HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao offered a budget-deficit forecast Friday that would be a little wider than last year's deficit, though other government officials said the gap will remain less than 3% of gross domestic product.
TOKYO (MarketWatch) -- The Bank of Japan will likely consider more monetary easing through April, aimed at pushing down short-term rates, according to a report Friday.
#99 - es wird nicht besser
Der US-amerikanische Index zu den anstehenden Hausverkäufen ist im Januar um 7,6 % gefallenn. Erwartet wurde hingegen eine Veröffentlichung von -1,0 bis +1,7 %.
Gehen die Chinesen gegen die Spekulaten vor bevor es so kommt wie inden USA?
HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- Premier Wen Jiabao pledged additional measures Friday to curb speculation in the nation's housing market, signaling tighter lending to the sector, targeted taxes, and stricter enforcement real-estate laws.
"We will rein in speculative housing purchases by intensifying the implementation of differentiated credit and tax policies," Wen said in his report to the annual National People's Congress in Beijing.
He said the government would improve management of land to prevent "land prices from rising too fast," along with "greater efforts" to tackle illegal land hoarding and property-price manipulation. Dieses Posting wurde elektronisch erstellt und enthält deshalb keine Unterschrift.
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