEN
  Director     1,139§Option Exercise at $7.99 per share.
(Cost of $9,100)
2001-07-31 LUI, PAUL
Vice President 1,233 Option Exercise at $7.99 per share.
(Cost of $9,851)
2001-07-31 BEST, DEREK J.
Vice President 1,554 Option Exercise at $7.99 per share.
(Cost of $12,416)
2001-06-20 MOY, CHU TJOK 8,161 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $74,509)
2001-05-07 BEST, DEREK J. 20,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $201,400)
2001-05-07 BEST, DEREK J.
Vice President 20,000 Sale at $10.18 per share.
(Proceeds of $203,600)
Private or Shareholder 4,087 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $40,788)
2001-05-02 LUI, PAUL
Vice President 5,000 Sale at $10.30 per share.
(Proceeds of $51,500)
2001-05-01 WANG, TING-YA 234,747 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $2,230,000)
2001-04-27 LUI, PAUL
Vice President 577,281 Statement of Ownership
2001-04-19 LEE, SHONE K. 620 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $5,580)
2001-04-13 CHANG, CHUCK K.
Private or Shareholder 667 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $5,242)
2001-04-09 CHWANG, RONALD
  Director     7,557§Option Exercise at $0.68 - $1.21 per share.
2001-03-27 HWANG, YUN-SHENG
  Employee    14,681§Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $139,175)
2001-03-21 BEST, DEREK J.
Vice President 61,250 Option Exercise at $0.95 - $1.04 per share.
(Cost of about $61,000)
2001-03-20 MOY, CHU TJOK 8,161 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $73701.991)
2001-03-16 LUI, PAUL
Vice President 5,000 Sale at $9 - $9.031 per share.
(Proceeds of about $45,000)
2001-03-16 BEST, DEREK J. 10,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $91,560)
2001-03-15 TSUI, SC 5,532 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $50,825)
2001-03-15 WEN, YA & ALLISON HU YEN COM 10,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $90,000)
2001-03-15 -
2001-03-16§HU, YAW WEN
  Director    10,000§Sale at $9.19 - $9.38 per share.
(Proceeds of about $93,000)
2001-03-13 CHWANG, RONALD
  Director     1,000§Purchase at $9 per share.
(Cost of $9,000)
2001-03-02 LTC ENTERPRISE INC 14,482 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $162,922)
2001-02-15 GARON, JEFFREY L. 10,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $129,370)
2001-02-14 GARON, JEFFREY L. 10,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $124,370)
2001-02-14 -
2001-02-15§GARON, JEFFREY L.
Vice President 20,000 Sale at $12 - $13 per share.
(Proceeds of about $250,000)
2001-02-14 -
2001-02-15§GARON, JEFFREY L.
Vice President 20,000 Option Exercise at $0.99 per share.
(Cost of $19,800)
2001-01-31 HU, YAW WEN
  Director       962§Option Exercise at $12.64 per share.
(Cost of $12,159)
2001-01-12 LAI, JACK K.
Private or Shareholder 6,123 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $99,881)
2001-01-11 LEE, SHONE K. 400 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $6,400)
2001-01-05 LUI, PAUL S.
Vice President 21,000 Option Exercise at $1.54 per share.
(Cost of $32,340)
2001-01-04 KUNG, HING LEUNG 25,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $350,000)
Private or Shareholder 4,087 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $57,218)
2001-01-02 BRINER, MICHAEL S.
Vice President 166,800 Option Exercise at $1.04 per share.
(Cost of $173,472)
Private or Shareholder 8,174 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $94,001)
2000-12-15 MA, DANIEL
  Employee       108§Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $1,451)
2000-11-24 SAI-YIN LEE, JEANNE
Private or Shareholder 222 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $3,468)
2000-11-17 CHONG, BO NAM 9,709 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $198,427)
2000-11-09 KUNG, HING LEUNG 85,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $1,710,625)
2000-10-16 ARONSON, BERNARD 4,920 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $108,833)
2000-10-06 HWANG, YUN-SHENG
  Employee    14,681§Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $323892.222)
2000-10-04 KUNG, HING LEUNG 75,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $1,803,450)
2000-09-22 WU WEI, SU-CHENG 6,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $174,000)
Private or Shareholder 8,174 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $228357.038)
2000-09-19 CHOW, SZETO PAI 3,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $85,500)
2000-09-15 KASHANI, ASGHAR 7,500 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $162,187)
2000-09-15 KING, LEUNG KUNG 50,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $1,576,000)
  Director    30,000§Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $1,000,000)
2000-08-29 WANG, TING-YA 70,424 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $2398782.288)
2000-08-29 LEE, JONG W. 2,346 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $77,887)
2000-08-29 NOJIMA, ISAO
   Officer    60,000§Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $2,043,720)
2000-08-24 TIGHE, BRIAN R. 277 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $8,000)
2000-06-27 KOPPELMAN, MURRAY 2,425 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $218,250)
2000-06-14 TAIERA, TSUYOSHI 10,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $940,000)
2000-05-25 CHWANG, RONALD
  Director    11,056§Option Exercise at $2.03 - $10.688 per share.
2000-05-23 BEST, DEREK J.
Vice President 1,000 Purchase (Non Open Market) at $80.93 per share.
(Cost of $80,930)
  Director    10,000§Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $1,056,870)
  Director    10,000§Sale at $104.26 per share.
(Proceeds of $1,042,600)
2000-05-01 -
2000-05-12§LUI, PAUL
Vice President 4,000 Sale at $106 - $107.25 per share.
(Proceeds of about $427,000)
2000-04-25 CHEN, YEN YING 25,000 Planned Sale
(Estimated proceeds of $1,550,000)

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also SSTI habe ich auch nicht mehr aber gut für

07.04.02 20:13
15$ sind sie immer jedoch ebenso auch für 5$. das mir sagt, man muss sie nicht haben.
MCDT und NT werde ich mir näher ansehen.
good trade

Brauchen wohl Kohle für neue Optionen, hihihihi

07.04.02 20:14
Short 2,5% des freefloat ist aber ziemlich gering bei SSTI.

Bei RMBS immerhin bei 8,8% des freefloat.

Grüße        Reiny

Finanzen find ich auch nicht berauschend

07.04.02 20:37
Zahlen frisch vom 5.4. =>

Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash Flow Statement

Period Ending: Dec 31, 2001 Sep 30, 2001 Jun 30, 2001 Mar 31, 2001
Total Revenue $70,820,000 $74,197,000 $62,715,000 $86,298,000
Cost Of Revenue $60,527,000 $92,239,000 $38,037,000 $57,358,000
Gross Profit $10,293,000 ($18,042,000) $24,678,000 $28,940,000
Operating Expenses
Research And Development $12,081,000 $13,588,000 $12,425,000 $12,286,000
Selling General And Administrative Expenses $13,899,000 $12,402,000 $11,816,000 $11,152,000
Non Recurring N/A N/A N/A N/A
Other Operating Expenses N/A N/A N/A N/A

Operating Income ($15,687,000) ($44,032,000) $437,000 $5,502,000
Total Other Income And Expenses Net $1,106,000 $1,398,000 $1,469,000 $3,377,000
Earnings Before Interest And Taxes ($14,581,000) ($42,634,000) $1,906,000 $8,879,000
Interest Expense $73,000 $79,000 $87,000 $99,000
Income Before Tax ($14,654,000) ($42,713,000) $1,819,000 $8,780,000
Income Tax Expense ($5,569,000) ($16,231,000) $692,000 $3,336,000
Equity Earnings Or Loss Unconsolidated Subsidiary N/A N/A N/A N/A
Minority Interest N/A N/A N/A N/A
Net Income From Continuing Operations ($9,085,000) ($26,482,000) $1,127,000 $5,444,000
Nonrecurring Events
Discontinued Operations N/A N/A N/A N/A
Extraordinary Items N/A N/A N/A N/A
Effect Of Accounting Changes N/A N/A N/A N/A
Other Items N/A N/A N/A N/A
Net Income ($9,085,000) ($26,482,000) $1,127,000 $5,444,000
Preferred Stock And Other Adjustments N/A N/A N/A N/A
Net Income Applicable To Common Shares ($9,085,000) ($26,482,000) $1,127,000 $5,444,000
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scheisse schon wieder erwischt worden ;-) o.T.

07.04.02 20:55

Hihihihi ;-) o.T.

07.04.02 21:16
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