Ein ganz heisser OTC Tipp

Beiträge: 9
Zugriffe: 499 / Heute: 1
Stox Dude:

Ein ganz heisser OTC Tipp

14.03.02 08:02
normalerweise wuerde ich den nicht ins board stellen, aber ausnahmsweise
erwaehne ich den hier.

Ticker: ARBN  (Aubryn International)
KK vom 13-03-02: $0.065 cents

Trading volume ca. 2,6 Mio shares von Active Float of 5,9 Million shares

Bitte nicht kaufen ohne vorher Informationen einzuholen.

Ich rechne mit grossem Wachstum im Natural Springs Water Market


14.03.02 08:18
Das Ding ist gestern 22% gefallen. Wo siehst du dein Kursziel??


Perrier bringt Phantasie rein

14.03.02 08:26
aber ich wär da doch vorsichtig,schliesslich sind keine SEC-filings nach 1999 zu finden
Stox Dude:

hier was zum lesen

14.03.02 08:53


14.03.02 09:16
ich erinnere mich an wasserverseuchung zum zweck der aktienmanipulation. damals wollten big boys billig kaufen. business the american way.  
Stox Dude:

FranzS:mein Kursziel sehe ich bei $0.12cents

14.03.02 09:26
und wenn dies erreicht ist, werde ich es mir ueberlegen ob ich verkaufe
oder noch halten werde.
Stox Dude:

Sollte der FDA Approval kommen, dann werden

14.03.02 10:41
wir noch bessere Kurse als $0.12 cents sehen *g*

Hier paar Infos:

About Water

Aubryn International Inc, recently entered into a highly profitable business line, the bottled water industry. Sales for the Bottled Water Industry were 5.2 Billion in 1999. The bottled water industry continues to experience tremendous growth. For example in the same year sales increased by 12.1% while in the same year some of the other segments of the beverage market grew only by these amounts: fruit beverage volume grew 1.6%, beer 1.5%, soft drinks 0.6%.

The Company has signed an agreement with Mr. J. E. Daniels of Gorman LLC, located in Aguora Hills, California, that gives the company control of over 1700 acres and/or 52% of the water rights of the city of Gorman. Aubryn will have the control of the land for the next twenty (20) years, with a fifty (50) year option to purchase.

The valuation estimate was $28,000,000.00 (twenty eight million USD) which by far exceeded the levels originally anticipated. The valuation on all 1700 acres of water rights for the Gorman Property springs was completed by American Finance Network, located in San Diego, California.

The head of financial research for American Finance Network, Mr. Andrew M. Ania, conducted the valuation. This evaluation is based on information presented in the investigation report provided by GSI/Water dated May 23, 2001. Taking into consideration that the GSI/Water covers 6 of the 19 well, on the 1700 acres, and that the other wells are similar in size and water production.

The spring water was quality tested by National Research Laboratory in December of 2000 and the results of this test show the water meets FDA guide lines to carry the FDA approval that will allow the water to be labeled Spring Water.


Bis jetzt wieder -7% auf 0,065 Dollar o.T.

14.03.02 19:59
Happy End:

Ein ganz heißer Tip ;-) o.T.

14.03.02 21:19
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