ECAT ist eine DER aufstrebenden VC-Firms in Australien. Grösste (mir bekannte) Anteilseigner an ECAT sind GRANGE und PACIFIC RIM INVEST.
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Anbei latest News:
ECAT invests in Sustainable
Technologies Australia Limited
ECAT Development Capital Limited (ASX Code: "ECL") advises that it has
subscribed for 2.5 million fully paid ordinary shares in Sustainable
Technologies Australia Limited ("STA") at an issue price of 20 cents per
share for a total consideration of 500,000 AUD. ECL's shareholding will
represent 3.3% of STA's expanded issued capital after the placement.
on 24 January 2000, STA shareholders approved the acquisition of 100% of
the assets of Barrington Services Pty Ltd which trades as 'Information Kiosk
Systems' ("IKS"), the consideration being 22.5 million shares in STA at an
issue price of 20 cents which values the acquisition at 4.5 Mil. AUD. IKS
has installed a network of 900 kiosks in retail pharmacies and health food
stores throughout Australia and New Zealand to provide Point-of-Sales
access to its consumer health library. The fully referenced database enables
users to find personally relevant information on over 2,700 discrete
health-related topics. Health topics and information updates are researched
and written by in-house professional writers, as well as medical consultants, including dieticians, physiotherapists, dentists, travel experts, pharmacists, and academics. IKS intends to launch a branded internet site by mid-2000.
STA is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange ("ASX") (ASX Code : STA)
and operates from Queenbeyan in New South Wales. The company was
formed in 1985 to develop, manufacture and market environmentally efficient
products. STA was listed on the ASX in March 1994. Prior to the acquisition
of IKS, the company's principal business was the development and
marketing of the 'STA Titania Solar Cell' and the 'STA Smart Window'.
please contact Adam Rankine-Wilson or Chris Eager on (08) 9481 3733 for
further information concerning ECAT or this investment.